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1. Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC. 2003-2004 Disability Program Navigator Audio Conferences.
1 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC 2003-2004 Disability Program Navigator Audio Conferences • Session VII – July 15, 2004 Streetwise Employment Tools that WorkSponsored by:The Department of Labor and the Social Security Administration, in cooperation with the Law, Health Policy, and Disability Center of the University of Iowa's College of Law Presented by:David Hammis, Senior Partner Griffin - Hammis Associates, LLC
2 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • I. Overview: Incorporating SSA, WIA, & VR resources for wage & self employment • II. Example: WIA supported small business & blending resources available through Medicaid & Social Security • III. Strategies: Using work incentives to develop self employment options
3 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • I. Overview • Premise: Certainly not all, yet many individuals with disabilities receive some type of government benefits or support, such as: • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) & Medicare • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) & Medicaid • Veterans & VA Medical Coverage • Housing &/or Energy Assistance, &/or Food Stamps • Vocational Rehabilitation • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
4 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • I. Overview • Premise: Many individuals with disabilities receiving government benefits make decisions to-work or not-to-work based on the effect of earnings on benefits • Deciding to work or not to work often can be based on perceived, feared, or known impacts on benefits • Some benefits programs mandate work &/or mandate work search or work related training activities at some point to receive services or benefits • Streetwise employment tools are the tools that address and effectively solve for each person’s benefits concerns and fears.
5 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • I. Overview • Premise: Adults Work! The issue is not if someone can or will work – it’s simply “Will you work for money?” • Adults work all day long via home-work, school-work, free-work, paid work, self-employment-work • Home-work: Brushing teeth, laundry, cooking, getting dressed • School-work: Reading newspapers, watching educational TV • Free-work: Volunteer work, assisting neighbors or friends • Paid-work: Wage jobs, working for someone else • Self-employment-work: Mowing lawns, baby-sitting, craft sales
6 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • I. Overview • Why would people with disabilities not want to work for money? • Possible Reasons: • Fears of losing government healthcare benefits • Fears of losing monthly cash benefits • Social isolation imposed in segregated work settings • Social prejudice fears & demeaning expert expectations • Complex systems policies and regulations • Presumption of “inability to work” by benefits systems
7 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • I. Overview • Incorporating VR, WIA & SSA Resources • Effective Streetwise Resources: • VR: Direct Employment & Self-Employment Purchases • WIA: Facilitation of Accurate Information and Co-ordination of information, local resources, counseling, and Individual Training Account (ITA) funding • SSA - Social Security Administration: Accurate Information and support to understand benefits fears and concerns: • Ticket To Work and Employment Networks • Benefits Planning Assistance & Outreach (BPAO) Local Resources • Plans for Achieving Self Support – Direct Cash Accounts
8 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • I. Overview: • Section I: Overview • Q & A (or a short 10 minute break )
9 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • II. Example: • From: “Creating a Fully Accessible & Truly Welcoming One-Stop System Project” • Funded by a Workforce Incentive Grant by the ETA, U.S. DOL Worksystems, Inc. & the Oregon Health Science University (OHSU) • “Building Capacity to assist customers with disabilities to become self employed” is one component of the project • Additional Support was “braided” from: Oregon VR, The Seattle SSA PASS Cadre, Tillamook County Small Business Development Center, Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC, local Tillamook Medicaid, PCA, Food Stamps, Section 8, and SSA Field Office staff
10 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • II. Example: • Brad’s Story: Rebuilding his life – by Tina Weeks
11 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • II. Example: • Brad: $1,500 per month SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) Monthly Check & Medicare • Issue:Medicaredoes not pay long term support • Solution Prior to Benefits Analysis & Subsequent SSA Work Incentives Application: • Medicaid “Spend Down” billed Brad about $950 per month to cause him to “spend down” his monthly SSDI income to get to the SSI (Supplemental Security Income) 2003 Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) of $552 to qualify for Medicaid – leaving him only $552 to live on – Medicaid does pay long term support
12 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • II. Example: • Solution Proposed to Brad: Use a SSA PASS to qualify for SSI and Medicaid – and eliminate his monthly Medicaid Spend Down • PASS for large SSDI checks requires projections of Net Earnings from Self Employment (NESE) over SGA (Substantial Gainful Activity) (over $810 in 2004) • Brad ends up with a large $30,000 PASS for his business startup and new van & more discretionary Income to live on
13 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • II. Example: • SSA PASS: $20,000 Van $10,000 Biz • VR: $20,000 Van Modifications $20,000 Biz (Business Startup Equipment & Services)
14 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • II. Example: • Brad’s Net Earnings = his owner’s draws • Brad’s projected monthly business Net Earnings: • 2003: $204 per month • 2004: $843 per month • 2005: $934 per month • Brad ends up with a goal of not earning less than SGA in his business (versus traditional advice not to earn more than SGA) – so his SSDI check does not restart
15 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • II. Example: • Brad’s Self-Employment Benefits Advantages • PESS (Property Essential to Self Support) – allows for unlimited business property including unlimited liquid resources (cash in his business account) • PASS is the only tool in any system that could get Brad on SSI with his large SSDI check: • SSI brings with it Medicaid in Oregon and in most states, and eliminates his Medicaid Spend Down
16 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • II. Example: • Section II: Example • Q & A (or a short 10 minute break )
17 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • III. Strategies: • 1.) One Stops become SSA Ticket to Work Employment Network Providers: • Simple Application – Low Risk/High Yield • Self Directed Tickets (such as: http://www.aaatakecharge.com/ ) • Ticket Outcome Payments Provide Cash Flow for One Stops • 2.) Coordinate with SSA BPAO Funded local outreach staff, and VR & Medicaid, Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing
18 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • III. Strategies: • 3.) One Stops send Navigator staff to SSA sponsored 5 day certification training for BPAO services • Internal Staff Provide Benefits Planning Support & Employment Network Support • 4.) Provide Office Space for local BPAO staff • Often BPAO staff trained by SSA work out of their homes
19 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • III. Strategies: • 5.) Invite BPAO staff to present at One Stop Monthly or bi-Monthly Orientation Trainings • Create a benefits accessible One Stop over time by providing immediate and clear benefits information in a One Stop versus having to refer customers out the door as soon as they arrive • 6.) Provide access to Benefits Planning Software on all One Stop Customer use Computers – such as (there’s more): • Employment Support Institute at VCU - Work World Software (free) at http://www.workworld.org • SSIManager (web based) – http://www.griffinhammis.com • University of Missouri RCEP7: http://www.rcep7.org
20 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • III. Strategies: • 7.) Small Business Development Center Staff: • Negotiate with VR and SBDC’s to provide clear information and immediate access in the One Stop – on computers, policies, office space if possible, orientation meetings, etc... • Self Employment Support Options require a series focus and intent to create the initial information and welcoming attitudes required • 8.) Meet with local PHA’s (Public Housing Authorities), Medicaid, VR, SSA staff, staff and invite and share similar approaches as outlined in 1-6 for BPAO staff
21 Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC Streetwise Employment Tools that Work • III. Strategies: • Section III: Strategies • Q & A: 10 Minutes • Evaluations & Adjourn: Thank You!!!!!!!!!! • Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC On-line Evaluation at: • http://www.griffinhammis.com/trainingEval.asp