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Human-Interactive Autonomous Flight Manager for Precision Lunar Landing. Lauren J. Kessler Laura Major Forest ljkessler@draper.com lforest@draper.com. Agenda. ALHAT Overview Background Definitions Landing architecture for Apollo Autonomy Roadmap Initial Architecture & Design Functions
Human-Interactive Autonomous Flight Manager for Precision Lunar Landing Lauren J. Kessler Laura Major Forest ljkessler@draper.com lforest@draper.com
Agenda • ALHAT Overview • Background • Definitions • Landing architecture for Apollo • Autonomy Roadmap • Initial Architecture & Design • Functions • Architecture • Autonomy • Human Insertion • Conclusions
ALHAT Project Overview • Autonomous precision Landing and Hazard detection and Avoidance Technology (ALHAT) • Lunar descent and landing GNC technology development project • The Project includes: • Definition, design, development, test, verification, validation and qualification of an integrated GNC lunar descent and landing system to TRL 6 capable of supporting lunar crewed, cargo, and robotic missions
ALHAT System Level 0 Requirements 1. Landing Location The ALHAT System shall enable landing of the vehicle at any surface location certified as feasible for landing. 2. Lighting Condition The ALHAT System shall enable landing of the vehicle in any lighting condition. 3. Landing Precision The ALHAT System shall enable landing of the vehicle at a designated landing point with a 1 sigma error of less than 30 meters 4. Hazard Detection and Avoidance The ALHAT System shall detect hazards, 30 cm and larger objects and slopes 5 degrees and greater, and provide surface target re-designation. 5. Vehicle Versatility The ALHAT System shall enable landing of crewed (humans on board), cargo (human scale without humans onboard) and robotic (smaller exploration vehicles without humans onboard) vehicles. 6. Autonomy The ALHAT System shall have the capability to operate autonomously (without command and control intervention from sources external to the vehicle). 7. Crewed Vehicle The ALHAT System shall accept supervisory control from the onboard crew. 8. Interoperability The ALHAT System shall be interoperable with other elements of the Constellation Architecture. 9. Standards The ALHAT System will adhere to the applicable set of measurement units, data and data exchange protocols defined by the Constellation Program.
AFM Task Motivation • [A]LHAT • Put some definition, thought, and FY07 planning towards the “A” in ALHAT (A=autonomous) • Desire is to formulate and document an understanding WRT • Defining an overall role of the autonomous flight manager (AFM) • Defining a top level design architecture appropriate to ALHAT needs • What is an appropriate split between the AFM and Guidance? • What is an appropriate split between the AFM and HDA? • What is the functional division between the AFM and the human? • Suggesting a top level implementation architecture appropriate to ALHAT needs
ESMD Requirements • There is a desire for increasing levels of operational autonomy capabilities in order to prepare for exploration beyond the Moon • However, there is also a requirement for manual intervention of automated functions critical to mission success and crew safety NASA Autonomy definition: Independence from Mission Control (Earth) Exploration Systems Mission Directorate; ESMD-RQ-0011 Preliminary (Rev. E) Exploration Crew Transportation System Requirements Document (Spiral 1); Effective Date: 24 Mar 2005. Page 31 of 45.
Level of AutomationApollo Human control in a lunar lander Highly automated lunar lander • The importance of choosing the correct level of automation was recognized in the development of the Apollo program. • Balance between overloading the astronauts and providing enough information and tasking so they are prepared for decision making if necessary.
BackgroundSheridan’s Levels of Automation • The roles of the computer and the human depend upon • Frequency of operator interaction • Complexity of operator interaction • Autonomy Must be Capable of Interacting Flexibly with Humans Parasuraman, Sheridan, Wickens."A Model for Types and Levels of Human Interaction with Automation." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 30, No. 3., 2000.
Functional Flow of Apollo Astronauts and System Crew input GN&C Vehicle Draper, C.S., Whitaker, H.P., Young, L.R. “The Roles of Mend and Instruments in Control and Guidance Systems for Spacecraft.” 15th International Astronautical Congress, Poland, 1964.
Apollo Function Allocation • Sensor functions • Terrain Relative Navigation (TRN) • Landmark tracking to confirm location (during PDI) • Hazard Detection and Avoidance (HDA) • Determine if there are hazards in the landing zone via the reticle on the window • Scheduling functions • Astronauts gave the commands to change modes, start accepting radar data, etc • Monitoring and diagnosis • Astronauts constantly checked fuel levels, attitude, velocity, etc • Manual control • Semi-automated or fully manual Role of Computer System Role of Astronauts • Traditional GN&C functions • Navigation • Current vehicle location • Guidance • Maneuver commands required to achieve guidance target condition • Command examples: rate of descent, attitude, etc • Control • Control actuation commands • Command examples: nozzle position, engine throttle, etc Nevins, J.L., “Man-Machine Design for the Apollo Navigation, Guidance, and Control System-Revisited.” NASA report, January 1970. Klump, A.R., “A Manually retargeted automatic descent and landing system for LEM.” Report-539, March 1966.
Types of Astronaut Input • Management by Interruption • Guidance mode control • Via the DSKY • Changes to Guidance target conditions (P64) • Designate a new landing aim point (via rotational hand controller) • Inputs to Control (P66 – “semi-auto mode”) • Crew controlled the attitude to maneuver the vehicle by commanding the nozzles in the form of an angular acceleration command signal • Altitude or altitude rate were held constant by the computer, the crew could change these through the Rate of Descent switch • Vehicle commands (P67 - “full manual mode”) • Crew controlled engine throttle manually • Attitude was controlled by the Digital Autopilot • This mode was rarely used because of the high workload required Nevins, J.L., “Man-Machine Design for the Apollo Navigation, Guidance, and Control System-Revisited.” NASA report, January 1970. Klump, A.R., “A Manually retargeted automatic descent and landing system for LEM.” Report-539, March 1966.
ALHAT Program • GN&C System Functions • Determine current navigation state • Determine vehicle commands needed to reach next state target condition • Hazard Detection and Avoidance Functions • Detailed sensor input on landing site • Algorithms determine the characteristics of the landing site • Identified Autonomy Need • Mission management tasks to: • Replace heavy ground involvement during Apollo • Reduce onboard crew workload and error probability
Need for Autonomous Flight Manager • Apollo design resulted in high crew workload and room for human error: • Landing footprint capability was primarily a mental calculation and rough estimate • Astronauts had to rely on memory stores developed through extensive training for vital information • No relative size indicators…astronauts reported significant difficulty sensing sink rates and lateral motion • Limited redesignation options due to LM window constraints • New Landing Requirements: • Lower risk • Challenging terrain (close to an asset or feature) • Higher precision • Tighter budget • Need for lower cost training • Technology improvements enable automating many of the tasks required by Apollo astronauts to help in achieving the new requirements: • Example technologies that have paved the way: • Flight management systems & autopilots • Autonomous vehicles (e.g., UUVs) • NASA technologies
Autonomy Requirements • Autonomously provide adaptive behavior for unmanned operations… • Handle the dynamic nature of the missions within the boundaries of the pre-mission planning • Un-assisted by earth-based support • …while allowing human-interaction in manned operations • Without a separate, unique software solution • In accordance with the Human Rating Requirements • Allow for manual intervention of safety critical functions
Proposed Level of Autonomy • Supervisory control: the human operator has the authority to inhibit and/or override any safety-critical automated function of the descent and landing system • Required for robotic missions • Disallowed for crewed flights (HRR) • Design target for crewed flights Human Operator Human Operator Human Operator Human Operator Human Operator Display Controller Display Controller Display Controller Display Controller Display Computer Computer Computer Computer Major loops closed by computer Minor loops closed by computer Sensor Actuator Sensor Actuator Sensor Actuator Sensor Actuator Sensor Actuator Task Task Task Task Task Manual Control Supervisory Control Fully Automatic
Types of Autonomy • Premise • Autonomous systems are an aid to humans rather than a replacement • Focuses on the attributes of planning, perception, adaptation, learning and diagnosis • Types of Autonomy • Scripted • Systems that are essentially autopilots • Perform preplanned scripts of actions based on anticipated events • Supervised • Allows for an evolving mission sequence • Intelligent • Allows for an evolving mission objective • Intended to execute abstract human directives • Accommodates (adapts) to unplanned events
Implement at the supervisory level Dovetails with the goal of Human-supervisory control ALHAT System exchanges data with the landing vehicle’s cockpit Helps the ALHAT System to achieve the low level of risk required for a crewed vehicle Onboard human supervisory awareness is directly supported by the ALHAT System design Does not try to tackle the higher complexity and abstraction of evolving mission objectives Allows for real-time human insertion (in the crewed and cargo missions) while being flexible enough to replace the human (in robotic missions), with pre-planned decision rules. Types of Autonomy: ALHAT Autonomy ChallengeProposed Level of Autonomy Scripted Perform preplanned scripts of actions based on anticipated events Supervised Allows for an evolving mission sequence Intelligent Allows for an evolving mission objective
ALHAT Function Allocation • Approval of specific scheduling functions • Example: Begin de-orbit • Supervise the ALHAT closed loop tasks • Monitor the following and diagnose any deviations from expectations: • Vehicle behavior, trajectory, surface landmarks, landing zone hazards, vehicle health and status • Redirect AFM • If there are unexpected deviations or changes to the mission goals, the crew can redirect the vehicle • Input new target conditions • Modify buffer on vehicle tolerances • Issue an abort Role of Computer System Role of Astronauts • Traditional GN&C functions • Sensor functions • TRN & HDA • Scheduling functions • GN&C mode changes • Sensor data acquisition • Monitoring and diagnosing • AFM will compare current state against predicted state along the trajectory (including human input, health & status) • AFM will determine if state deviations require re-planning of landing sequence • Re-planning • AFM will adjust target conditions to create a new feasible plan (when triggered by diagnosis)
Functional Role of AFM Vehicle Optional manual control commands Optional actuation commands Control System Maneuver commands ALHAT Guidance & Navigation System Optional guidance commands Target conditions AFM Constraint changes, overrides, target conditions, etc Crew
Autonomy Software ArchitectureBased on Sense-Act-Think Paradigm Draper’s implementation: All-Domain Execution and Planning Technology (ADEPT) • Planner • Creates plan and modifies current plan when necessary (triggered by Diagnoser) • Can generate multiple plans, especially in a decision support role for human interaction • Execution • Interprets the current plan • Issues commands to • subordinate planning level • physical system to be controlled • Monitor • Validates best estimates of the sensed data • Monitors operation of the system being controlled • Diagnoser • Analyzes “difference vector” identified by the monitor • Determine root cause & impact on capabilities of system being controlled • External Coordination Module • Provides interface between system being controlled and other control elements – e.g. humans, other systems
Hierarchy Planning Horizon Solution Detail Highest Level Longest Lowest Situation Awareness Planning & Execution Intermediate Levels Situation Awareness Planning & Execution Lowest Level Situation Awareness Planning & Execution Shortest Highest Hierarchical DecompositionOverview Temporal Decomposition • Simplify implementation of solution to real-time, closed-loop planning problems • Higher levels create plans with greatest temporal scope, but low level of detail in planned activities • Lower levels’ temporal scope decreases, but detail of planned activities increases Diagnosis Plan Generation & Selection Functional Decomposition • Each level of the planning hierarchy is decomposed into key functional components • Inputs and outputs • Connectivity/relationship • Constraints (e.g. performance, operational) • Re-plan if needed • Elevate issue to higher level (if required) • Produce new mission plan Monitoring Plan Execution • Check progress against plan • Translate plan into executable command
Orbit TransferOrbit PoweredDescent EndMission Shutdown Startup Transit PreBurnPlan Abort Abort Abort BreakingBurn PitchOver TerminalDescent Activity HierarchyExample Mission DeOrbitBurn Coast PreDescentPlan • A mix of time-based decomposition & functional decomposition
Trajectory Monitoring & Planning • The execution of the precision landing sequence will be governed by the use of state “corridors” • Union of a family of possible state trajectories with associated guidance target conditions • State includes such things as velocity, attitude, fuel usage, position, etc. • Developed far in advance of the mission • If there are deviations outside the nominal corridor, then AFM re-planning is triggered • Re-planning consists of selecting new target conditions relative to preplanned state corridor options
Nature of Pre-calculated Trajectory Corridors • GN&C analysis and trade studies will be used to determine corridor approach and target conditions, including: • How the trajectory corridors will be defined: • Pre-calculated, or predict-ahead, or combination • The hard target conditions used to define the phase transitions: • e.g. altitude, velocity, attitude, fuel state… • The AFM will not select from an infinite amount of options, only the set of contingencies will be considered • Defining the corridors up-front … • Reduces required on-board computing • Narrows the V&V of the re-planning options to data developed far in advance of the mission
Types of Astronaut InputInto AFM • Management by Interruption (changes to the target conditions) • Crew can update the conditions used by the AFM based on the evolving mission, within specified bounds (e.g., input a new landing aimpoint) • Management by consent (Authority to Proceed) • Execution will not occur unless the crew consents to a proposed action (e.g., de-orbit burn) • Management by exception (time-outs) • Execution will occur within a specified timeframe if the crew does not prevent the AFM from proceeding (e.g., phase change out of a non-sustainable orbit)
Specific Crew Interaction with ALHAT SystemCalled out by the Level 0 Comments • Landing site re-designation • Adjustments to the descent and landing planning constraints • Mission phase initiation and approval • Abort decisions • Fault identification and recovery Specific Crew Interactions with ALHAT Types of Human Insertion • Management by interruption (changes to target conditions) • Management by consent (Authority to Proceed) • Management by exception (time-outs)
Crew Landing Site Re-designationExample • HDA sensors & algorithms will identify hazardous regions • AFM will determine alternate landing sites and present the top 5 alternate options with key information about each option • Crew will not have to integrate data across multiple instruments to determine key decision criteria • During landing, the crew can redesignate to any of the alternate landing sites • New landing aimpoint will become an input to the AFM Notional display for terminal descent
Orbit TransferOrbit EndMission Shutdown Startup Transit PreBurnPlan Abort Abort Abort BreakingBurn PitchOver Crew Landing Site Re-designation Low level Insertion into AFM Mission PoweredDescent DeOrbitBurn Coast PreDescentPlan TerminalDescent • The constraints of the lowest level controller are updated based on crew input • This is handled similar to something in the environment causing a local re-plan New landing aimpoint
Orbit PoweredDescent EndMission Shutdown Startup Transit PreBurnPlan Abort Abort Abort BreakingBurn PitchOver Crew Landing Site Re-designation High Level Insertion into AFM Mission TransferOrbit DeOrbitBurn Coast PreDescentPlan New landing aimpoint TerminalDescent • If human change is outside the capability of the planner, the activity will require re-planning from its parent
Conclusions • New landing and safety requirements necessitate an additional technology to handle mission planning and monitoring activities • GN&C will provide the detailed maneuver and control commands • AFM will update GN&C target conditions as necessary • AFM must provide mechanism for human redirection and interruption • Real-time autonomy architecture will need to support human insertion at multiple levels and quickly adapt to human input • Design of AFM architecture and Crew Interface design are tightly coupled • Technology development to mature AFM to TRL6 will continue as part of the ALHAT program
References • Parasuraman, Sheridan, Wickens."A Model for Types and Levels of Human Interaction with Automation." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 30, No. 3., 2000. • Exploration Systems Mission Directorate; ESMD-RQ-0011 Preliminary (Rev. E) Exploration Crew Transportation System Requirements Document (Spiral 1); Effective Date: 24 Mar 2005. Page 31 of 45. • Draper, C.S., Whitaker, H.P., Young, L.R. “The Roles of Men and Instruments in Control and Guidance Systems for Spacecraft.” 15th International Astronautical Congress, Poland, 1964. • Sheridan, T.B. Humans and Automation: System Design and Research Issues, 2002 • Boff, K.R. Ch. 40, Handbook of Perception and Human Performance, Moray, 1986. • Nevins, J.L., “Man-Machine Design for the Apollo Navigation, Guidance, and Control System-Revisited.” NASA report, January 1970. • Klump, A.R., “A Manually retargeted automatic descent and landing system for LEM.” Report-539, March 1966. • Card, S. K., Moran, T. P., & Newell, A. (1983). The psychology of human-computer interaction. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. • Ricard, M., Kolitz, S., “The ADEPT Framework for Intelligent Autonomy”, presented at NATO Research and Technology Organization Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Aeronautics, April 2002.