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The Necessity of Manipulation for Intelligence in Robots

The Necessity of Manipulation for Intelligence in Robots. Soroush Vosoughi Christina Hawkes 6.141 Debate #6 (pro side) Spring 2007. The hand is the cutting edge of the mind -Jacob Bronowski. Overview. Definitions of “manipulation” and “intelligence” Manipulation is vital to learning

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The Necessity of Manipulation for Intelligence in Robots

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Necessity of Manipulation for Intelligence in Robots Soroush Vosoughi Christina Hawkes 6.141 Debate #6 (pro side) Spring 2007

  2. The hand is the cutting edge of the mind-Jacob Bronowski

  3. Overview • Definitions of “manipulation” and “intelligence” • Manipulation is vital to learning • Manipulation is required for understanding things about the real world • Learning and understanding are required for intelligence

  4. Manipulation Any means (direct or indirect) for a robot to interact with the real world

  5. Human-scale Intelligence • Intelligence that differentiates us from other animals • Grounded in the real world • Important features: • learning and adaptability • robust reasoning and planning • awareness of the real world and its existence in it

  6. How to learn about the real world

  7. How to learn about the real world

  8. Can you do this without manipulation? Would a robot that couldn’t do this be intelligent? (video)

  9. Problems with lack of manipulation • No active learning possible • Learning about the world is slower and more limited • Some kinds of learning not even possible • No understanding of many properties of objects in the real world

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