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S42 International Postal Address Components and Templates. Presenters: Ruth Jones, Mabel Grein & Joe Lubenow. Mailers´ Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) August 5, 2004. AGENDA. Background on Universal Postal Union (UPU) S42 Standard Why did we chose this solution?
S42 International Postal Address Components and Templates Presenters: Ruth Jones, Mabel Grein & Joe Lubenow Mailers´ Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) August 5, 2004
AGENDA • Background on Universal Postal Union (UPU) • S42 Standard • Why did we chose this solution? • The Postal Address Database • The Parsing of Address Elements • The Address Template Concept • Slotting Parsed Address Elements into Templates
UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION • Established in 1874, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) is the second oldest international organization after the International Telecommunications Union. • The UPU is the primary forum for cooperation between postal services and helps to ensure a truly universal network of up-to-date products and services.
WHAT IS A STANDARD The British Standards Institute describes a standard as: "a published specification that establishes a common language, and contains a technical specification or other precise criteria and is designed to be used consistently, as a rule, a guideline, or a definition".
UPU STANDARDS BOARD The UPU's Standards Board develops and maintains a growing number of technical standards and electronic data interchange (EDI) message specifications to improve the exchange of postal-related information between Posts, and promotes the compatibility of UPU and international postal initiatives.
POST*Code - PROJECT TEAM 2 The UPU and the Postal Operations Council charged the POST*Code Project team to develop a standard: • Provide the definition of address components • Create Postal address templates
KEY PARTICIPANTS • UPU POST*Code project team • Experts from all participating Posts • Experts from the industry • European CEN Technical Committee 331 • UPU DMAB Address Management Project team • USPS International Address Working Group (IATWG) • IDEAlliance Address Data Interchange Specification working group
INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS STANDARD UPU S42 • S42 Standard consists of three major concepts: • Elements • Templates • Rendition Instructions • The Standard is based upon a comprehensive list of name and address elements originally developed by the CEN
INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS STANDARD UPU S42 Elements: • The elements define the smallest meaningful parts of names and addresses
EXAMPLE: UPU ADDRESS ELEMENTS • Street Number • Street Name • Street Type • Town • ZIP Code • + 4
INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS STANDARD UPU S42 Address Template: • The template is a map of where specific address elements should occur in the delivery address to insure delivery in the most economical and automation compatible fashion for the destination post.
INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS STANDARD UPU S42 Rendition Instructions: • Rendition Instructions govern "the production of addresses on an output medium such as an address label or a computer display screen. • Included in the standard is a registry of rendition instructions, which can be formatting rules for final presentation, including abbreviation and prioritization of data elements when there are constraints on available space."
EXAMPLE OF US RENDITION INSTRUCTIONS: • City = “Chicago” = S42 town • State = “Illinois” = S42 region • ZIP Code = “60625” = S42 Primary Postcode • ZIP Code Addendum = “3806” = S42 Secondary Postcode • State abbreviation should be used • State abbreviation should be capitalized • Two spaces recommended after State continue…
EXAMPLE OF US RENDITION INSTRUCTIONS: • Hyphen needed between parts of ZIP Code • Hyphen only permitted if both parts present • Result: “Chicago IL 60625-3806”
Australia Brazil Chile Finland France Germany Great Britain Japan Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Portugal Sweden United States of America Venezuela INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS STANDARD UPU S42
S42 Published Standard February 3, 2004
WHY USE S42? Benefits • Address logic can be built into existing software • The use of the S42 Standard benefit foreign mail being sent out of the country as well as in bound mail from other countries. • Keep all addresses in one database, both domestic and foreign • Improve Address Quality
NEXT STEPS FOR THE S42 SUB-GROUP • Add data from other countries • Continue the testing process • Assist other countries as requested with addressing issues • Continue to integrate the templates into software • Develop additional implementation engines
What makes a Standard effective? First a standard must meet a need. “It is difficult to share address information across organizations and this is especially true of international address information.”
What makes a Standard effective? Experts in the problem area must be involved in addressing the need. The members of the UPU standards board POST*CODE work group were appointed on the basis of their qualifications in their addressing domains. They were joined in their work by individuals with a clear link to postal and/or standards activities. Thus bringing together a sense of how the posts perceive addresses (ideally) and how external organizations view them (reality).
What makes a Standard effective? A standard must be known to exist • The unfortunate truth is that many standards never see the light of day. They exist in a half world where those in the know may use them but distribution is often limited. • This practice of exclusion allows some companies a clear business advantage and allows others to capitalize by building expensive software solutions only the truly large corporations can afford.
Why did we choose this solution? We chose parsed address elements because of the way the world posts tend to maintain their address information. It was a good way to solve the issues around address quality, integrity and rendition. It also offered solutions to the problem of how to store multinational addresses in one database.
Common Definitions • Addressee, the final recipient of the mail. • Constructs, combinations of address elements that can form a line of an address. • Mailee, commonly referred to as “Care of” or “attention” information. • NLT - Natural Language Template a common way of expressing the components and order of address elements • PATDL – Postal Address Template Description Language.
Parsing Address Elements The parsing of addresses into elements can be done manually. However, it is easier when handling large volumes of addresses to secure parsed elements as part of the address matching process that is already required for mailing discounts. All CASS certified matching engines are required to parse address lines into address elements.
Templates The template is a map of where specific address elements should occur in the delivery address to insure delivery in the most economical and automation compatible fashion for the destination post.
Template Constructs The USPS Publication 28 example of address line order and content served as the example for the ordering of the isolated elements into the address lines or constructs .
The First Level Identifiers 10 Addressee specification segment 11 Mailee specification segment 12 Recipient despatching information segment 13 Delivery point specification segment, excluding delivery point location construct 14 Delivery point location construct
00 organisation name 01 legal status 02 organisational unit 03 function 04 addressee role descriptor 05 form of address 06 given name 07 surname prefix 08 surname 09 name qualifier 10 qualification 11 mailee role descriptor 12 defining authority 13 postcode 14 country 15 region 16 town 17 district 19 delivery service type 20 delivery service indicator 21 thoroughfare name 22 thoroughfare type 23 thoroughfare qualifier 24 street number or plot 30 floor 31 door 32 supplementary delivery point data 33 supplementary despatch data 34 proximate town 35 delivery service qualifier Second Level Identifiers
LINE/CONSTRUCT Mailstop Addressee Mailee Title Department/Division Organization Urbanization RR/Military Address or PO Box Address or Street Address City/State/ZIP CONTAINS 12.33 10.11, 10.05,10.06-1,10.06-2, 10.06-3, 10.08, 10.09, 10.10 11.11, 11.05,11.06-1,11.06-2, 11.06-3, 11.08, 11.09, 11.10 10.04, 10.03 OR 11.11, 11.03 10.02 10.00 13.17 14.21, 13.19, 13.20 13.19, 13.20 14.24, 14.23-1, 14.21, 14.22, 14.23-2, 14.31-1, 14.31-2 13.16, 13.15, 13.13-1, 13.13-2 Street Address Template
LINE/CONSTRUCT Addressee Urbanization Street Address City/State/ZIP CONTAINS 10.05 10.06-1 10.06-2 10.08SENOR JUAN CASTELLANOS ROGRIGUEZ 13.17URB SAN JOAQUIN 14.24 14.2138 CALLE A RODRIGUEZ 13.16 13.15 13.13-1 13.13-2ADJUNTA PR 00601-2302 Street Example
LINE/CONSTRUCT Addressee Title Organization Street Address City/State/ZIP CONTAINS 10.06-1 10.06-2 10.08CHARLES G GRISSOM 10.04MANAGER OF EDUCATION 10.01MISSIONARY TRAINING CENTER 14.24 14.23-1 14.21 14.23-22005 N 900 E 13.16 13.15 13.13-1 13.13-2PROVO UT 84604-1763 Firm/Street Example
LINE/CONSTRUCT Organization Street Address City/State/ZIP CONTAINS 10.01HEMPSTEAD COUNTY 14.21GENERAL DELIVERY 13.16 13.15 13.13-1 13.13-2WASHINGTON AR 71862-9999 General Delivery Example
LINE/CONSTRUCT Addressee Street Address City/State/ZIP CONTAINS 10.06-1 10.06-2 10.08BILLY BOB JONES 13.19 13.20 PO BOX S 13.16 13.19 13.13-1 13.13-2PROVO UT 84603-0320 PO BOX Example
LINE/CONSTRUCT Addressee Street Address City/State/ZIP LINE/CONSTRUCT Addressee Street Address City/State/ZIP CONTAINS 10.05 10.06-1 10.08MS PRISCILLA PRUNELY 14.21 13.19 13.20RR 3 BOX 624A 13.16 13.19 13.13-1 13.13-2PROVO UT 84604-9658 CONTAINS 10.06-1 10.08ELVIS CORNWALLIS 14.21 13.19 13.20HC 79 BOX 54 13.16 13.19 13.13-1 13.13-2HEAD OF GRASS KY 41135-9701 RR AND HC Examples
LINE/CONSTRUCT Addressee Street Address City/State/ZIP LINE/CONSTRUCT Addressee Street Address City/State/ZIP CONTAINS 10.05 10.06-1 10.08PFC TIM CONNORS 14.21 13.19 13.20PSC 2 BOX 339 13.16 13.19 13.13-1 13.13-2APO AA 34002-0339 CONTAINS 11.002 11.003 11.006CAPTAIN FRED FREITAG 14.21 USNS ZEUS TARC 7 13.16 13.19 13.13-1 13.13-2APO AE 09595-4076 Military Example
The Concept • IDEAlliance, CEN, OASIS, ECCMA, and others are all also working on standards that use parsed elements to illustrate the affiliation of address elements as in a database or to demonstrate the content of address lines. • The difference between them is -- only the UPU and IDEAlliance standards include a common language to describe address content (NLT) and to render addresses to meet mail piece requirements (PATDL). And…
The Concept …only the UPU and ADIS standards are being developed to include the world posts, leaders from other standards efforts, the addressing software vendors, and the mailing community.