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Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences. Network of Excellence „ K nowledge-based M ulticomponent M aterials for Durable and Safe Performance ” ( KMM - NoE ). Coordinators. W.K. Nowacki K. Doliński M. Basista.
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences
Network of Excellence „Knowledge-based Multicomponent Materials for Durable and Safe Performance”(KMM-NoE) Coordinators W.K. Nowacki K. Doliński M. Basista
Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials And Structures (AMAS) Modelling and Durability Analysisfor EngineeringDesign Coordinator Prof. Zenon Mróz
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Centre of Excellence forAdvanced Materials And Structures:Modelling and Durability Analysisfor Engineering Design The mission of the Centre is to promote research and disseminate knowledge on modern materials and structures with a special emphasis on novel aspects of mechanics and materials science which have a direct relevance to designing the optimal material structures and systems of high reliability.
Executive Committee • Prof. Zenon Mróz • Scientific Coordinator of AMAS • Prof. Michał Basista • Assoc. Coordinator - Visitors & Networking • Prof. Krzysztof Doliński • Assoc. Coordinator - Finances & Administration • Prof. Wojciech K. Nowacki • Assoc. Coordinator - Knowledge Dissemination • Prof. Henryk Petryk • Assoc. Coordinator - Building of Research Capacity • Dr. Andrzej Siemaszko • Assoc. Coordinator - Brokerage & Cooperation with Industry • Prof. Kazimierz Sobczyk • Assoc. Coordinator - Education Activity
International Advisory Board • Prof. Jean L. Chaboche • Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales,France • Prof. Dietmar Gross • Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany • Prof. Herbert A. Mang • Technische Universität Wien, Austria • Prof. Carlos A. Mota Soares • Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal • Prof. Eugenio Oñate • Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña, Spain • Prof. Pauli Pedersen • Technical University of Denmark, Denmark • Prof. Bernard Schrefler • Universita di Padova, Italia
Fields of special attention • Composite materials • Damage, fracture and fatigue • Micromechanics • Electronics and active materials • Biomechanics • Durability of structures
Activity and Achievements During three years of its activity the CoE AMAS has executed the planned education and training programme by organizing a number of short-term advanced courses, specialized workshops, inviting outstanding foreign scientists to deliver intensive courses included in the programme of doctoral studies at IPPT.
Impact on scientific integration Due to CoE AMAS inspiration, the home Institute (IPPT) : • is the coordinator of a 6FP Network of Excellence project retained for negotiation after the second stage positive evaluation by EC. • coordinates the International Scientific Network on Advanced Materials and Structures • is a coordinator or partner in over 10 projects of different type instruments of 6FP submitted in the AMAS research area
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research • Centre of Excellence Applied Biomedical Modelling and Diagnostics (ABIOMED) – Prof. J.J. Telega • multi-disciplinary area of applied and theoretical modelling and designing in modern biomechanical and bioengineering research. • Centre of Excellence for Laser Processing and Material Advanced Testing (LAPROMAT) – Prof. L. Dietrich • innovative laser processing techniques, modern strength testing techniques.
International Scientific Network ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Microstructures, Modelling, Safety, Applications AMAS-ISN Coordinators: W. Nowacki M. Basista, K. Doliński IPPT - Warsaw IV. Durability & Safety Coordinator: J. Skrzypek Cracow Univ. of Technology I. Material Microstructures Coordinator: Z. Mróz IPPT - Warsaw II. Biomaterials Coordinator: R. Będzinski Wroclaw Univ. of Technology III. Intelligent Systems Coordinator: J.Holnicki-Szulc IPPT – Warsaw
Network of Excellence „Knowledge-based Multicomponent Materials for Durable and Safe Performance” (KMM-NoE) Coordinator organisation: Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS Coordinators: Prof. Wojciech K. Nowacki Prof. Krzysztof Doliński Prof. Michał Basista The Network of Excellence KMM-NoE is being proposed by 40 partners representing leading European research institutes, university departments, SMEs and industry - from 12 countries. Retained for negotiation after the second stage positive evaluation by EC.
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research • The primary goal of the proposed NoE is to create a coherent pan-European structure of key academic and research institutions, SMEs and large industrial partners in the field of knowledge-based multicomponent materials designed for safe and durable performance in highly demanding loading and environmental conditions: • complex thermo-mechanical loadings, • impact loading, • cyclic loading, • large deformations, • high strain rates, • high temperature regimes, • aggressive chemical environment and combinations thereof.
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research The representatives for such knowledge-based multicomponent materials are novel: ·functionally graded materialsinvolving knowledge-based grading of metal and ceramic constituents, ·thin layersof highly resistant materials deposited on the base materials to extend their performance limits, ·metal-ceramic composites designed to sustain complex thermo-mechanical loading or adverse physico-chemical environment, ·intermetallicsa new generation of low-density, high melting-point materials for multisectoral applications.
No. Institution Town Country Acronym List of participants KMM-NoE1. Research Institutes and University Departments 1. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Warsaw POLAND IPPT 2. Technische Universität Darmstadt Darmstadt GERMANY TUD 3. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. Bremen GERMANY FHG 4. Vienna University of Technology Vienna AUSTRIA IFFTUV 5. Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales Châtillon FRANCE ONERA 6. Université de Metz Metz FRANCE UM 7. Politecnico di Milano Mailand ITALY POLIMI 8. Università degli Studi di Padova Padova ITALY UNIPAD 9. University of Wales Cardiff Cardiff UK UWC 10. Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sci. Sofia BULGARIA IMBAS 11. AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow POLAND AGH 12. Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences Cracow POLAND IMIM 13. Instituto de Tecnologia Ceramica Castellon SPAIN ITC 14. Imperial College London London UK IMPER 15. University of Hertfordshire Hatfield UK UH 16. E. N. S., Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie Cachan FRANCE LMT 17. Politecnico di Torino Torino ITALY POLITO 18. Università Politecnica delle Marche Ancona ITALY UNIVPM 19. Fundación CIDETEC S.Sebastia SPAIN CIDETEC 20. Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sci. Bratislava SLOVAKIA ICASAS 21. Institute of Materials Research, Slovak Acad. of Sci. Kosice SLOVAKIA IMRSAS 22. Cracow University of Technology Cracow POLAND CUT 23. Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw POLAND WUT 24. Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys Moscow RUSSIA MSISA 25. Institute for Problems of Strength, Acad. of Sciences Kiev UKRAINE IPSUA
No. Instutution Town Country Acronym 1. Materials Centre Leoben Leoben AUSTRIA MCL 2. Fundación INASMET S. Sebastian SPAIN INASMET 3. Materials Engineering Research Laboratory Ltd. Hertford UK MERL 4. NetComposites Ltd Chesterfield UK NETCOM 5. ATECA Montauban FRANCE ATECA 6. Giantcode A/S Klokkerholm DENMARK GC 7. Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy Gliwice POLAND IFM 2. SMEs
No. Institution Town Country Acronym 1. PZL Swidnik S.A. Swidnik POLAND PZL 2. CeramTec AG, Innovative Ceramic Engineering Plochingen GERMANY CERTEC 3. EADS Deutschland GmbH, Corporate Research Center Germany Munich GERMANY EADSG 4. EADS CCR Paris FRANCE EADSF 5. Snecma Moteurs Paris FRANCE SNECMA 6. Böhler-Schmiedetechnik GmbH & CoKG Kapfenberg AUSTRIA BSTG 7. Centro Ricerche Fiat Orbassano ITALY FIAT 8. Alenia Aeronautica Naples ITALY ALENIA 3. Industry
KMM-NoE list of activities in Workpackages IntegrationActivities WPI1:Network Integrated Coordination coordinator:Prof. W.K. Nowacki (IPPT, Warsaw) WPI2:Strategy-making Integration Activities coordinator:Prof. M. Basista (IPPT, Warsaw) WPI3:Mobility Programme coordinator:Prof. H. Mang (Vienna University of Technology,Austria)
WPI4:Technology Transfer coordinator: Dr. A. Siemaszko (IPPT, Warsaw) WPI5: Sharing and Development of Infrastructure coordinator:Prof. A. Czyrska – Filemonowicz (AGH, Cracow) WPI6:Communication Tools coordinator: Dr. G. Bishop (NetComposites Ltd, Chesterfield, UK) WPI-GE:Gender Equality coordinator: Dr. A. Rota (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft..., Bremen, Germany)
Research Activities WPR1: Microstructure Characterisation and Multiscale Modelling of Intermetalicscoordinator: Prof. Z. Mróz (IPPT, Warsaw) WPR2: Tailoring of Microstructure and Failure Mechanisms in Metal-Ceramic Compositescoordinator:Prof. B. Karihaloo (University of Wales, Cardiff, UK) WPR3: Processing and Modelling of Functionally Graded Materials under Extreme Conditionscoordinator: Prof. J. Rödel (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
Spreadingof Knowledge WPS1:Training of Researchers coordinator: Prof. B. Schrefler (Università degli Studi du Padova, Italy) WPS2: Dissemination of Knowledge towards Industry coordinator: Dr. A. Moreno (Instituto de Technologia Ceramica, Castellon, Spain) WPS3:Foresight coordinator: Dr. A. Rota (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft..., Bremen, Germany) Management WPM1:Network Management and Promotioncoordinator: Prof. K. Doliński (IPPT, Warsaw)