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No Child Deserves To Be A Statistic. Especially A Tragic One. National Anti-Bullying Month is October. A Time To Raise Awareness about Anti-Bullying Efforts. Bullying. Bullying is taking a different approach with cyber bullying becoming more and more rampant in school and after school.
No Child Deserves To Be A Statistic Especially A Tragic One
National Anti-Bullying Month is October • A Time To Raise Awareness about Anti-Bullying Efforts
Bullying • Bullying is taking a different approach with cyber bullying becoming more and more rampant in school and after school. • Cyber Bullying- bullying through email, instant messaging, in a chat room, on a Web-site, or through digital messages or images sent to a cell phone. • Social Networking has provided an entirely new environment for bullying to take place.
Teens Popular AcronymsGetting Familiar with Today’s Language • CD9 – Parents are around • LOL – Laughing out loud • MorF – Male or Female • Noob – Often an insult to somebody who doesn’t know much about something. • GNOC – Get naked on camera (webcam) • (L)MIRL – (let’s) meet in real life • MOS – Mom over shoulder • PIR – Parents in room • PRW – Parents are watching • TDTM – Talk dirty to me.
Bully Statistics • 160,000 kids stayed home today because they are afraid of being bullied. • 61% of students said they believe students shoot others at school because they have been victims of physical violence at home or at school.
Bully Statistics • About 56% of all students have witnessed a bullying crime take place while at school. • 71% of students report bullying as an on- going problem.
Bully Statistics • 1 out of every 10 students drops out or changes school because of repeated bullying. • 1 out of every 20 students has seen a student with a gun at school • Source:ehow.com
Bullycide Statistics • Suicide continues to be one of the leading causes of death among children under the age of 14 • Bullycide – is a term used to describe suicide as a result of bullying. • Suicide rates are continuing to grow among adolescents, and have grown more than 50% in the past 30 years. • Bullying can include various types of behavior from physical attacks, to destroying one’s personal property or clothing, verbal abuse, starting rumors, name calling, verbal attacks online. • Source: bullying statistics.org
11 Facts About Bullying • Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. • 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time. • 1 in 7 students in grades K-12 is either a bully or a victim of bullying. • Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying. • 56% of students have personally witnessed some type of bullying at school. • Over two-thirds of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying with a high percentage of students believing that adult help is infrequent and ineffective.
11 Facts About Bullying (cont.) • 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school. • 90 % of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying. • 1 out of 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying. • Harassment and bullying have been linked to 75% of school-shooting incidents. • Physical bullying increases in elementary school, peaks in middle school and declines in high school. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, remains constant. • Source: www.dosomething.org
Why Bullies Bully? • Most common theories suggest that bullies primarily want to gain status among their peers. • Two needs underlie this drive for status • Need for Popularity • Need for Domination • Bullies who primarily desire Popularity seek out victims who have been rejected by their peers. • Bullies who primarily desire Domination look for victims that are vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. • They seek victims who can be dominated easily and who ideally won’t tell anyone.
Contrary to what people belief, bullies often have high self esteem. • Bullies can lose their moral compass when driven by their peers • Simple reason is it shows they have power over others. • The reason they do it repeatedly is because they are getting away with it. • Nobody is calling them on their bad behavior • When they aren’t called on it they think it’s OK. • Evidence shows that bullies often suffer from social and emotional problems
A Big Myth • Is that bullies bully because they feel bad about themselves. • Research shows that they have average or above average self-esteem. • Research also emphasizes parents play a role, • “If parents are modeling Aggression kids might learn that.” • Reality is that we’re not talking to kids early enough and long enough about bullying and healthy relationships.
What are the Warning Signs that a Child is Being Bullied? • Decline in quality of academic performance • Seems happy on weekends but unhappy and preoccupied or tense on Sundays. • Sudden decrease in school attendance or skipping certain classes. • Sudden lack of interest in school-supported activities and events. • Uses “victim” body language: hunches shoulders, hangs head, will not look people in the eye, and backs off from others. • Suddenly prefers the company of adults. • Suddenly develops a stammer or stutter. • Carries protection devices (knife, box opener, fork, gun) • Possessions (books, money, clothing) are often “lost,” damaged, or destroyed without an explanation.
Effects of Bullying on the Target • Stomach aches • Weight loss • Headaches • Drop in grades • Drug or alcohol use • Sexual Activity • Physical Aggression • Suicidal • Alienation • Low self esteem • Insecurity • FEAR • Depression • Withdrawn • Anger • Vengeful • Source: HRSA
How Are Boys and Girls Different In Their Bullying? • Both boys and girls use verbal aggression • mocking • name-calling • teasing • mean telephone calls, • verbal threats of aggression • intimidation • graffiti • publicly challenging someone to do something • playing a dirty trick • taking possessions • coercion
Boy Bullies: • Boys bully both boys and girls (Olweus, 1993). • Boys use more direct behaviors (physical and verbal bullying) than girls do. • They usually use more indirect bullying as their verbal skills increase (Mullin-Rindler, 2002 • Boys use more physical aggression • Boys are just as likely as girls to use social and emotional taunting.
Girl Bullies: • Girls are aggressive, and use more indirect behaviors to damage relationships and can be sneaky and nasty. • Girls are becoming more physical in bullying than in the past. • Girls bully in groups more than boys. • Girls seek to inflict psychological pain on their victims, which hurts as much as, if not more than, • Girls frequently make comments regarding the sexual behavior of girls they don’t like (Byrne, 1994a, 1994b). • Source: Bullyfree.com/free-resources/facts-about-bullying
There Are Various Reasons Why People Bully • Cultural Causes of Bullying – Our culture is fascinated with winning, power and violence. • Researchers point to World Wrestling Federation (WWF) as glorification of bullies in the name of entertainment. • Institutional Causes – If the institution at which the bullying takes place – whether the home, the school. Or the workplace- does not have high standards for the way people treat each other then bullying may be more likely.
There Are Various Reasons Why People Bully (cont.) • Social Issues – The fact that one gets more recognition for negative behaviors than for positive ones can contribute to reasons why people bully. • Family Issues – Families that are not warm and loving and in which feelings are not shared are more likely to have children who bully. • Another environment that is prone to producing bullies is one where discipline and monitoring is inconsistent. • Source: findarticles.com
We Ask Why? • So, Why do people Bully? There are many reasons, but one thing is clear regardless of why people bully, any type of bullying needs to come to an end. • Source: findarticles.com
Possible reasons for being bullied • The bully or the target are either smaller or bigger than most kids their age. • The target may be a minority. • May have a disability. • Maybe you have a name that is not ordinary. • Source: www.pbskids.org/its my life
Why Must Bullying Stop? • It is more prevalent today than in the past and occurs in more serious forms today. • The intensity of bullying has increased because more students join in. • There have been numerous criminal cases because of bullying • It creates a fearful school • It is a common theme in school shootings as students retaliate for the bullying. • It causes stress in studnets. • It causes “toxic” shame,” which is destructive to one’s sense of worth (Garbarino, 1999)
Why Must Bullying Stop? (cont.) • It causes some students to harm themselves, cutting themselves, for example. • Thirty percent of all child suicides can be directly related to bullying (Hawker & Boulton, 2000). • It encourages students to run away from home, when they are rejected at home and school. • It encourages gang membership. • It encourages teen pregnancies. Rejected girls may seek someone to love. • It contributes to poor school attendance. • Hostile children are more likely to develop diabetes and develop cardiac problems as they age.
What Are The Signs That My Child Is A Bully • Look for: • Impulsive Behavior • A desire to always be in control • Showing little or no empathy for others • Source:bullyfree.com/freeresources
Bully Proof your Child • Help them develop a sense of self. • Encourage them to learn about themselves and learn and excel being exactly who they are. • Encourage your child to explore activities that make them feel good about themselves. • Encourage courageous behavior “stand up for themselves as well as their peer and friends. • Source: Cnn.com
Peace Is Popular…Bully Is Not • Our Lives Should Be More To Do With Beauty and Less To Do With Pain…….