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Stuyvesant High School Muslim Students Association. Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity." (Qur'an 3:104). Mission Statement.
Stuyvesant High SchoolMuslim Students Association Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity." (Qur'an 3:104)
Mission Statement • Our goal is to provide an Islamic atmosphere for our club members in which they can talk freely about their religion and discuss issues affecting us today. • We strive to promote understanding and tolerance, and to seek knowledge in order to better ourselves and also inform others. We want to do away with the many misconceptions regarding Islam and make people more aware of the true aspects of the religion. • We teach any interested individuals, both Muslims and non- Muslims, about the basics of Islam. • We provide a support system, almost like a ‘Big Sib Little Sib’ program, amongst students in our MSA
Structure • Weekly Meetings: every Friday • 8th Period Religious Lunch: Daily ZuhrJamat& Jumu’ah Prayer Congregations • Muslim Interscholastic Tournament (MIST) Team: Noor Al-Stuy, the team from StuyMSA, won first place in the Muslim Interscholastic Tournament 2010 and 2011 and second place in 2009, 2012, and 2013. in New York against high school MSAs all across the city, including the MSAs from Bronx Science, Townsend Harris, and Francis Lewis. The annual 3-day tournament is a series of numerous competitions, featuring subjects in art such as 2d/3d art, photography and digital art, Qur’an and memorization, writing, group projects such as film, nasheed/rap contests and scrapbooking, a talent show, basketball tournaments, MIST Bowl, a whole lot of trophies, a whole lot of people, a whole lot of fun, and of course, a whole lot of food. • Muslim Alliance of New York (MANY): StuyMSA and BronxSci MSA formed the Muslim Alliance of New York on January 17th, 2010, a coalition of high school MSAs throughout the city. We were able to have the very first Islamic Youth Convention in New York, New Horizons – Islam: Our Choice, at Stuyvesant’s own Murray Kahn Theater, to which anyone from NYC was invited, featuring several different speakers, Joshua Salaam from the famous hiphop group Native Deen, world famous comedian Baba Ali, guest singer Peter Casey, and 800+ guests. Other events included New Horizons – Our Faith: Our Voice and New Horizons: The Road to Muslimanity. • SPARK: StuyMSA is one of the clubs under the Stuy Unity Alliance called SPARK. Being part of SPARK allows us to promote the initiatives of other identity-based groups throughout the school – such as Red Cross, Black Students League, ASPIRA, etc. – through common social and health initiatives such as cancer walks, teen awareness weeks, and charity drives. • Faculty Advisor: Angel Colon • Faculty Coordinator: Jennifer Suri • Guidance Assistance: ShakiraRajwant
Meetings & Events Meeting No.1: Interest Meeting ……….09|23|11Meeting No.2: Adaptation to Western Society ……….10|12|12Meeting No.3: The Importance of Iman ……….10|19|12Meeting No.4: Jinn & the Supernatural ……….10|24|12EVENT: Eid al-Adha 2012 Party ……….11|16|12Meeting No.6: The Muslim Family & Brotherhood/Sisterhood in Islam ……….11|09|12Meeting No.5: MIST Interest Meeting Postponed ……….11|19|12EVENT: Stuyvesant Health Fair 2012 ……….11|30|12Meeting No.7: Mandatory MIST Meeting ……….12|07|12Meeting No.8: The Basics & Importance of Prayer ……….12|14|12Meeting No.9: Prophet Isa ('alayhissalam) and the Islamic Perspective of Christmas ……….12|21|12EVENT: Chill/Fun Day ……….01|04|13Meeting No.10: Jeopardy ……….02|01|13Meeting No.11: Islam & Education featuring Br. Gareth Bryant ……….02|15|13Meeting No.12: Love in Islam featuring Br. Muhtasham Sifaat ……….02|22|13Meeting No.13: The Legacy of Black Muslims ……….03|08|13Meeting No.14: Patience in the Lives of Great Muslimah ……….04|12|13EVENT: Stuyvesant Earth Day Festival ……….04|19|13 EVENT: MIST ……….04|05|13 – 04|07|13Meeting No. 15: The Miracles of the Qur'an ……….04|26|13 Meeting No. 16: The Great Companions of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhiwasallam) ……….05|03|13 Meeting No. 17: Culture vs. Religion featuring Br. Gareth Bryant ……….05|10|13 EVENT: Chill/Fun Day ……….05|14|13; 05|16|13 Meeting No. 18: Misconceptions of Women in Islam ............05|17|13Meeting No. 19: The Importance of an MSA featuring StuyvesantAlumnus Br. Sami Rabb ............05|24|13 EVENT: Band Together for Bangladesh & Oklahoma Tornado Fundraiser ……….05|29|13 – 05|31|13 Meeting No.20: The End of the World ............05|31|13 EVENT: MANY’s First Annual MSA Social ............06|02|13 EVENT: StuyMSA Annual End otf the Year Party ............06|06|13
Special Thanks to Our Guest Speakers • Education in Islam featuring Br. Gareth Bryant • Love in Islam featuring Bronx Science Alumnus Br. Muhtasham Sifaat • Culture vs. Religion Br. Gareth Bryant • The Importance of an MSA Stuyvesant Alumnus Br. Sami Rabb Br. Gareth Bryant Br. Muhtasham Sifaat Br. Sami Rabb
Prayer Congregations • Muslim students are able to request 8th Period Religious Lunch. • Alhamdulillah, this year, we were granted a new, larger prayer area by the school. Previously, we had a nice, closed area; however, it lead to a staircase which was inconvenient. As more people came to prayer, lack of space was also a problem. Now, we have a huge area which is a lot more open. Some non-Muslims students have also shown interest as we pray. • Attendance has increased (15-20 during ZuhrJamat, 25+ druingJumu’ah). Reward/Excellence of Jamat • Umaribn al-Khattab(radiAllahu 'anhu) narrates: I heard Rasullah(sallallahu ‘alayhiwasallam) saying: Allah admires the people offering Salah in congregation. • Abu Hurairah(radiAllahu 'anhu) narrates that Rasullah(sallallahu ‘alayhiwasallam) said: The reward of Salah offered by a person in congregation is twenty five times greater as compared to that Salah offered by him alone in his house or place of business.
MIST 2013 Noor Al-Stuy
Volunteering Events • Our official faculty advisor is Angel Colon, the head SPARK counselor of Stuyvesant. • SPARK is a coalition of community/social-oriented clubs that dedicate themselves to aiding the various ethnic communities via volunteer initiatives and peer support. Other SPARK clubs include StuyBlack Students League, Stuy buildOn, Stuy Cancer Society, Stuy Free Hugs, ASPIRA, Stuy Peer Partnership, Stuy Red Cross, Students Take Resolute Initiative to Vindicate the Environment) • Volunteering has become a key part of our activities in addition to attending meetings and Islamic events. As Muslims, it is one of our duties to perform charitable acts, and these volunteering events help us do so. • Some of Our Volunteering Events: • Stuyvesant High School Annual Health Fair ……….11|30|12 • Black History Month: Famous Black Individual Reading ……….02|13|13 • Stuyvesant High School Annual Open House ……….03|13|13 • Club/Pub Fair ……….03|18|13 • Stuyvesant High School Annual Earth Day Festival ……….04|19|13 • Band Together for Bangladesh & Oklahoma Tornado Fundraiser ……….05|29|13 – 05|31|13 • Cystic Fibrosis walk ……….06|02|13
Volunteering Events Stuyvesant High School Annual Health Fair Stuyvesant High School Annual Earth Day Festival
Board 2013-2014 • President: Faizah Yeasmin ...Senior / faizahwashere@gmail.com • Vice President: Hassan Mohammed ...Senior / hasoonax96@gmail.com • Secretary: Armani Khan ...Junior / armanik998@gmail.com • Treasurer: Saim Siddiqui ...Senior / shazia@gmail.com • Events Coordinator: Syed Zeerak Abbas Abdi ...Senior / zeerak.abbas@gmail.com • Marketing Director: Razwan Miah ...Junior / razwanmiah24@gmail.com To all the new board members of all the MSAs May Allah grant you all the inspiration and guidance to work together to make bring success to our MSA. May Allah grant you all the barakah (blessings) in your work. May He accept from you all your diligence and efforts to do the best you can for your brothers and sisters in Islam and for the community at large. May Allah grant harmony and cooperation amongst you and bring you all closer in the process, and give you all the ability to continue to foster a great MSA family. Ameen. It is now in your hands to lead the youth as great examples and work together to have a lasting, beneficial change in our community. May Allah's blessings be upon all of you and your efforts. Ameen.