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Progressivism Review For Final

Progressivism Review For Final. A change made for the better is known as what?. Because of major reforms to working hours for children, name one reform that occurred in education. This is a word meaning that a person is able to read and write.

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Progressivism Review For Final

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ProgressivismReview For Final

  2. A change made for the better is known as what?

  3. Because of major reforms to working hours for children, name one reform that occurred in education.

  4. This is a word meaning that a person is able to read and write.

  5. To lessen corruption in government, this amendment to the Constitution was passed, requiring Senators to be elected directly by the people instead of by lawmakers.

  6. Using the chart below and a little bit of math, by how much did illiteracy rates decrease from 1870 – 1920? #6

  7. In which areas of the United States did most immigrants settle?

  8. How do monopolies deal with businesses that attempt to compete with them? The Competition

  9. What is a synonym (another word) for a city area?

  10. What is a synonym for a farming area?

  11. Why did many cities grow in terms of population in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s?

  12. List two negative aspect of urbanization in the U.S.

  13. Hi, I owned an oil monopoly in the early 1900’s! Who am I?

  14. Why was Teddy Roosevelt already a hero before he became President of the United States?

  15. What other government positions did Teddy Roosevelt have before he became President of the United States? President McKinley

  16. Immigrants that came to America in the late 1800’s who were educated, spoke English, and were from Western European countries were known as the “_____ immigrants” • Multiple Choice • New • Old

  17. Immigrants that came to America in the early 1900’s who were not educated, did not speak English, and were from Eastern European countries were known as the “_____ immigration” • Multiple Choice • New • Old

  18. I am the man who had a steel monopoly. I gave a lot of the money I made back to the city of Pittsburgh to make libraries, theaters, and museums.

  19. Hi, I’m Upton Sinclair, I wrote a book on the horrors of the meatpacking industry. What was the name of my book?

  20. In which state did I do the research for my book?

  21. Why was Plessy vs. Ferguson an important court case in the United States?

  22. Name for a journalist who exposes the corruption in any area of society through writing books or articles about the corruption.

  23. I demanded equality for all African Americans at once!!!!!!

  24. Name for the term used to describe a business that controls all means of producing or selling a product or service. Carnegie and Rockefeller both had these in their industries.

  25. White people liked me more than Du Bois b/c I did not directly challenge their domination

  26. What is the policy Booker T. Washington used in which he advocated African Americans working harder to earn acceptance by the whites in the U.S.?

  27. Reason why Wilson was able to win the 1912 election

  28. WWI Review for Final

  29. What were the 4 MAIN causes of WWI?

  30. What was Wilson’s successful campaign slogan in the Election of 1916? “ He kept us ______ ___ _____”

  31. Name for the term in which 2 countries agree to come to each other’s aid in times of need.

  32. Name of the following alliance in WWI : • Great Britain • France • Russia

  33. What was the primary form of warfare in WWI?

  34. Name for the infection that would occur in the trenches due to soldiers not having fresh pairs of socks.

  35. What event sparked the powder keg of Europe to start WWI?

  36. Name of the following alliance: • Austria-Hungary • Germany • Ottoman Empire

  37. Most Americans wanted to stay out of the battles occurring in Europe. What is this policy known as where a country does not pick a side?

  38. What is information used to sway people to think or act in a certain way? • Example 

  39. What ship was sunk by a German submarine?

  40. What was the name of the telegram sent by Germany to Mexico asking the Mexicans to fight America in return for the lands Mexico lost in the Mexican- American War.

  41. What was the name of the Treaty that was signed after WWI?

  42. Name for the term used to describe a war in which a country puts all of its resources towards the war effort.

  43. 26 • According to the treaty signed after WWI, which country was held solely responsible for the war?

  44. Someone who opposes a war based on morals is known as this:

  45. Name for the area in between enemy trenches.

  46. Preparing for war

  47. This treaty punished Germany pretty harshly for starting WWI and made them accept a War-Guilt clause for starting the war.

  48. Name for a German submarine.

  49. This treaty ended Russian involvement in the war. It came at about the same time that the United States entered the war. • Hint: (Get your minds out of the gutter!)

  50. How did the US pay for WWI?

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