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The NatAir Project aims to enhance methodologies for quantifying natural and biogenic emissions in Europe, reducing uncertainties and assessing policy instruments. It focuses on improving calculation methods, analyzing system boundaries, and evaluating climate change impact. The project covers a wide range of sources and pollutants, with high temporal and spatial resolution. The results will aid in the development of air pollution control strategies.
- Overview of the NatAir Project - J. Theloke, IER, University of Stuttgart FP6-2003-SSP-3 - Policy Oriented Research - Contract No.: 513699 - Jan 2005 - March 2007
Natural vs. Anthropogenic sources The Focus of NatAir is the natural and biogenic background of air pollution
Natural contribution to ambient PM levels Kaldenhausen PM10=32 +17mg/m3 Source: Kuhlbusch, et al. (2004) PM10-source apportionment – Results from different Federal countries in Germany ,VDI KRdL-Expertenforum Staub und Staubinhaltsstoffe
SO2 emissions from Volcanic activities vs. Anthropogenic activities in Italy Source:Vestreng, 2004, EMEP emission inventory
Seasonal variation of NMVOC Emissions in Germany 1998
Objectives of NatAir Improvement of the methodologies to quantify natural and biogenic emissions to the atmosphere and application for Europe • Improvement of calculation methods • Reduction of uncertainties of calculated emissions from biogenic and natural sources • Assessment of policy instruments applied by the EU and UNECE/CLRTAP • Revision of the Chapter “other sources” of the EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook
Approach Definition of system boundaries Analysis of the state-of the-art methodologies Development of improved emission calculation methods Meteorology of 2000 Meteorology of 2001 Qualitative assessment of the climate change impact Temporal and spatial resolved emissions 2010 Temporal and spatial resolved emissions 2000 Qualitative assessment of uncertainties Modelling of test cases in a CTM (CHIMERE) under variation of anthropogenic emission levels
Definition of system boundaries • All sources covered by the EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emissions Inventory Guidebook (AEIGB) • Additional sources covered by NATAIR
Propose of changes in reporting practice: countries should take responsibility for vegetations fires as well as for pets (e.g. emissions from race horses in UK, cats and dogs, etc.) Recommendations from NatAir about the system boundary definition • “Wild” fires are mainly man-made • ~95% of the fires in the Mediterranean countries and ~87%1 in the boreal region of Russia are started by people. • Fire event duration and fire propagation depend also on the development of the fire fighting efficiency 1Danilo Mollicone, Hugh D. Eva, Frédéric Achard: Human role in Russian wild fires. NATURE, Vol 440, 23 March 2006
Scope and resolution of NATAIR • Spatial Resolution: • 10 km x 10 km • Temporal Resolution: • Hourly • Monthly • Vertical Height: • Distinction between • below and above • the boundary layer Land use data from Corine 2000 and GLC Meteorological simulations on base of NCAR (MM5) and ECWMF data (ERA 40) made by the CHIMERE modellers
Actual results of NatAir • In 2005 have been evaluated the state-of- the-art calculation algorithms for all considered source groups and pollutants. • On base of that analysis have been developed improved algorithms and data bases for calculation of emissions from all considered natural and biogenic sources.
Next steps • Calculation of emission data bases for all considered sources for 2000 • Calculation of emission data bases for all considered sources for 2010 on base of the meteorological data for 2001 • Consolidation of the data bases • Actualization of the chapter „other sources“ of the Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook • Assessment of Uncertainties • Qualitative assessment of emissions from natural and biogenic sources under consideration of the climate change effect for 2050 • Modelling with the CHIMERE-Modell
Conclusion and Outlook • The Focus of NatAir is the natural and biogenic background of air pollution • „Wild-fires“ are mainly man-made • In some areas of Europe contribute natural and biogenic sources a considerably share to the emission amount • In the NatAir project was improved emission calculation methodologies for all considered natural and biogenic sources • NatAir scopes a huge area of Europe in a high temporal and spatial resolution • The results from NatAir will bring a considerably progress to the development of improved air pollution control strategies in Europe by policy makers
Thank you for your attention! Contact: Jochen Theloke: jt@ier.uni-stuttgart.de Further information: http://natair.ier.uni-stuttgart.de