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Evaluation of Beckton-Dickinson PST II and SST II Blood Collection Tubes

Evaluation of Beckton-Dickinson PST II and SST II Blood Collection Tubes. P Graham , B Martin, M Roser, G Jones Department of Chemical Pathology, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney. Background. Becton-Dickinson have introduced new tubes for plasma and serum. Acrylic gel separator. Terminology

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Evaluation of Beckton-Dickinson PST II and SST II Blood Collection Tubes

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  1. Evaluation of Beckton-Dickinson PST II and SST II Blood Collection Tubes P Graham, B Martin, M Roser, G Jones Department of Chemical Pathology, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney

  2. Background • Becton-Dickinson have introduced new tubes for plasma and serum. • Acrylic gel separator. • Terminology • PST II - Plasma separator • SST II - Serum separator • No independent studies identified. • Limited BD data available.

  3. Our Questions? 1) Are the new BD gel tubes OK for routine use? 2) How long are samples stable when stored on the gel? 3) Is it OK to re-centrifuge samples stored on the gel?

  4. 3 Experiments 1) Tube comparison - to “gold standard” 2) Stability Study - Healthy volunteers (all analytes) - Patient samples (unstable analytes) 3) Re-Centrifugation study - Patient samples +/- re-spin

  5. Methods - Tube Comparison • Blood collected from 5 volunteers • Non-gel clot activator, PST, PST II, SST, SST II • Centrifuged within 1 hour of collection • Analysed within 2-3 hours. • Results compared to the non-gel tube. • Differences evaluated using Student’s T test for statistical significance • Comparison to the RCPA AACB Allowable Limits of Performance (ALP) for clinical significance. • >0.25 x ALP used as screen for significance

  6. Methods - Analysis

  7. Results - Tube Comparison Relative differences compared to plain serum tube:

  8. Tube Comparison Conclusion • PST II and SST II tubes acceptable for all analytes tested. • Further testing showed folate acceptable for serum and plasma on Access (Not on Centaur).

  9. Methods - Storage Stability • Tubes from comparison study • PST II and SST II Gel tubes stored at (2-6 °C). • Re-centrifuged and re-analysed at 1,3 and 7 days.

  10. Stability Study - Raw dataChanges as multiples of ALP PST II SST II

  11. Category 1 - Stable Analytes PST II SST II All Averages (nearly) within +/- 0.5 ALP

  12. Category 1 - Stable Analytes • Roche Hitachi 917 • Albumin, ALT, ALP, amylase, AST, cholesterol, CK, creatinine, GGT, HDL cholesterol, iron, magnesium, total protein, transferrin, triglycerides, uric acid, urea • Beckman Coulter Access • Vitamin B12, folate, insulin • Abbott AxSYM • LH, FSH, TSH, FT4, FT3, CK-MB, PRL

  13. Category 2: Analytes with poor precision HCO3 in PSTII • Sodium, Chloride, • Bicarbonate, Calcium Sodium in PSTII • No obvious pattern

  14. Category 2: Analytes with poor precision Category 2 • Variation in results was similar to between-day precision. • Accepted as stable to 7 days.

  15. Category 3 - Clearly unstableFor Further Analysis PST II SST II

  16. Methods Re-Spin Study

  17. Effect of Re-Centrifugation Change in Potassium (mmol/L)

  18. Analytes limited to <7 days

  19. Conclusion • The PST II and SST II gel tubes from BD are suitable for routine use. • Most analytes are suitable for analysis up to 7 days storage at 2-8°C. Limits have been placed on analysis of stored samples for some analytes. • Samples for Glucose, LD and K+ should not be re-spun in primary tube. We acknowledge the support of Becton Dickinson for supply of tubes for testing. These powerpoint slides will be available at www.sydpath.stvincents.com.au after the conference.

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