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Unit 3 Under the sea

Unit 3 Under the sea. Section Ⅲ. Using Language. 词语精讲. I'm sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day—a day of pure magic! 我坐在温 暖的夜色中,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情 —— 这是 神奇的一天! 1 . reflect 解析 (1) v i . 思考 I'm reflecting on what to do next. 我正在考虑 下一步做什么。.

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Unit 3 Under the sea

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  1. Unit 3 Under the sea

  2. Section Ⅲ Using Language 词语精讲 • I'm sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my • hand and reflecting on the day—a day of pure magic! 我坐在温 • 暖的夜色中,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情——这是 • 神奇的一天! • 1.reflect • 解析 (1)vi.思考 • I'm reflecting on what to do next. • 我正在考虑下一步做什么。

  3. (2)vt.映射;反射;思考 When the sun's rays hit the earth, a lot of heat is reflected back into space. 当太阳光线照射到地球上时,大量的热量被反射回空中。 He reflected that his troubles would soon be over. 他想到他的麻烦不久就要过去了。 拓展 reflect sb./sth.in sth.(指镜子等)映出某人/物的影像 reflect sth.from sth.从某物(表面)反射(光、热、声等) reflect on/upon sth.深思/反省某事 reflect credit on...给……带来光荣 reflect well/badly on sb./sth.给某人/某物带来好的/坏的影响

  4. 运用 完成句子 ①The glass wall ________________ (反射) light strongly. reflects reflect on ( 思考 ) ② He was left to ________________ implications of her decision. the reflects credit on ③ Their victory after tough fighting ________________ (给……带来光荣) our group. reflected in the mirror ④Her figure was _______________________ (被映出在镜子中).

  5. The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid • co-lours surrounding me...我首先注意到的是我周围那些鲜艳的 • 色彩…… • 2.be/become aware of 对……知道、明白;意识到…… 典例 Most smokers are perfectly aware of the dangers of smoking.大多数吸烟者深知吸烟的危害。 拓展 become/be aware that...知道/意识到…… as far as I am aware 据我所知

  6. 运用 完成句子 Were you aware that ①________________ ( 你知道 ) your son was having difficulties at school? ②________________ (据我所知), nobody has done anything As far as I'm aware about it. was/became aware of ③It was several minutes before I ___________________ (意识到) what was happening.

  7. ...the yellow and green parrotfish was hanging upside • down, and sucking tiny plants off the coral with its hard bird-like mouth...……黄绿相间的鹦嘴鱼倒挂着,用鸟儿一样的 硬嘴去吸吮珊瑚上的微小植物…… 3.upside down 上下翻转;乱七八糟 典例 That picture is upside down. 那幅画上下颠倒了。 My little boy always makes the room upside down. 我的小儿 子总是把房间弄得乱七八糟。 拓展 inside out 里外颠倒

  8. 运用 完成句子 ①The virtual image is ________________ ( 颠倒的) when it upside down is reflected. ②He ________________________ (倒拿着书) in his hand. ③He put his shirt on __________________ (里外颠倒). holds his book upside down inside out

  9. Then there were two grey reef sharks, each about one • and a half metres long, which suddenly appeared from behind • some coral.然后两条约有 1.5 米长的灰色礁鲨突然从珊瑚礁后 • 面游了出来。 • 4.双重介词 解析 from behind 是双重介词,由两个介词构成,意为 “从……的后面”。如: The moon appeared from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层后面露了出来。

  10. 拓展 双重介词的构成有: (1)from+介词(behind/under/above/across...) A rat ran from under the bed. 一只老鼠从床底下跑了出来。 He swam from across the river. 他从河对面游了过来。 (2)except+介词(at/by/from/in/on...) I searched everywhere except in the bedroom. 除了卧室我到处都找了。 (3)until/till after 到……之后才 He returned home until after lunch. 午饭后他才回家。

  11. 运用 完成句子 ①The secret was never told ____________________________ (直 until/till after the old man's death 到老人去世之后). ②A champion should be chosen _____________________ ( 从这些 from among the players 选手中). from across the street ③That is the boy _______________________ (来自街对面). ④I can't have a good rest in a week ________________ (除了 except on Sunday 星期日之外).

  12. I told myself they weren't dangerous but that didn't stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment! 我告诉自己 它们并不危险,但我一时还是被吓得半死! 5.scare 解析 (1)vt.恐吓 The dogs scared the thief away.狗把贼吓跑了。 You scared me! 你吓到我了! (2)vi.受惊吓 He doesn't scare easily.他不轻易害怕。

  13. 拓展 be scared of 害怕 be scared to death 吓死了 scare...away/off 把……吓跑 scare into/out of doing sth.吓得做/不敢做某事 运用 完成句子 ①She ________________ (吓得要死). was scared to death is scared of ②My mother ________________ (害怕) flying in a plane. ③The little boy _____________________ ( 吓 得 不 敢 开 ) the window when he was asleep. ④We are trying to ________________________ (吓跑野兽) by was sacred out of opening scare wild animals away/off making loud noise.

  14. 书面表达 如何写英文投诉信 当我们对商品或服务不满意时,我们会提出投诉以实现退 换或索赔。写投诉信时措词要客气,但语气要坚定,这样才能 达到理想的投诉效果。投诉信通常由三部分组成: 第一部分:开头段 点明写信意图——通常可用到的句式有: I am writing to you to complain about your poor ser-vice/product... I am sorry, but... I feel unhappy/annoyed that...

  15. 第二部分:主体段 写明投诉的原因,展开说明;明确指出问题,证明责任确 在商家,还可说明由此给你带来的不便或伤害——通常可用到 的句式有: There is something wrong with my computer... It doesn't work... The room is too noisy/dirty. It was not my fault. I am not satisfied with your service.First..., se-cond... As a result, I...

  16. 第三部分:结束段 提出具体要求,表达希望尽快解决问题的强烈愿望——通 常可用到的句式有: I'd like a full refund. I would like to replace it with a new one. I do wish that my problem can be dealt with immediately. Otherwise I have no other choice but to resort to the law. Thanks.I am looking forward to your early reply. 【典例】 假设你是李华,你到广州出差住在某旅店时,发现空调不 能开关,向前台投诉,前台却只笑说这比只能吹热风好多了。 然后你向前台经理询问,前台经理说会派人来修,却最终没人 来。最后你决定写一封信向旅店经理投诉。

  17. [写作内容] 1.投诉的对象; 2.投诉的原因; 3.提出要求。 [写作要求] 词数 100 左右。 ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

  18. 【参考范文】 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you to complain about your hotel.I had a terrible stay in Room 5012 of your hotel from the 24th to the 26th of August 2011, when I came to Guangzhou on business. Firstly, air-conditioning in my room could not be turned on or off.When I asked the reception staff to do something about it, they laughed and told me it was better than being hot.I asked your front desk manager and she told me she would send someone to my room immediately.No one came.As a result, I was very uncomfortable every time I was in the room.

  19. I wish you would look into this unsatisfactory affair and take steps to prevent a recurrence of offensive conduct of this kind. Yours faithfully, Li Hua

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