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Deutsch 2

Deutsch 2. Erste Woche. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT. This is an exciting time! Learning a new language is the beginning of an adventure in which you’ll learn a lot about another culture and even more about yourself.

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Deutsch 2

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  1. Deutsch 2

  2. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT This is an exciting time! Learning a new language is the beginning of an adventure in which you’ll learn a lot about another culture and even more about yourself. In order to learn a new language, you must be willing to change your mind, quite literally – the process of language acquisition involves creating new neural pathways in your brain. We will work on all four aspects of language – reading, writing, listening and speaking – and the “5 Cs” of foreign language learning - Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, Communities. If you have questions or want to talk, please feel free to see me. Just make an appointment, and I will be there. I am here to work WITH YOU. Ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg und auch viel Spaß!
  3. HAEmail an Frau F: gmail view
  4. HAEmail an Frau F: foothillfalcons.org view
  5. HAEmail an Frau F: REVIEW The subject line should have “1h Last, First”. Do not use “Smith, John” or “Last, First” unless your name is “John Smith” or “First Last”. (Yes, students before you have done both.) The message should have “Schüler:“ followed by your email address, „Mutter:“ followed by your mom’s email address, and “Vater:” followed by your dad’s email address. Please, do not use the fictitious email addresses I use in this presentation. Use your and your parents’ emails!
  6. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT As well as the usual school supplies, the following are recommended for class: Colored pen for corrections, permanent marker (preferably in a dark color with a broad tip!), 4 binder dividers. I strongly recommend that you use a binder rather than some system of notebooks, as binders protect and keep your papers better than notebooks, and I will be expecting you to keep track of a lot of material.
  7. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT Kein Englisch in der Deutschklasse! We speak German in class. Do your best! Please don‘t worry that I won‘t understand you – I‘ve been teaching German for over 20 years and I‘ve had students of all ages and from all over the world. I have heard everything! And remember: the only way to learn is to make mistakes. (I am an expert at that ) If you do not understand something, ask me, take notes, look it up at home, or call one of your Klassenkameraden.
  8. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT TEXTBOOKS, WORKBOOKS, MATERIALS: Please write your name and the school year on the inside front cover of the textbook assigned to you. Lost books will be replaced once I receive a check for the replacement cost. Make the check out to Foothill High. I strongly recommend that you use a binder rather than some system of notebooks, as binders protect and keep your papers better than notebooks, and I will be expecting you to keep track of a lot of material. You will need a colored pen for corrections.
  9. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT ATTENDANCE, PARTICIPATION, AND MAKE-UP WORK: When absent, call a classmate for make-up daily. For long term absences, please e-mail me at <hfleming@pleasanton.k12.ca.us>. You can get copies of handouts upon your return or family may pick them up. This is your responsibility. I will not come after you. Make-up tests and tutoring will be given only at lunch on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and after school. Tests assigned before absences must be made up upon returning. Tardies not only result in the loss of points: I also adhere to the school policy regarding tardies, including Saturday school and detention. Cuts result in a loss of 4 points. Talking without permission or in English when German is expected results in -1 point . No food, drink, or gum in class (water is OK). Disregarding this policy results in -1 point. Coming to class without materials (see World Language Contract) or otherwise unprepared results in -1 point.
  10. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT COURSE REQUIREMENTS: NOTEBOOK: Papers attached, in order, and divided as follows: schriftliche Übungen Prüfungen, Tests Notizen, Kopien, Papier Wortschatz CALENDAR: Assignments are posted daily. After absences, get missing assignments from the RED BINDER. Have a list of classmates in your time tracker with phone numbers for emergencies.
  11. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT HOMEWORK: An average of 20 minutes nightly is expected. Note that some assignments take longer, most much less time. When I give an assignment several days (or weeks) in advance of the due date, I expect that you will divide your progress over the number of days available. Credit will only be given if assignments are complete. I do not give credit for incomplete assignments. Problems? Call a classmate, partner or ask Frau Fleming for help.
  12. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT Use the following convention for heading papers: Write out questions. Essays (Aufsätze) and corrections (Verbesserungen) must be double-spaced and typed on the computer. If your computer is not working, write by hand and come before school with a flashdrive to type to be handed in. Spelling must be correct. Left Side Right Side Page number (Seite Nr.): Exercise number (Übung Nr.) Last Name, First Name Fleming 5h Datum auf Deutsch! Skip lines between answer and next question. (Abstandlassen! Zweizeilig!)
  13. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT Keep all papers in case of a grading dispute. They are also helpful for studying for tests and finals. Projects, including oral work, will be given. Regular Telefonpartnerarbeitis expected!!! Assignments not stapled when class begins will be considered late and will be 1/2 credit! Staple pages together before class. Do not hand in unstapled pages – I might lose one of the pages, and you will lose credit. If your printer is not working, you have several options: go to to the Ptown library, to a neighbor’s or friend’s house come early to school to print out the work either in Frau Fleming’s classroom (B33) or the library. Do not come at the beginning of class and expect to print out the assignment and receive full credit. Do not email your papers to me.
  14. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT CLASSWORK: German ONLY is to be spoken whenever possible. If you don’t, you will and lose points. You may need a recording device (das Handy order iPod) for recording responses. Let me know if you need help with this. Most class work will involve speaking. Writing is usually expected at home. We will work in the Language Acquisition Resource Center (LARC or language lab) at least once a week to practice listening and speaking.
  15. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT TESTING: Frequent, because it’s easier to study for a little test than a big one. Learn 10 assigned vocabulary words daily along and review old ones. There will be a quiz at the end of each chapter section (Stufe) and a test at the end of each chapter. There will be a final at the end of each semester.
  16. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT GRADING: Participation points. Each student begins the week with 15 points, and 20 points are needed for 100%. Automatic extra credit is possible! One will be deducted for tardies. One will be deducted for: Not working. Speaking English – each time!! Being unprepared. Poor behavior (too much of this will earn more stringent disciplinary measures). Points may be earned by actively participating in class while speaking German. Active participation is necessary to receive an A or A+ in participation Five points will be issued for completedGrammatikheft/Übungsheft homework. Ten points or more will be issued for each long written or oral assignment: All written assignments, i.e. essays (Aufsätze) must be typed and have double spacing for credit. Hand-written assignments will be returned. Book exercises must be hand-written and double-spaced for full credit. Longer projects have more points. Points are given for tests and quizzes – the more important the quiz or test, the more points it is worth Quarter and semester grades: 100-90% = A; 89-80% = B; 79-70% = C; 69-60% = D; 59-0% = F Finals are 20% of semester grade, quarter grades are 40% each of semester grade
  17. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT DEUTSCHKLUB German Club meets at lunch every Thursday. Come join the fun, learn about Germany, and make your college résumé look great! 1st and 3rd Thursdays are meeting days, i.e. food, activities, business meetings 2nd and 4th Thursdays are Kinotage: videos in German! Improve your German watching movies.
  18. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT GAPP (German-American Partnership Program) We are in the 21st year of our exchange program with Halle an der Saale in Germany! This year, we will be travelling to Halle during the summer to visit our partners there! Next year, a group of students from Halle will be visiting us, and FHS German students will eligible to host a visiting student. More info coming soon!
  19. COURSE DESCRIPTION, EXPECTATIONS, STANDARDS, AND RULES OF CONDUCT If you have questions or want to talk, please feel free to see me. Just make an appointment and I will be there. I am here to work WITH YOU.  I love teaching German, and even more, I love helping students learn to speak German! I am really glad that you are here to join me on this year‘s adventure! Wir werden fleißig arbeiten, damit wir etwas Freizeit und Unterhaltung haben können. Ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg und auch viel Spaß!
  20. Vokabelkarten So lernenwir die neuenVokabeln! VokabelkartenhelfenunsbeimLernen! Auf der einen Seite: das Deutsche ausgehen ergehtaus auf der Rückseite (der anderen Seite): ein Bild oder das Englische! to go out
  21. Vokabelkarten Verben brauchen: den Infinitiv die 3. Person (“Er-Form”) im Präsens Jede Redewendung braucht: alle Beispiele alle Möglichkeiten ausgehen ergehtaus alle allezweiWochen
  22. Vokabelkarten Nomen brauchen: den Artikel das Nomen die Mehrzahl (Plural) andere Formen (wenn nötig) andere Redewendungen r Babysitter, - r Junge, -n, -n s Café,-s in ein Café gehen
  23. Daten: Geburtsdatum, Geburtstag Wiesagt man, wann man geborenist? 16. Januar 199 Ich bin am 16. Januar 199 geboren. Ich habe am 16. Januar Geburtstag.
  24. Daten: Ordinalnummern dreizehnten vierzehnten fünfzehnten achtundzwanzigsten achtzehnten neunundzwanzigsten
  25. Wie sagt man...? MaskulinAkkusativ = den/einen/keinen Direkte Objekte (Akkusativ) 1 Vati = einenVati = IchhabeeinenVati. 1 Mutti = eineMutti = IchhabeeineMutti. 1 Bruder = IchhabeeinenBruder. 2 Brüder = IchhabezweiBrüder. 1 Schwester = IchhabeeineSchwester 2 Schwestern = Ichhabezwei Schwestern. 1 Hund = IchhabeeinenHund. r Bruder (ichhabe) einenBruder r Vater (ichhabe) einenVater r Vogel, ¨ (Vögel) (ichhabe) einen Vogel
  26. Wie sagt man...? Pluralformen “die” Wörter (e)n (im Plural) e Katze, -n Ausnahme: die Mutter, die Mütter “das” Wörter -chen = (das Kaninchen, die Kaninchen) 1 Silbe = e s Pferd, die Pferde
  27. „Die Hand“ 1. Fassung Heute abend schreibt ihr: Den Namen (den Namen für die Deutschklasse!) Den Geburtstag Den Geburtsort (WO) Info über die Familie (Mutti, Vati, Bruder, Schwester, Katze, Hund...) Ein Adjektiv für jede Person! Zwei Hobbys Die Lieblingsgruppe oder Lieblingssänger Den Lieblingsfilm Das Lieblingsessen
  28. Anleitung zum Projekt „Die Hand“ Zuerst schreibst du eine 1. Fassung von den Informationen unten! Nichts auf der Hand machen (basteln, schreiben), bis du die 1. Fassung zurückbekommst! In der Mitte von der Hand stehen dein Name und ein Bild von dir Auf den Fingern... Auf dem Daumen: dein Geburtstag und dein Geburtsort Auf dem Zeigefinger: Etwas über deine Familie. Erwähne jedes Familienmitglied mit einem Adjektiv! Auf dem Mittelfinger: Zwei von deinen Hobbys. Du illustrierst diese. Auf dem Ringfinger: Deine Lieblingsgruppe oder deine Liebersänger/in und dein Lieblingsfilm. Illustriere den Film! Auf dem kleinen Finger: Dein Lieblingsessen. Du illustrierst auch das. Alles ordentlich schreiben und bunt dekorieren!  Kein Bleistift und keine Sätze – nur Stichwörter! Doch für die Familie musst du grammatisch richtig schreiben z.B. einen lustigen Vater (= ich habe einen lustigen Vater)
  29. Länder, Nationalitäten (A-I)
  30. Länder, Nationalitäten (I-P)
  31. Länder, Nationalitäten (R-Z)
  32. Die Hand: TypischeFehler FALSCH RICHTIG June 6, 2020 = 6.Juni 2010 = Tag MonatJahr (auf Deutsch!) 6/6/10 = 06.06.10 oder 6.06.10 6-6-10 = 06.06.10 oder 6.06.10 California = Kalifornien im Oklahoma = in Oklahoma 1 Vati = einenVati Vatti = Vati 1 Brüder = Brüder = 2+ Bruder = 1 2 Schwester = 2 Schwestern halbschwester = Halbschwester AmerikanischFußball = (amerikanischen ) Football
  33. Die Hand: TypischeFehler FALSCH RICHTIG Guitarre = Gitarre fußball, telefon, computer = Fußball, Telefon, Computer lieblingsgruppe = Lieblingsgruppe (Ichhabe) lesen, malen, schwimmen = Lesen, Malen, Schwimmen fotografieren (gern) = Fotografieren Music = Musik 6 Pferd, 2 Hund, 3 Katze = 6 Pferde, 2 Hunde, 3 Katzen Sportenspielen = Sport treiben aber: Tennis, Basketball, usw. spielen bonbons, schokolade = Bonbons, Schokolade Italienisch≠Adjektiv = italienisch, mexikanisch (Italienisch =Sprache) Amerikanisch Essen = amerikanisches Essen Ichesse am liebstenchinesisch (mexikanisch, amerikanisch, usw.)
  34. Mit „gern“... Ichlesegern. ODER IchhabeLesengern. WAS habeichgern? Lesen. Was MACHE ich gern? Ich LESE gern.
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