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U. S. Army Garrison Fort Devens Devens, Massachusetts

U. S. Army Garrison Fort Devens Devens, Massachusetts. WELCOME TO ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL COMMITTEE (EQCC) MEETING. 1 st QUARTER FY08 – 5 DEC 07. Opening Remarks Compliance Achievements – 4 th QTR FY07 Environmental Compliance Environmental Management System Closing Remarks. AGENDA.

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U. S. Army Garrison Fort Devens Devens, Massachusetts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. U. S. Army Garrison Fort Devens Devens, Massachusetts


  3. Opening Remarks Compliance Achievements – 4thQTR FY07 Environmental Compliance Environmental Management System Closing Remarks AGENDA

  4. Tom Poole (Ext. 2747) Natural & Cultural Resources (Hunting, Grounds, Land Management, Wildlife, etc.) Hazardous/Universal Waste Drinking Water Environmental Training Pest Management Ron Defilippo (Ext. 2644) Wastewater/Storm Water Air Quality Energy Custodial & Solid Waste Contracts Lynn White (Ext. 2196) Emergency Planning and Community & Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Management System (EMS) Environmental Quality Control Committee/General Support Fort DevensDPW Environmental Division


  6. Managing Environmental Programs Cultural Resources Supporting Hunting Season at South Post Data Call – HQDA Environmental Solid Waste, NEPA, Pest Management, Cultural & Natural Resources, EMS Metrics COMPLIANCE ACHIEVEMENTS 4th QTR FY07

  7. Hazardous Waste Waste shipments sent out in previous months Estimated next ship date – contact Tom Poole, Ext. 2747 Environmental Management System (EMS) Installed and customized EMSolutions web-based software onto Fort Devens server Training on software provided to DPW Environmental & DOIM Began drafting Fort Devens EMS procedures Began building Environmental program pages Estimated Date of Completion: 1 May 2008 COMPLIANCE ACHIEVEMENTS 4th QTR FY07

  8. NEPA Reviews & Support Environmental Assessments Sprint Tower EA – Being drafted Cranberry Pond Road Reconstruction – Contract Pending Review Record of Environmental Consideration Emergency Generator Installment – Bldg 689 Roof Replacements & Renovations of Various Buildings (Buildings 683, 697, etc.) COMPLIANCE ACHIEVEMENTS4th QTR FY07


  10. If there is a spill, contact the following personnel asap: Duty Hours – DPW Environmental @ Ext. 2747, 2196, 2644 After Hours – DOD Police @ Ext. 3333 NO EXTERNAL AGENCY REPORTING DPW Environmental will make all external agency notification except in emergencies contact Devens Fire Department (911). Spills to water regardless of the size must be reported to DPW Environmental ASAP. Reportable spills must be cleaned up via contract/LSP with DPW Environmental oversight at the expense of the responsible party. Spills

  11. Example: 10 gallons for all types of fuel or oil (land only). Non-reportable spills must be clean up by the responsible party under the direction of DPW Environmental. Clean up procedures are in the Installation Spill Contingency Plan (ISCP). Contact the hazardous waste manager to dispose of any spill-related waste. Spill Reports (in ISCP) must be completed and provided to DPW Environmental ASAP. Spills

  12. Installation Spill Contingency Plan is on the Fort Devens website. A copy can also be provided by DPW Environmental upon request. Spills

  13. POL…..Petroleum, Oil, or Lubricants Managed by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 112 Containers ≥ 55 gallons must be included in the Fort Devens Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan (SPCCP) IAW the above regulation. If you store any POLs in containers ≥ 55 gallon, Site Specific Spill Plans must be completed for your location to be included in Fort Devens SPCCP. POL Management

  14. Appropriate training must be provided to all personnel managing hazardous chemicals, hazardous waste, spills, and oils If you perform emergency response operations for reportable spills, you must receive 40 Hr HAZWOPER training and certification. If you manage any accumulation areas or generation points (hazardous waste or waste oil), you must have annual hazardous waste management training. If you handle/manage hazardous chemicals/materials, you are required to have Hazard Communication. Check with your safety office. Who offers this training: 94th RRC (Contact Jim Reedy @ 978-796-2508) US Army Environmental Center website Training

  15. NEPA requires consideration of the environmental effects of all proposed actions, programs, and projectsby federal agencies or on federal property beforeinitiation. Initiating project lead must complete a Record of Environmental Consideration (REC). REC must be reviewed and approved by DPW Environmental before proceeding. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Reminder

  16. Installation of a generator, tank, boilers, etc. Actions that may affect wetlands, endangered species, wildlife habitat, etc. Action that could potentially cause fuel/oil spills, release of chemicals/pollutants into the ground, air, water, etc. Construction, paving, etc. Examples of NEPA Review Actions

  17. Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management In past years, EOs were established to improved environmental performance in the federal government such as EO13148, Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management EO 13423 Purpose is : To build on that body of work and success by integrating and updating prior practices and requirements into a cohesive, strategic approach to further ensure enhanced performance and compliance with statutory and other legal requirements. Executive Order 13423

  18. RECYCLING EPCRA EMS Environmental Requirements Impacting Fort Devens


  20. Per the “Instructions for Implementing Executive Order 13423” drafted by the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) “Each (federal) agency shall maintain waste prevention and recycling programs in all of its facilities in the most cost effective manner possible….” EO 13423

  21. Devens has had several “Failed Load” for recyclable paper. How to Correct: Emphasize NO Co-Mingling Keep Recyclable Materials Separate Recycling

  22. Recyclable paper – Cardboard, paper, etc. White goods – Refrigerators, stoves, etc. CRTs Lead Acid Batteries Whole Tires Metals & Wood Asphalt Glass Containers MA Waste Ban -310 CMR 19.017

  23. Recyclables are picked up every other Fridays at designated locations. Last Pickup: 11 January 2008 If you need recycling containers at your location, please contact Ron Defilippo at Ext. 2644 Fort Devens Recycling Policy coming soon! Recycling

  24. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Reporting Briefed by Lynn White

  25. Purpose of EPCRA EPCRA’s Purpose is… • To increase public knowledge on the presence and activities associated with haz chemicals in communities and • Encourage and support planning for responding to environmental emergencies EO13423 requires continued compliance with meeting the reporting requirements of Sections 301 through 313 of EPCRA.

  26. EPCRA Section 312 Tracked inventory of all hazardous materials brought onsite during 2007 (Jan 1-Dec 31) EPCRA Section 313 Accounting of all activities involving toxic chemicals during 2007 What is due?

  27. EPCRA Request will be sent out mid-December Due Date is 8 February 2008 If you bring a hazmat onsite, it must be tracked (what, when, manufacturer, etc.) You must have the MSDS for each hazmat. EPCRA

  28. Environmental Management System (EMS) Presented by Lynn White

  29. set of processes that manages environmental obligations and minimizes environmental impacts Part of the overall installation management system that specifically addresses potential environmental risks from the Army activities Patterned in Alignment With ISO 14001:2004 standard Originally required under Executive Order (EO) 13148, and continued in EO 13423 Environmental Management System (EMS)

  30. Per the “Instructions for Implementing Executive Order 13423” drafted by the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) “It is not a stand alone environmental program or data management program.”      “…..use the management system as the framework within which the existing and new organizational responsibilities, programs, and activities are linked.” EO 13423

  31. Original Milestones Set By Army to Meet EO due Date Devens EMS Policy Completed and Signed 3 October 2003 Self Assessment/Gap Analysis of Devens Activities Completed on 19 Mar 04 Devens Implementation Plan Completed 12 Sep 2004 Aspects Analysis Completed on April 2005 Awareness Training Procedure Completed 30 Mar 2005 Management Review Completed by 30 Sep 2005 Meeting Executive Order 13148 – 31 Dec 2005 Due Date

  32. Fort Devens EMS In Full Conformance With ISO 14001 Standard Establish formal system of management EMSolutions software installed Sept 2007 Estimated Completion: 1 May 2008 Update EMS Policy Status: Currently being staffed for review by DOIM Estimated Date of Submittal to Installation Commander: 15 January 2008 Meeting Executive Order 13423 – 31 Dec 2009 Due Date

  33. Fort Devens EMS In Full Conformance With ISO 14001 (continued) Establish Fort Devens EMS Procedures Status: Currently Being Drafted Estimated Period of EQCC Members Review: 1 February - 1 March 2008 EMS Audit by Outside Agency by 30 Sep 2008 Implementation of Completed Fort Devens EMS Estimated Date: 1 October 2008 Meeting Executive Order 13423 – 31 Dec 2009 Due Date

  34. http://devnspy59015197/default.htm This website will not be completed until 1 May 2008. Includes Draft Fort Devens EMS Procedures Environmental Program Pages EQCC Info Various Environmental Documents & Links Fort Devens EMS Website

  35. Questions???? Contact DPW Environmental

  36. Closing Remarks

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