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Tissues. Epithelial Tissue. Closely joined with very little intracellular material. Blood vessels cannot get in-between cells - tissue is avascular (no blood supply). 2 types – glandular and lining.
Epithelial Tissue • Closely joined with very little intracellular material. • Blood vessels cannot get in-between cells - tissue is avascular (no blood supply). • 2 types – glandular and lining.
Function • Covering and Lining – covers body surfaces, walls of cavities. • Anchored to basement membrane.
ASimple squamous – flattened cells arranged in single layer. • Centrally located nucleus; lines inside of vessels, lining of cavities, air sacs in lungs. • Allows for rapid diffusion because tissue is so thin.
BSimple cuboidal – cube-shaped cells with centrally located nuclei. • Often have cilia or microvilli along the edge. • Form walls of ducts (carry secretions throughout body). • Found in kidneys, liver, and glands.
CSimple columnar – single layer of elongated cells. • Nuclei usually near basement membrane. • Secretes product; found in uterus and digestive organs. • Small intestine - helps to absorb food.
DStratified squamous – multi-layered tissue - functions in protection. • Forms outer layer of skin, in openings of body for protection.
EPseudostratified columnar – appears layered but is not. • Nuclei location is not uniform. • May have cilia, located in respiratory system (i.e. trachea).
FTransitional – cube-like or irregular shaped cells that can expand in size. • Found in areas of body that require stretching ability – bladder and ureters.
Connective Tissue • Scattered cells found within nonliving material. • Supports other body structures and keeps organs in place. • 2 types of materials used – ground substance and protein fibers.
3 types of protein fibers 1Collagenous – composed of collagen, fibers are flexible but strong (tendons). 2Elastic – made of elastin – very flexible, not as durable. 3Reticular – made of reticulin and can resist stress.
Fibroblast - Cell that produces intracellular material in connective tissue.
Types of Connective Tissue • ALoose connective tissue (aka areolar tissue)– Made of a matrix of protein fibers. • Structural anchor to body parts • Found between skin and muscle layers and on surface of most organs.
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BAdipose tissue – made of adipose cells that contain fat deposits. • Stores energy as fat, forms insulation between organs, acts as shock absorption.
http://www.deltagen.com/target/histologyatlas/atlas_files/musculoskeletal/http://www.deltagen.com/target/histologyatlas/atlas_files/musculoskeletal/ adipose_tissue_white_40x.jpg
CDense connective tissue – tightly packed with protein fibers (mostly collagenous). • 2 types – dense irregular and dense regular.
1Dense irregular – not parallel in arrangement but form mat. • Found in dermis, also wraps around bones and cartilage.
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2Dense regular – parallel in arrangement. • Resistant to stress; main component of tendons and ligaments.
DCartilage – matrix thickened ground substance and dense fibers. • Chondrocytes- cartilage cells that lie within small spaces known as lacunae. • 3 types of cartilage – hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage.
http://education.vetmed.vt.edu/Curriculum/VM8054/Labs/Lab7/ IMAGES/elastic%20cartilage%20WITH%20LABEL%20copy.jpg
Types of Cartilage • 1Hyaline – most abundant form of cartilage. • Locations - respiratory tract, ends of bones (movable joints) and ribs, largest portion of fetal skeleton.
2Elastic – firm but flexible tissue. • Supportive framework for ears, end of the nose, epiglottis.
3Fibrocartilage – solid but flexible. • Found with hyaline cartilage in joints (shock absorption) and intervertebral discs.
EBone – mineral salts and collagenous fibers creating hard surface that is durable. • Osteocytes – bone cells found within lacunae. • Periosteum - Membrane surrounding bone • 2 types of bone – spongy, compact.
1Compact – densely packed matrix. • Lamellae – layers of bone. • Canaliculi - channels that help nutrients diffuse. • Osteon - individual canal with lamellae and osteocytes.
2Spongy – not densely packed, contains blood-forming tissue (red marrow).
FBlood - type of connective tissue composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets (formed elements); surrounded by plasma (fluid). • Fibers in matrix present during clotting. • Blood responsible for transport (removing wastes, bringing oxygen)
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