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Classifying Triangles

Classifying Triangles. Have out your notebook . Review. Ray Segment Line Point. Review. How many points do you need to draw a line?. Review. Do you know how to write lines, segments, rays, and points using letters and symbols above them?. Review.

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Classifying Triangles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classifying Triangles Have out your notebook 

  2. Review • Ray • Segment • Line • Point

  3. Review • How many points do you need to draw a line?

  4. Review • Do you know how to write lines, segments, rays, and points using letters and symbols above them?

  5. Review • Why did we talk about Buzz Lightyear?

  6. What does “congruent” mean?

  7. Scalene Triangle • Scalene triangles have no congruent sides.

  8. Isosceles Triangle • Isosceles triangles have two congruent sides (also angles).

  9. Equilateral Triangle • Equilateral triangles have three congruent sides (also angles).

  10. Acute Triangle • An acute triangle has three acute angles.

  11. Right Triangle • A right triangle has oneright angle.

  12. Obtuse Triangle • An obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle.

  13. Classifying Triangles • By Sides (Equilateral, Isosceles, and Scalene) • By Angles (Obtuse, Right, and Acute)

  14. Writing Angles JKL J K L

  15. Song! • Ready to sing!?

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