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REMINDER : RECONSTRUCTION TEST FRIDAY (clinic). Wednesday. Question of the Day : “Is it better to be the isolator or the isolated?” (in other words…. the bully or the bullied?) Current events – in with the new, out with the old!!!! Let’s share our ½ sheets! Final notes on segregation
REMINDER: RECONSTRUCTION TEST FRIDAY (clinic) Wednesday Question of the Day: “Is it better to be the isolator or the isolated?” (in other words….the bully or the bullied?) • Current events – in with the new, out with the old!!!! • Let’s share our ½ sheets! • Final notes on segregation • Article • “Strange Fruit” – Billie Holiday • Let’s have an “Inequality riot!!!!” • Daily Reader • Study Guides
Segregation Continued • Take out your “segregation in the south” notes • Reference these as we go forward & add the next layer to our understanding of what it would have been like to be “different” during the Reconstruction era Who remembers what scaffolding or “bricking” is in teaching?
Big Idea of Today: What would life have been like, following the Civil War, if you were NOT a wealthywhiteman?
The war is over… how do we move forward in terms of slavery? • Who are freedmen? • 13th Amendment: 1865-bans slavery throughout the nation • Black Codes: southern laws that severely limited the rights of African Americans after the Civil War • Meant for keeping freedmen from gaining political or economic power
Black Codes • Freedmen CANNOT • Vote • Own guns • Serve on juries • Freedmen CAN • Marry legally • IN MOST STATES… • - Freedmen could only work as servants or farm laborers • Freedmen had to sign a contract for a year’s work • …those who had no contract could be arrested & sentenced to work on a plantation Would an employer be inclined to offer a contract? Why or why not???
Teaching Tolerance Article Can we connect the segregation issues of the Reconstruction time-frame to today???
Freedmen & Poor Whites • We know that African Americans suffered with racial tension… what about poor whites? • Sharecroppers: people/ families who would rent a plot of land from another person & farm it in exchange for a share of the crop • Planters provided seed, fertilizer & tools in return for a share of the crop when it grew • Do you think these poor whites could afford these items?...
Sharecroppers Cycle of poverty ????? NO!!! • They borrowed tools & materials from land-owners • Hopefully the harvest would cover the cost of what workers had borrowed • If not… they fall deeper into debt • GOAL: break away & own their own land one day….. Most never met that goal
Spreading Terror • Some white southerners formed secret societies to help them regain power • Ku Klux Klan (KKK): secret society organized in the South after the Civil War to reassert white supremacy by means of violence • Goal: keep African Americans & white Republicans (Union supporters) out of office
The Klan • Rose at night to the homes of African American voters, shouting threats & turning violent • Violence became unbearable when threats turned to mob violence, lynchings & burnings • Murdered hundreds of African Americans & their white allies
How to Fix Things & Make Them Right! We see there were many problems following the Civil War…. Ironically, few things actually led to RECONSTRUCTION during the Reconstruction era! How could the government actually move forward & appeal to those who were not the majority (white males)???
Radical Republicans in Congress Fight Back! • 14th Amendment: 1868 – guarantees equal protection of the laws (this means voting!) to anyone born or naturalized in the U.S. REGARDLESS OF RACE • 15th Amendment: 1869- forbids any state to deny any citizen (men 21+) the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
“Strange Fruit”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4ZyuULy9zsWritten by Abel Meeropol (30s) Sung by Billie Holiday (39) "Southern trees bear a strange fruit, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black body swinging in the Southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. Pastoral scene of the gallant South, The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh, And the sudden smell of burning flesh! Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck, For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck, For the sun to rot, for a tree to drop, Here is a strange and bitter crop."
“Old South” versus “New Direction” • Pick a side!!!! Let’s try to make them even • Bring your ½ sheet assignments – MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT A BRAWL HAS JUST BROKEN OUT IN CONGRESS BETWEEN THE RADICAL REPUBLICANS (union supporters) & WHITE SOUTHERNERS…
YOUR GOAL: • Read the conflict of segregation that a classmate has shared (their ½ sheet) • Provide a resolution for EACH example! • How could this issue have been avoided • What could he/ she do in the future to avoid a similar conflict DUE TOMORROW
Segregation Continued… Keep this handy today Big Idea of Today: What would life have been like, following the Civil War, if you were NOT a wealthywhiteman? _________thAmendment: 1865-bans slavery throughout the nation Black Codes: ________________laws that severely limited the rights of African Americans after the Civil War - Meant for keeping _____________from gaining _____________or ______________power • IN MOST STATES… • - Freedmen could only work as ___________________or farm laborers • - Freedmen had to sign a ____________________for a year’s work • …those who had no contract could be ___________________ & sentenced to work on a plantation Ku Klux Klan (______): secret society organized in the South after the Civil War to reassert white supremacy by means of ________________ Goal: keep _________________& white Republicans (______________supporters) out of office - Rose at night to the homes of African American voters, shouting threats & turning violent - Violence became unbearable when threats turned to mob violence, lynchings & burnings - Murdered hundreds of African Americans & their white allies • ______________________: people/ families who would rent a plot of land from another person & farm it in exchange for a share of the crop • - Planters provided _______________________________________in return for a share of the crop when it grew • They borrowed tools & materials from _______________________ • Hopefullythe harvest would cover the cost of what workers had borrowed • If not… they fall deeper into _____________ • _______________: break away & own their own land one day….. Most never met that goal ___thAmendment: 1868 – guarantees equal protection of the laws (this means voting!) to anyone born or naturalized in the U.S. _______________________ Teaching Tolerance Article: “Segregation Today” Who are the most segregated minority group in the U.S.’s public schools? In which environments do students best perform? Why is it important to read an article like this? ___thAmendment: 1869- forbids any state to deny any citizen (__________+) the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of __________ On the back… dirty notes!