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Read out this post to learn some different yoga poses that can help you build up strength!
Yoga provides a variety of benefits. Stress reduction, mental focus, and reduced back pain are a few of its many perks. However, yoga practice can also improve your strength, mobility, balance, and concentration! There are several ways of strengthening the body through yoga. Let us take a look at the different yoga poses that can help you build up strength!
Yoga Poses for Upper-Body Strength Navasana (Boat Pose) The practice of Navasana requires sufficient core strength. Sit on your buttock with the legs stretched out in the front. Then raise them at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground, lifting the hands to the front and parallel to the ground.
This pose will strengthen the abdomen and spine. The core muscles of the abdomen get toned and tightened. The lower back muscles are also strengthened as well in this process.
Salabhasana(Locust Pose) If you practice Salabhasana then it will strengthen the vertebral column and arms. First of all, you have to lay on the floor with your torso facing downwards then lift your head towards the back and raise your legs upwards while raising your arms in parallel above the ground. The shoulders and hips are also strengthened. This yoga pose works as a full-body strengthening asana that relieves fatigue and tension in the back.
Bakasana(Crane Pose) This pose might look bizarre but it is effective in strengthening the abdominal organs and wrists. First, you lift your legs from the squatting position by bending your torso forward. Then you have to hold the raised body by the wrists placed in between the inner thighs. This will add stress to the arms and this type of balancing will strengthen both your arms and wrists.
Astavakrasana(Eight-Angle Pose) Astavakrasanais a hand balance with a lateral twist. You have to start it from a squatting position, one arm between the feet, the other just outside the other foot, palms on the floor. Pushing up and lifting both legs from the floor gives a variant or preparatory position, with both legs bent, one leg over one forearm, the other leg crossed over the first at the ankle. Straightening the legs gives the full pose.
Yoga Poses for Lower Body Strength Utkatasana (Chair Pose) This yoga pose might seem like a child’s play, but it’s not. An Immense effort is required to sustain in the asana. You have to sit on an imaginary chair and the pose works on stabilizing your knees and strengthening your thighs. Utkatasana is perfect for making your legs and ankles limb and strong.
Padangusthasana(Big Toe Pose) Big Toe Pose will strengthen and stretch rigid hamstrings. First, you bend your torso towards your feet and then make your palms touch them. This will strengthen your bones, spine, and legs. Practice Padangusthasana regularly to strengthen your knees, toes, and ankles.
Trikonasana(Triangle Pose) Trikonasanais a solid lower body strengthening asana that works on the legs, knees, thighs, and ankles. The legs are stretched apart with a one-arm distance in this pose. You are to turn the right foot outside at 90 degrees, and the horizontally stretched arms make a vertical line when you bend on the right at the hip with your face looking upwards. This pose also strengthens the hips, calves, and buttocks.
Kapotasana(Pigeon Pose) This pose strengthens the leg muscles and joints. Sit in a kneeling position with your legs slightly apart. Keep your torso straight. Then bend backward, tilt your head towards the ground and place the palms on the toes. Kapotasana is beneficial in strengthening the thighs, groin, and calf muscles along with the joints and muscles of the feet and ankles.
Final Words All these methods above work in strengthening the body. But, performing yoga in the right way is crucial. If you have no idea on how to start yoga then check out our beginner tutorial and FAQ at our website–Pies Fitness Yoga website which will broaden your skills and knowledge about the correct poses that are needed to strengthen your body.