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WBS 6.03 Global Mechanics: L2 Update. Eric Anderssen Marco Oriunno Level-2 Manager Level-2 Deputy
WBS 6.03 Global Mechanics: L2 Update Eric Anderssen Marco Oriunno Level-2 Manager Level-2 Deputy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory US ATLAS ITk Pixel/Global Mechanics Scrubbing Meeting SLAC/LBNL February 25-26, 2019
Some Caveats • Plans since CD-1 aimed at an FDR (CERN based) in Fall of 2018 • Associated PRR (Production Readiness) ~1yr later in Fall 2019 with a schedule that supports this earnestly allowing production onset in early CY2020 (note—we are performing to that schedule since FDR) • CD-3a was advanced to early July 2019 for reasons that cannot be ignored • Includes deliverables with construction funding required in early 2020 • Included Q2 2020 milestones for assumed ESAAB approval for onset of production • Assumed CD-2/3b in early FY2020 with ESAAB in early CY21 as cut-off. • An FDR is planned that supports signoff of design, hopefully with report, even preliminary, available by CD-3a • Effort was placed on solidifying estimates for deliverables for CD-3a not for Baseline CD-2, or EVMS presently—out years planned; not well considered • RLS is locked in 1 month for Directors Review • Will attempt to get better than ROM quotes for designs that only now exist to support CD-3a • Advised that reviewers may be sympathetic, but not a great place to be… RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
Project Updates • FDR in last week of November 2018 • Hired 2(+) new engineers and establishing a design and production team at LBNL • Positions opened March, onboard October—many interviews • New engineers directly supported FDR; efforts directly recognized by collaboration and reviewers • Acquiring more engineers over next few months; aiding DESI project internal to LBNL to facilitate transfer of more engineers • Lost N Hartman on GM; replacing with M Oriunno—still in transition and taking over Structural Bulkhead and Interfaces • Developed ABS (Assembly Breakdown Structure) for Outer Cylinder and Structural Bulkhead—details later • PST and Strip Barrel Shells (6.3.3 and 6.3.5) estimates based on an ABS and associated previous documented work with established estimates RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
Technical Progress since CD-1 • Final Design Review for OC and Strip Barrel shells (includes PST) Late November; new team contributed strongly to support FDR… • Purposely failed FDR to garner attention of external interfaces and relevant Funding Agencies (more later) • Review gave all hoped for recommendations/action items—This was first FDR for ATLAS Phase II, expectations not well managed… • Review committee recognized immense effort in support of review… • Delayed/decoupled FDR of Structural Bulkhead until June due to interface rich external requirements, and planned for follow-up of FDR recommendations (This aspect was well managed) • Review recommendations supported advancing design efforts within collaboration for Pixel and Strips to support completion of FDR/PRR for OC, Strip Barrel Shells, and Structural Bulkhead, i.e. our primary deliverables • Gave relevant interface efforts impetus to meet design goals for CD3a—note that PRR’s are scheduled for ~October ‘19 RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
6.03 Mechanics Deliverables • US Global Mechanics delivers everything that supports the ITk • External/Internal Interfaces under our control • ‘Control’ has an interesting understanding in ATLAS—we literally pay the person that constructs the envelope models, and eventually build all the components… RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
Interfaces and Requirements • We are part of a collaboration and shall try to meet all of their requirements within reason • FDR review recommendations are party to this • Some specifications are open to interpretation on how requirements are met: • Global CTE response of structures—deformation versus stability. • Environmental Gas Leak Rate pertaining to Structural Bulkhead seals • Local compliance of mounts versus global stability • All of these have proof of existence data that is unfortunately not well documented • Need to include effort to retrieve old data or produce new • Collaboration is preparing to produce new prototypes with our contributions—will attempt to provide existing data, may be same effort • Supports notion that we should fund publishing engineering notes on project to prevent replication of experiments to prove what we know… RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
6.03.01 Integration System Test • Integration of the ITk is a non-core US contribution to ITk • For the physical deliverables e.g. 6.3.2-5, OC, PST, Strip Barrel Shells and Structural Bulkhead having control at this level limits our risk • Have had M Janda via Indiana controlling Envelope Model and external service routing—defined tasks but with LOE and increasing scope* • Recently added C DeGeorge (Indiana) and K Reeves (UT Dallas) to control Integration in SR1 and support verification of envelope • Presently estimated as LBNL EM-2, need to re-map to new resources as available in P6 (new resources based at CERN) • Note some efficiency and shift of work from LBNL required for CD2 • M Janda is a PA (equivalent) @ ~$50k/yr (also a PhD Student of Vic Vacek—supporting his PhD research with design/test of OC structures) • Both K Reeves and C DeGeorge are ~$75/hr at full overhead • LBNL EM-2 is ~$130/hr. • Will need to work with H Evans on 6.11 I&C to load years beyond FY20/21 for these folk • Shifts presently cost neutral, but flurry of task forces requires constant effort with new tasks (HGTD, Pixel Services(*))… would like some guidance on LOE vs task definition for this sort of effort going into CD2… • Same applies to Project Engineer role for CD2 RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
Envelope Model ITk RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
Integration with ATLAS • ATLAS TC produced mockup of ITk for test lowering in LS2 • Will check envelopes of ITk with existing geometry vs CAD • Provides interface to Lift and transfer for ITk Outer Cylinder • May be used for test insertion in spare Inner Warm Vessel--constructed with clear Perspex (acrylic?) for that purpose • Not US Deliverable, but many interfaces with US/TC RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
SR1 Integration • Contributions to design of new cleanroom at Point 1 for ITk Construction • Finished last FY—layout of new and existing space up to ITk for both Strip and Pixel • ITk OC primary integration location and located in new extension on new rail design RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
6.03.02 Outer Cylinder RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
Assembly Breakdown Structure • ABS provides backbone for QA/QC and production • Identifies unique components and assemblies • Unique components have drawings, specs, mass, etc. • Assemblies have procedures and QC documents defined • ABS also used to collect component and assembly cost • ABS structure presented used to input into CERN EDMS • Required for PRR; defines QAP and allows tracking of production RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
FDR Recommendations Available in EDMS • Review covered all US Deliverables except Bulkhead • Many actions resolved by common activities, e.g. 1 Prototype solves many problems • ‘Integrated Model’ (FEM) addresses issues across all WBS RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
Changes • Most changes due to shifts from one WBS to another • Also changed all LBNL Efforts to construction • Added ~400k to Thermal Barrier (have not updated maturity for new activities) • Need need to chase down ~100k inconsistencies RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27
RLS Updates • Addition of activities to RLS in 6.03.04 for structural bulkhead • Shifted design dates to correlate with FDR and activities that would nominally follow • Many activities could not start due to lack of sufficient interface information—used FDR to push this • Some delay due to lack of resources: hiring took time, and transfers from other projects not complete—FDR helped to get both efforts underway RLS Scrubbing Meeting Global Mechanics, LBNL 2019 02 27