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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY EDU 702. Difficulties in writing lesson plan for trainee teachers Prepared by: Nur Afifah Binti Rosli 2010898486. Introduction. Lesson plan is the detailed description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY EDU 702 • Difficulties in writing lesson plan for trainee teachers • Prepared by: • NurAfifahBintiRosli • 2010898486

  2. Introduction • Lesson plan is the detailed description of the course of instruction for an individual lesson • Lesson plan is the faculty requirement for the trainee teachers during teaching practicum. • Trainee teachers have to prepare detailed lesson plan for every lesson.

  3. Statement of problem: Many trainee teachers have difficulty in planning their lesson Trainee teacher don’t have much experience in teaching field Research purpose: To identify why trainee teachers find it is difficult to write a lesson plan. To identify what are the difficulties faced by the trainee teacher in writing their lesson plan. To identify the trainee teachers’ area of difficulty in describing learning activities in writing lesson plan.

  4. Research Question: • Research question that will be investigate including all below: • What are the trainee teacher’s view in writing lesson plan? • What are the challenges faced by trainee teachers in writing their lesson plan? • How did they found it is challenges to them in writing lesson plan?

  5. Methodology • Design: • Survey-Close ended questionnaire • Interview • Sample • Trainee teachers who had finished teaching practicum • purposive sampling(theoretical sample )

  6. Data collection • Questionnaire (Part A,B,C) • Interview (7 questions) • Data Analysis • Questionnaire (Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 17.0) • Interview (cross case analysis )

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