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Air Education and Training Command. Sustaining the Combat Capability of America ’ s Air Force. PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA). C/ GARCIA, JOSHUA Physical Training Squadron Commander. I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e. Overview. AETC. PFA?
Air Education and Training Command Sustaining the Combat Capability of America’s Air Force PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA) C/ GARCIA, JOSHUA Physical Training Squadron Commander I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e
Overview AETC • PFA? • Fitness Assessment Components. • Assessment Procedures. • Body Composition Assessment and Procedures. • Aerobic Fitness Assessment. • Muscular Fitness Assessment. • Minimum Passing Requirements. • QUESTIONS?
PFA? AETC • The Air Force uses an overall composite fitness score to determine overall fitness. • Minimum does NOT constitute a passing score. • Overall fitness is directly related to health risk, including risk of disease and death. • Physically fit = Healthy life style.
Fitness Assessment Components AETC • Body composition component • Aerobic Component. • Alternative aerobic test • Muscular Fitness component.
Assessment Procedures AETC • Body composition (height, weight and Abdominal circumference). • The muscular fitness component (Push-ups and Sit-ups) accomplished before 1.5 mile run or alternate 1.0 mile walk. • There is a three minute minimum (3 min.) rest period between components.
Body Composition Assessment and Procedures AETC • Height ,Weight and Abdominal Circumference, 72 hrs prior to the PFA event. • The Abdominal circumference is used to obtain the body composition score. (≤ 35.0” MALES and ≤ 31.5” for Females).
Body Composition Assessment and Procedures AETC • Measuring Tape Position for Abdominal Circumference.
Aerobic Fitness Assessment AETC • 1.5 mile run or the alternate test, the 1.0 mile walk. • The 1.5 mile run = 6 laps to a 400 meter track. it is a timed exercise. • The 1.0 mile walk is a alternated event. This test measures your heart rate maximum oxygen level.
Muscular Fitness Assessment AETC • Consisting of 1 minute of Push-ups and 1 minute of Sit-ups. • CORRECT PUSH-UPS and SIT-UPS. • Push-ups,
Muscular Fitness Assessment AETC • Sit-ups,
Minimum Passing Requirements AETC • Minimum component values for a male < 30 Years of age. Run time ≤ 13:36 min:sec / Abd. Cir. ≤ 39.0 inches. Push-ups ≥ 33 repetitions/ one minute. Sit-ups ≥ 42 repetitions/one minute. • Minimum component values for a Females < 30 Years of age. Run time ≤ 16:22 min:sec / Abd. Cir. ≤ 35.5 inches. Push-ups ≥ 18 repetitions/ one minute. Sit-ups ≥ 38 repetitions/one minute.
Summary AETC • PFA? • Fitness Assessment Components. • Assessment Procedures. • Body Composition Assessment and Procedures. • Aerobic Fitness Assessment. • Muscular Fitness Assessment. • Minimum Passing Requirements. • QUESTIONS?
Sustaining the Combat Capability of America’s Air Force I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e