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Interpretation as a Mirror: Precolonial Mesoamerican Writing

Interpretation as a Mirror: Precolonial Mesoamerican Writing. Unit Objectives:. In a two-week unit on Mesoamerican writing systems in a Latino and Latin American Literature Course students will: 1. learn about some of the earliest writing systems invented in the Americas;

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Interpretation as a Mirror: Precolonial Mesoamerican Writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Interpretation as a Mirror: Precolonial Mesoamerican Writing

  2. Unit Objectives: In a two-week unit on Mesoamerican writing systems in a Latino and Latin American Literature Course students will: 1. learn about some of the earliest writing systems invented in the Americas; 2. participate in interpreting codices; 3. explore some of the challenges that face those who attempt to decode and interpret ancient codices; and 4. apply their insights from the interpretation of ancient writing systems to artifacts from present-day society.

  3. Is This Writing? Look at the following images and write down whether or not you think it is a form writing.

  4. Is this writing?

  5. Is this writing?

  6. Is this writing?

  7. Is this writing?

  8. Is this writing?

  9. They are all writing. Writing is: a set of visible or tactile signs used to represent units of language in a systematic way, with the purpose of recording messages which can be retrieved by everyone who knows the language in question and how it is recorded. From the The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems

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