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Test your knowledge of ecological concepts in the Leaving Certificate Biology curriculum and win up to €1,000,000! Answer multiple-choice questions and progress through the quiz to increase your winnings. Are you ready to become a millionaire?
Leaving Certificate Biology Ecology 3
15 €1,000,000 € 500,000 14 13 € 250,000 12 € 125,000 11 € 64,000 10 € 32,000 9 € 16,000 8 € 8,000 7 € 4,000 6 € 2,000 € 1,000 5 4 € 500 3 € 300 2 € 200 1 € 100
For €100: Which of the following is not an abiotic factor? 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Salinity pH A B Dissolved oxygen Pathogens D C
D: Pathogens You have won €100 Next Question
For €100: Which of the following is not an abiotic factor? Ask the audiencePhone a friend A B Dissolved oxygen Pathogens D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €100. • It has to be D Chris Back to question
For €200: The protection and wise management of natural resources and the environment is known as … Equilibrium 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Conservation A B Control measures Interdependence D C
A: Conservation You have won €200 Next Question
For €200: The protection and wise management of natural resources and the environment is known as … Ask the audiencePhone a friend Conservation A B Control measures D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €200. • It’s definitely A Chris Back to question
For €300: An active physical confrontation between two organisms, e.g. two dogs fighting over a bone, is an example of what type of competition? 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Contest Scramble A B Antagonistic Hostile D C
B: Contest You have won €300 Next Question
For €300: An active physical confrontation between two organisms, e.g. two dogs fighting over a bone, is an example of what type of competition? Ask the audiencePhone a friend Contest Scramble A B D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €300. • I’m 80% certain that it's … B Back to question
For €500: This term refers to an organism that is active during the day. What is it? 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Diurnal Nocturnal A B Diuretic Detrivore D C
B: Diurnal You have won €500 Next Question
For €500: This term refers to an organism that is active during the day. What is it? Ask the audiencePhone a friend Diurnal A B Diuretic D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €500. • That’s definitely B Back to question
For €1,000: What word describes the functional role of a species or population in an ecosystem? 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Consumer Dependence A B Symbiotic Niche D C
19-Dec-19 The Contestant € 1,000.00 One thousand euro only Congratulations D: Niche You have won €1,000.00 Next Question
For €1,000: What word describes the functional role of a species or population in an ecosystem? Ask the audiencePhone a friend A B Symbiotic Niche D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €1,000. • I really don’t know this one, just let me think ... Back to question
For €2,000: An animal whose temperature changes with that of its surroundings, i.e. a cold-blooded animal, is known as … 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Endotherm Endoderm A B Ectotherm Ectoderm D C
C: Ectotherm You have won €2,000 Next Question
For €2,000: An animal whose temperature changes with that of its surroundings, i.e. a cold-blooded animal, is known as … Ask the audiencePhone a friend Endotherm A B Ectotherm D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €2,000. • I know this one, it's … B, I think Back to question
For €4,000: What term is used to describe a condition where lakes become over-enriched with nutrients, from excess fertiliser use and results, ultimately, in the death of aquatic organisms? 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Eutrophication Denitrification A B Biodegradation Ammonification D C
B: Eutrophication You have won €4,000 Next Question
For €4,000: What term is used to describe a condition where lakes become over-enriched with nutrients, from excess fertiliser use and results, ultimately, in the death of aquatic organisms? Ask the audiencePhone a friend Eutrophication A B Biodegradation D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €4,000. • It is definitely A ... Wait a minute it may be C Back to question
For €8,000: The conversion of ammonia to nitrites and nitrates is known as … 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Denitrification Nitrification A B Nitrogen fixation Nitrogen assimilation D C
A: Nitrification You have won €8,000 Next Question
For €8,000: The conversion of ammonia to nitrites and nitrates is known as … Ask the audiencePhone a friend Denitrification Nitrification A B D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €8,000. • I am not sure, I would guess A Back to question
For €16,000: The term symbiosis is associated with which group of the following groups? 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Lichens Algae A B Fungi Mosses D C
B: Lichens You have won €16,000 Next Question
For €16,000: The term symbiosis is associated with which group of the following groups? Ask the audiencePhone a friend Lichens A B Fungi D C
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Phone a friend • Hello, it's Chris Tarrant on Who wants to be a millionaire, this question is for €16,000. • I am not sure, I’d chance B Back to question
For €32,000: A list of organisms through which energy is transferred, usually beginning with a green plant, is known as a … 50:50Ask the audiencePhone a friend Niche Food web A B Food chain Pyramid of numbers D C
19-Dec-19 The Contestant € 32,000.00 Thirty two thousand euro only C: Food chain You have won €32,000 Next Question