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EuroRisk-PREVIEW is a European Commission-funded project aiming to develop new information services for better risk management. Through collaboration with 58 partners from 15 nations, the project focuses on early warning systems for windstorms, flood forecasts, and flash-flood predictions using advanced research and technologies. The goal is to provide site-specific forecasts and warnings to help operators and end-users effectively mitigate risks. With a budget of €23 million, the project spans 45 months starting in April 2005.
PREVIEW in some words(PREVention, Information and Early Warning) • A project funded by the European Commission • 23 millions € of eligible costs, 14 millions € granted • New information services to help risk management • Gathering users needs • Using the most advanced research and technology • Validation on operational platforms • 58 partners from 15 nations • Scientists • Operators • Industrial companies • End Users • 45 months performance schedule (start on 1 April 2005) and yearly budget reviews COSMO partners involved: DWD, ARPA-SIM, ARPA Piedmont, Meteoswiss A.Montani; Eurorisk-Preview COSMO meeting, Zurich, 20-23 September 2005
Windstorms Workpackage(DWD, ARPA-SIM) Provision of probabilistic forecasts and warnings of strong wind events at all time ranges up to 10 days ahead. • Ensemble Forecast inputs: • Medium-Range (3-10 days) • ECMWF • ARPA-SIM (COSMO-LEPS) (Days 3-5) • Short-Range (1-2 days) – multi-model ensemble consisting of contributions from: • Meteo-France - PEACE • DWD - SRNWP-PEPS • Met.no - TEPS/LAM EPS • Met Office - LAMEPS/EPS • Post-processing… A.Montani; Eurorisk-Preview COSMO meeting, Zurich, 20-23 September 2005
Clone of COSMO-LEPS suite over NW Europe • Generation of a new limited-area ensemble forecast system for the prediction of wind and wind gusts over North-Western Europe. • Aim: provision of site-specific wind forecasts to be post-processed and combined with other products by UK Met. Office. • Same configuration as the operational COSMO-LEPS (red), but both clustering and integration domain are shifted northwards (blue). Experimental suite will start on June 2006. Computer time provided by an ECMWF special project between ARPA-SIM and UK Met Office. A.Montani; The COSMO-LEPS system: recent developments and plans 2nd Workshop on Short-Range EPS, Bologna, 7-8 April 2005
Medium-range plain flood Workpackage(DWD, ARPA-SIM) Provision of probabilistic forecasts so as to generate ensemble flood forecasts to be compared with the deterministic approach for ranges between 3 and 10 days. • The upper-Danube river basin has been selected as pilot river basin and the test period will include the large floods of August 2002. Very short-range high-resolution flash-flood Workpackage(ARPA-Piedmont, Meteoswiss) Prepare the use of next-generation NWP models for hydrological applications in flash-flood forecasting over medium basins. Establish the know-how for developing hydrometeorological coupled model systems for flash-flood forecasting. A.Montani; The COSMO-LEPS system: recent developments and plans 2nd Workshop on Short-Range EPS, Bologna, 7-8 April 2005