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F o r e s t s. B y E l l i e - K a y T h o m p s o n & Z a i n A h m e d. Forests are an important part in are lives!. About sustainable forests This is a picture of a sustainable forest. Forests are homes of wild life!. Were will all the wild life go? We can help

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Forests By Ellie-Kay Thompson & ZainAhmed

  2. Forests are an important part in are lives!

  3. About sustainable forests This is a picture of a sustainable forest.

  4. Forests are homes of wild life! • Were will all the wild life go? • We can help • Just with little steps

  5. Why are forests so important • They provide a habitat for plants and animals • They regulate our climate • They Theyprovide a home for indigenous people • help to prevent soil erosion • Rainforest pharmacy • Other important forest products

  6. THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT A representation of the exchanges of energy between the source (the Sun), the Earth's surface, the Earth's atmosphere, and the ultimate sink outer space. The ability of the atmosphere to capture and recycle energy emitted by the Earth surface is the defining characteristic of the greenhouse effect

  7. Climate change

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