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Learn various ladder carrying techniques including one-fire, two-fire, three-fire, and four-fire firefighter carries in this comprehensive skill drill guide.
Ladders Skill Drills
12 Objectives (1 of 4) • Perform a one-fire fighter carry. • Perform a two-fire fighter shoulder carry. • Perform a three-fire fighter shoulder carry. • Perform a two-fire fighter suitcase carry.
12 Objectives (2 of 4) • Perform a three-fire fighter suitcase carry. • Perform a three-fire fighter flat carry. • Perform a four-fire fighter flat carry. • Perform a three-fire fire flat-shoulder carry. • Perform a four-fire fighter flat-shoulder carry.
12 Objectives (3 of 4) • Perform a one-fire fighter beam raise. • Perform a one-fire fighter rung raise. • Perform a two-fire fighter beam raise. • Perform a two-fire fighter rung raise. • Perform a three-fire fighter rung raise. • Perform a four-fire fighter rung raise • Tie the halyard.
12 Objectives (4 of 4) • Climb a ladder. • Work from a ladder. • Deploy a roof ladder. • Rescue a conscious person. • Rescue an unconscious person. • Rescue an unconscious child. • Rescue a large adult.
12 Skill Drill 12-1One-Fire Fighter Carry Step 1: Locate the center of the ladder. Step 2: Place one arm through two rungs, just to one side of the middle rung.
12 Skill Drill 12-1One-Fire Fighter Carry Step 3: Bring the top beam to rest on the fire fighter’s shoulder.
12 Skill Drill 12-2Two-Fire Fighter Shoulder Carry Step 1: Both fire fighters approach the ladder from the same side, facing the butt. One fire fighter stands near the butt and the other near the tip. Step 2: Each fire fighter places an arm between two rungs and lifts the ladder onto the shoulder.
12 Skill Drill 12-2Two-Fire Fighter Shoulder Carry Step 3: The butt spurs are covered with a gloved hand while the ladder is transported.
12 Skill Drill 12-3Three-Fire Fighter Shoulder Carry Step 1: All three fire fighters approach from the same side and face the butt end. Two fire fighters stand at each end and one in the middle.
12 Skill Drill 12-3Three-Fire Fighter Shoulder Carry Step 2: Each fire fighter places an arm between two rungs and lifts the ladder onto the shoulder. Step 3: The butt spurs are covered with a gloved hand while the ladder is transported.
12 Skill Drill 12-4Two-Fire Fighter Suitcase Carry Step 1: Both fire fighters face the butt of the ladder, at opposite ends. Step 2: The upper beam of the ladder is grasped.
12 Skill Drill 12-4Two-Fire Fighter Suitcase Carry Step 3: Pick up the ladder using good lifting techniques.
12 Skill Drill 12-5Three-Fire Fighter Suitcase Carry Step 1: Three fire fighters stand on one side of the ladder, facing the butt. All three fire fighters grasp the upper beam. Step 2: Pick up the ladder using good lifting techniques.
12 Skill Drill 12-6Three-Fire Fighter Flat Carry Step 1: Two fire fighters stand at the ends of the ladder on one side and the third stands in the middle on the opposite side. Step 2: All three face the butt of the ladder and kneel and grasp the closer beam at arm’s length.
12 Skill Drill 12-6Three-Fire Fighter Flat Carry Step 3: The fire fighters rise and carry the ladder at arm’s length.
12 Skill Drill 12-7Four-Fire Fighter Flat Carry Step 1: Two fire fighters stand on each side of the ladder facing the butt, one at the butt end and one at the tip. Step 2: All four kneel down, facing the butt end, and grasp the closer beam at arm’s length.
12 Skill Drill 12-7Four-Fire Fighter Flat Carry Step 3: The ladder is raised to arm’s length.
12 Skill Drill 12-8Three-Fire Fighter Flat Shoulder Carry Step 1: Two fire fighters are positioned on the same side at the ends of the ladder, facing the tip. The third is on the opposite side at the middle. All three fire fighters kneel and grasp the closer beam.
12 Skill Drill 12-8Three-Fire Fighter Flat Shoulder Carry Step 2: As the ladder approaches chest height, the fire fighters all pivot into the ladder. Step 3: The ladder is carried on the shoulders facing the butt.
12 Skill Drill 12-9Four-Fire Fighter Flat Shoulder Carry Step 1: Two fire fighters are positioned on each side at the ends. All four face the tip. Step 2: All four fire fighters kneel and grasp the closer beam.
12 Skill Drill 12-9Four-Fire Fighter Flat Shoulder Carry Step 3: As the ladder approaches chest height, the fire fighters all pivot toward the ladder, bringing it to rest on the shoulder. The ladder is carried on the shoulders facing the butt.
12 Skill Drill 12-10One-Fire Fighter Rung Raise for Ladders Under 14' Step 1: Carry the ladder to the structure. Check for overhead hazards before raising the ladder. Step 2: By the tip, raise the ladder to hip level. Walk hand-over-hand down the rungs until the ladder is vertical.
12 Skill Drill 12-10One-Fire Fighter Rung Raise for Ladders Under 14' Step 3: Heel the ladder and lean it into place.
12 Skill Drill 12-11One-Fire Fighter Rung Raise for Ladders Over 14' Step 1: Carry the ladder to the structure. Check for overhead hazards before raising the ladder.
12 Skill Drill 12-11One-Fire Fighter Rung Raise for Ladders Over 14' Step 2: Place the butt against the base of the structure and rotate ladder so both spurs contact the ground and structure. Lay the ladder flat on the ground. Step 3: Grasp a rung near the tip, bring that end of the ladder to chest height, step beneath the ladder, and push upward on the rungs.
12 Skill Drill 12-11One-Fire Fighter Rung Raise for Ladders Over 14' Step 4: Walk toward the structure, lifting the rungs hand-over-hand until the ladder is vertical against the structure. Step 5: Pull the butt away from the structure.
12 Skill Drill 12-12Tying the Halyard Step 1: Wrap the excess halyard around two rungs and pull it tight over the upper rung. Step 2: Tie a clove hitch around the upper rung.
12 Skill Drill 12-12Tying the Halyard Step 3: Pull the knot tight and add a safety knot.
12 Skill Drill 12-13Two-Fire Fighter Beam Raise Step 1: Begin with one fire fighter at the butt of the ladder and one at the tip. Check for overhead hazards.
12 Skill Drill 12-13Two-Fire Fighter Beam Raise Step 2: The fire fighter at the butt lowers the ladder until one beam is on the ground. The fire fighter at the butt of the ladder places a foot on the butt of the beam that is in contact with the ground and grasps the upper beam.
12 Skill Drill 12-13Two-Fire Fighter Beam Raise Step 3: The fire fighter at the tip walks toward the butt of the ladder, raising the lower beam hand-over-hand until it is vertical. Step 4: The two fire fighters stand on opposite sides and pivot the ladder into position, as necessary.
12 Skill Drill 12-13Two-Fire Fighter Beam Raise Step 5:Each fire fighter places one foot against the butt of a beam to brace the ladder. The fire fighter with his back to the building extends and locks the fly section.
12 Skill Drill 12-13Two-Fire Fighter Beam Raise Step 6:The fire fighter on the outside heels the ladder while both lean it into place. Secure the halyard before climbing the ladder.
12 Skill Drill 12-14Two-Fire Fighter Rung Raise Step 1:Begin with one fire fighter near the butt of the ladder and one at the tip.Check for overhead hazards. The fire fighter at the butt places the butt of the lower beam on the ground. The fire fighter at the tip rotates the ladder until both beams are in contact with the ground.The fire fighter at the butt places both feet on the bottom rung, grasps a higher rung, crouches, and leans backward.The fire fighter at the tip swings under the ladder and walks toward the butt, raising the rungs hand-over-hand until the ladder is vertical. On opposite sides, the fire fighters pivot the ladder into position, if necessary.
12 Skill Drill 12-14Two-Fire Fighter Rung Raise Step 2: Each fire fighter places one foot against the butt of a beam to brace the ladder. The fire fighter with his back to the structure extends and locks the fly section. Step 3: The fire fighter on the outside heels the ladder while both lean it into place. Secure the halyard before climbing the ladder.
12 Skill Drill 12-15Three-Fire Fighter Rung Raise Step 1: Begin with one fire fighter at the butt of the ladder, one in the middle and one at the tip. Step 2: Check for overhead hazards.
12 Skill Drill 12-15Three-Fire Fighter Rung Raise Step 3: The fire fighter at the butt lowers the ladder until the butt of one beam is on the ground. The fire fighter in the middle moves to the tip.The fire fighters at the tip rotate the ladder until both butts are on the ground.
12 Skill Drill 12-15Three-Fire Fighter Rung Raise Step 4: The fire fighter at the butt of the ladder places both feet on the bottom rung, grasps a higher rung, crouches, and leans backward. Step 5: The fire fighters at the tip walk toward the butt of the ladder, raising the rungs hand-over-hand until the ladder is vertical.
12 Skill Drill 12-15Three-Fire Fighter Rung Raise Step 6: The three fire fighters pivot the ladder into position, as necessary. Step 7: Two fire fighters stabilize the ladder, each placing one foot against the butt of a beam and grasping the outsides of the beams with both hands.
12 Skill Drill 12-15Three-Fire Fighter Rung Raise Step 9: The fire fighter on the outside heels the ladder while two fire fighters lean it into place. The halyard is secured before climbing the ladder. Step 8: One fire fighter extends and locks the fly section.
12 Skill Drill 12-16Four-Fire Fighter Rung Raise • The four fire fighter rung raise begins with a four-fire fighter flat carry. Two fire fighters are at the butt of the ladder and two fire fighters are at the tip. Check for overhead hazards. • The fire fighters at the butt of the ladder place both butts on the ground while the fire fighters at the tip of the ladder hold the other end.
12 Skill Drill 12-16Four-Fire Fighter Rung Raise • The fire fighters at the butt of the ladder stand side-by-side, facing the ladder. Each fire fighter places the inside foot on the bottom rung and the other foot on the ground outside the beam. Both then crouch down, grab a rung and the beam, and lean backward. • The two fire fighters at the tip of the ladder begin to walk toward the butt of the ladder advancing down the rungs in a hand-over-hand fashion until the ladder is vertical.
12 Skill Drill 12-16Four-Fire Fighter Rung Raise • The fire fighters pivot the ladder into position as necessary. • Two fire fighters heel the ladder by placing a boot against each beam. Each fire fighter places the toe of one boot against one of the beams. The third fire fighter stabilizes the ladder by holding it on the outside of the rails.
12 Skill Drill 12-16Four-Fire Fighter Rung Raise • The fourth fire fighter extends the fly section by pulling the halyard smoothly with a hand-over-hand motion until the tip reaches the desired height and the dogs are locked. • The two fire fighters facing the structure each place one foot against one beam of the ladder while the other two fire fighters lower the ladder into place. • The halyard is tied as described previously.
12 Skill Drill 12-17Climbing the Ladder While Carrying a Tool Step 1: Hold the tool in one hand and place it against the beam. Step 2: Slide the tool up the beam, while sliding the opposite hand up the other beam.
12 Skill Drill 12-18Working from a Ladder Step 1: The fire fighter climbs the ladder to the desired work height and then one rung higher. Step 2: The fire fighter notes the side where the work will be performed. The opposite leg is extended between the rungs.
12 Skill Drill 12-18Working from a Ladder Step 3: The knee is bent around the rung and the foot is brought back under the rung. Step 4: The foot is secured around the lower rung or the beam. The fire fighter moves the other leg down one rung.
12 Skill Drill 12-18Working from a Ladder Step 5: The fire fighter is now free to work with both hands.
12 Skill Drill 12-19Placement of a Roof Ladder • The fire fighter carries the roof ladder to the base of a ladder that is already in place to provide access to the roofline. • The fire fighter places the roof ladder on the ground and rotates the hooks of the roof ladder to the open position.