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DRILLS. A1. Under the Top. M1. M2. M1 starts with ball, makes dodge and passes to M2 M2 moves to M1 to receive pass, dodges towards alley. M2 passes to A1. A1 cuts and receives ball on the run. Timing is important. A1 receives pass and shoots on the run. Done from both sides. A1.

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  2. A1 Under the Top M1 M2 • M1 starts with ball, makes dodge and passes to M2 • M2 moves to M1 to receive pass, dodges towards alley. • M2 passes to A1. • A1 cuts and receives ball on the run. Timing is important. • A1 receives pass and shoots on the run. • Done from both sides.

  3. A1 Over the Top M2 M1 • A1 starts with ball, makes dodge and passes to M1 • M1 moves towards A1 to receive pass then dodges towards top of box. • M1 passes to M2. • M2 cuts and receives ball on the run. Timing is important. • M1 shoots on the run. • Done from both sides.

  4. 1 Hustle 1 A G B D D 2 2 3 3 • Goalie throws outlet pass to one of the 3 attacking players. 7. This continues going back and forth. • Players go down for a 3v2. 8. Can also be a 4v3 • Once a shot is taken or ball hits the turf, play is dead. 9. Played either half or full field field. • **The last player to touch the ball, continues past GLE and gets in line on B side. 10. Everyone plays O and D in this drill. • The remaining 2 players have to hustle back to play D on their net A. • The B side Goalie then feeds one of his breaking players attacking net A

  5. Buddy Ball 1 3 D 2 • Coach rolls out ball • 1 & 2 battle for ball. • 3 has to put himself in a position to receive outlet pass from winner. • *Version2 is 3 gets involved and helps either 1 or 2 win ground ball and then create outlet pass. • *Version3 is there are 3 players battling for ground ball.

  6. 1 Carolina 2 G D 4 3 • All four locations have balls. • Coach yells out a location number • That location attacks net, D must react. • * This can also be 2v1. Coach calls out 2 numbers “3&4”. The first number is the locations who brings the ball in. • * This can also be 3v2. Coach calls out 3 numbers “2,1,3” The first number is the location who brings the ball in. • * This can also be 4v3. Coach calls out location number of who brings the ball in. • Location positions can be changed or added.

  7. Butt A GLE GLE G D3 D1 M1 M3 D2 M2 • Always have to have a player below GLE. If A goes above GLE then one of the Ms has to go below. • Only exception is if A attacks net within 5 yards of crease. • Ms must work to get open though picks and switches. • A wants to be in constant motion. • Work to get shot • D must TALK. • If A attacks crease on D1 side. D1 must stop A, D2 must slide to cover M1 & D3 must slide to cover M2 leaving M3 the farthest away open. • The D has to adjust on next pass.

  8. Flying Rats G D C D 1 2 • Cones are set up in a V extending from goal posts. • Can only play inside the cones. • Coach feeds either 1 or 2 and they attack net. • Once shot is taken or ball hits turf, play is dead. • Coach will feed same players 2 more times. Then new D and new O come in. • Can also be 3v2 • ** This is a fast break/passing drill. NO DODGING.

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