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Battle Drills

Break Contact. React to Ambush. Battle Drills. React to Contact. Knock Out a Bunker. Enter a Building and Clear a Room . Battle Drills.

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Battle Drills

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Break Contact React to Ambush Battle Drills React to Contact Knock Out a Bunker Enter a Building and Clear a Room

  2. Battle Drills Very similar to Standard operating procedures (SOP’s) which are pre-established unit guidelines. Battle Drills are an immediate response to enemy contact that require fire and maneuver in order to succeed.

  3. Battle Drills: a collective action rapidly executed without applying a deliberate decision-making process, in which a unit applies fire and maneuver to common situations of enemy combat – FM 25-101 Speed Minimal Leader Commands Trained Responses to Enemy Actions or Leader Orders Sequential Actions: Vital to Success in Combat and PreservingCombat Power Standard throughout the Army Platoon or Smaller Units

  4. Speed Soldiers ability to execute key actions quickly Response to enemy contact has to be automatic No hesitation on movements Seconds can mean the difference between life and death

  5. Minimal Leader Commands Trained responses to enemy actions or orders Actions are sequential (conducted in a specific order) Standard throughout the Army Both offensive and defensive

  6. Trained Responses Like reflexes and result from continual practice Help build unit strength, cohesion and aggressiveness Continually fine tune

  7. Sequential Actions Outlined in FM 7-8 Detailed instructions Memorize steps Practicing the sequence Rehearsing again and again Don’t think Just DO

  8. Why are Battle Drills standardized throughout the Army?

  9. The survival of your Troops and preservation of combat power depends on your units proficiency at BATTLE DRILLS



  12. Squads in the Offense

  13. The Purpose of Offensive Operations Destroy the enemy and his will to fight Seize terrain Learn enemy strength and disposition Deceive, divert, or fix the enemy


  15. SURPRISE Surprise is crucial Delays enemy reactions Shocks enemy Soldiers and Leaders Confuses enemy Command and Control Press your advantage before the enemy knows what's going on

  16. CONCENTRATION The Massing of overwhelming force to achieve a single purpose Massing of weapons (squads) and forces (platoons) Overwhelm or hold in place (fix) Both indirect and direct fires

  17. TEMPO Speed or timing of an attack Control tempo to retain initiative Destroys enemy before they can react Prevents regrouping, reorganizing, counter attack Squads and platoons support larger force’s tempo with rapid execution Maintains momentum not allowing defenders to recover

  18. AUDACITY Developing bold, innovative plans to achieve decisive results Elements violently apply combat power(maneuver, firepower, protection & leadership) Know when and where to take risks DO NOT hesitate to execute Inspires soldiers to overcome adversity and danger

  19. Offensive Operations Movement to Contact Deliberate attack Hasty Attack Raids* Ambushes* Reconnaissance and security operations* * fall under patrolling missions (chapter III FM 7-8)

  20. Movement to Contact Purpose: Gain or regain contact with the enemy.

  21. Movement to Contact Planning Considerations Make enemy contact with the smallest element possible Prevent detection of elements not in contact until they are in the assault Maintain 360-degree security at all times Report all information quickly and accurately Maintain contact once it is gained Generate combat power rapidly upon contact Fight through at the lowest level possible

  22. MTC: Infiltration Offensive mission normally conducted by platoons or squads Purpose is to move into or through enemy area without fighting through prepared defenses or being detected Usually supports next higher mission or intent; not an end in itself but a means to an end

  23. Gather information Attack enemy positions from the rear Conduct raids or ambushes in enemy rear areas Capture prisoners Seize key terrain in support of other operations Aid a main attack Purposes of Infiltration

  24. An offensive action characterized by violence of action and fire and maneuver Three types of attacks: Hasty Deliberate Raid Ambush Attack

  25. Initiative in the Attack Seizing and retaining the initiative involves more then just achieving tactical surprise. It involves a process of planning and preparing for combat operations, finding the enemy first, avoiding detection, fixing the enemy, locating or creating weakness, maneuvering to exploit that weakness with a quick and violent assault

  26. Hasty Attack Conducted with the forces immediately available to maintain momentum or to take advantage of the enemy situation Does not normally allow for extensive preparation Could be a React to Contact developed into a squad attack

  27. Carefully planned and coordinated Time available to perform thorough reconnaissance Evaluation of all available intelligence and relative combat strength Analysis of various courses of action and other factors affecting the situation Generally conducted against a well-organized defense when a hasty attack is not possible or has failed Deliberate Attack

  28. Attacks during limited visibility achieve surprise, avoid heavy losses, cause panic in weak and disorganized enemy, exploit success and maintain momentum, and keep pressure on the enemy. Attacks during limited visibility

  29. Keys to limited visibility attacks Planning: same considerations but they require additional control measures to prevent Fratricide and keep focus on the objective. Recon: key to success; done in daylight to the lowest level; recon movement routes, positions and OBJ; Balance need for info vs. detection; maintain surveillance on OBJ, situation may change from recon If no recon available consider using illuminated attack * A night attack with marginal information of the enemy’s defense is risky and difficult to conduct

  30. Questions?

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