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This consultancy and research service aims to understand and mitigate the environmental impact of aquaculture. Mathematical models are used to identify risk areas and determine carrying capacity. Various factors affecting fish health are considered. The text further elaborates on the importance of data, models, and the calculation of carrying capacity in aquaculture.
A Company in the NIVA-group Modelling of environmental impact of aquaculture – hydrographical models CONSULTANCY AND RESEARCH IN AQUACULTURE AND THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT
Modelling objectives • Reach a better understanding of aquacultures impact. • Find causes of perceived problems. • Give recommendations on remedial actions to be taken. • Identify areas with less risk. • Give indications of total carrying capacity of the areas.
What is a model ?...we mean a mathematical model. One or more expressions or equations. Example 1: A familiar expression Fish length = A (1 – e-kt)is a model. Importance of data: To determine coefficients A and k for a particular species of fish, you must have data. Without data you have a theoretical model but you can not apply it to any fish species. Similarly:
Example 2: Effect of freshwater source on the coastal sea Equations for conservation of momentum, mass, propagation of turbulence, transport of heat and salinity make a hydro dynamical model.
Residual current in the future -current now = change in the future. Colour coded is the change in the absolute values. Vectors denote directional change.
Vertical slices in temperature and salinity <= Vertical slice: Temperature Vertical slice: => Salinity
Effect of an aquaculture to the bottom: deposition of Carbon
How to compute carrying capacity ? There have been various approaches. All focus to the description of the most limiting factor likely to affect fish health and mortality first. For most areas, this factor is oxygen availability. Clearly, when dissolved oxygen drops below 2 mg/l fish mortality will occur. But dissolved oxygen content in water is the result of several processes. There are organisms that produce oxygen and those that consume it. Fish and shellfish are those that consume it. Algae produces it, They all play a direct and an indirect role.
How to compute carrying capacity ? Available nutrients are taken by phytoplankton which grows in number very quickly, thereby depleting nutrient content in water. A huge number of phytoplankton cells in water are now hungry and can not find enough nutrients any more. This is the start of the phytoplankton crash. When it crushes, it does so in phase. Suddenly a huge mass of phytoplankton leftover is found in water. Decomposition of this mass will cause deadly hypoxia.
Effectof nutrient inflow on PHYTOPLANKTONconcentration Let: N-nutrient concentration, P- phytoplankton density, I- total nutrient inflow. Concentration of N and P will change according to: dN/dt = (I - N) D – e N P dP/dt = e N P - D P where D is the flushing rate of the lake, e is the efficiency of phytoplankton uptake. Flushing rate: D = Q/V.In steady state: N* = D/e, P* = I - D/e.Look: N* + P* = I If we measure eutrophication as an increase in phytoplankton concentration, the concentration will increase linearly with the nutrient inflow. So we see that carrying capacity islinearly related to the nutrient inflow because when P* reachesa critical concentration, DO will drop to the value wherefishkill is imminent.
Assumptions of Model HYDRODYNAMIC TRANSPORT • 2D Model • Grid size: 75m x 75 m (160 x 301 grid points) • A number of open boundaries: Tidal forcing obtained from pressure gauges PARTICLE DISPERSION (RESIDENCE TIME) • Each grid has a particle • Bottom friction varied depending on type of structure: • cf=0.001 (no structure) • cf=0.25 ( fish cage, fish aggregating device (FAD),fyke net) • cf=0.5 (fish pen and bivalve culture)
High residence time,low flushing Low residence time, high flushing Residence Time of Control Assuming no mariculture structure
Residence Time With Varying Mariculture Structures • Vulnerability of Channel (Caquiputan) • Residence Time Based on actual distribution of structures (2003)
I. CAQUIPUTAN CONTROL Residual (Blocked & control) Blocked Caquiputan Residence Time
II. YEAR 2003 CONTROL Residual (2003&control) Distribution of Structure (2003) Residence Time
CRITICAL SITE 2003 Distribution Residence Time (B) W/o Caquiputan Residence Time (D) Residual (D-B) Removing the structures in Caquiputan will significantly improve the residence time