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New physics searches with Z(ll) + X + E T miss final state. N. Panikashvili and D. Harper University of Michigan, US. General Gauge Mediation (GGM) - motivation. Thanks to Shih/Ruderman ArXiv 0911.4130. effort to formulate gauge mediation in the model independent way
New physics searches with Z(ll) + X + ETmiss final state N. Panikashvili and D. Harper University of Michigan, US
General Gauge Mediation (GGM) - motivation Thanks to Shih/Ruderman ArXiv 0911.4130 effort to formulate gauge mediation in the model independent way there is no hierarchy between M of colored states (squarks, gluinos) and uncolored states (wino, bino, higgsinos, sleptons). The discovery of GGM becomes possibile even with early LHC data in regions of parameter space not probed by any Tevatron searches At gauge mediation LSP is gravitino NLSP is lightest neutralino, stau …. Neutralino is mixture of bino, wino and higgsinos If Neutralino is higgsino like, it decays to ~X1 Z + ~G or ~X1 h + ~G and leads to the final states such as ZZ+MET, Zh+MET … We concentrate on the final state: Z(ll) + jets + MET Tevatron limits: Z(ll) + jets + MET Jets + MET
GGM higgsino – like neutralino grid production Thanks to Shih/Ruderman ArXiv 0911.4130 • 40 points (50K each one) which cover M(gluino) from 300GeV to 700GeV and M(higgsinos) from 110GeV up to 690GeV • Parameters of production: • EF: at least one Zll • Details of the grid: • Mass spectrum, LO cross sections, filter efficiency, details of production: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/GGMHiggsinoZGrid
GGM grid – different production mechanism • We investigated the kinematics of the following points we selected 4 points: • M(~g) =300GeV, M(~h)=120GeV • M(~g) =700GeV, M(~h)=120GeV • M(~g) =300GeV, M(~h)=290GeV • M(~g) =700GeV, M(~h)=690GeV
Dominant production:electroweak Dominant production:strongqqbar~g~g, gg~g~g
MC signal cross - section • Prospino 2 • NLO was calculated using 4 different processes
We are using Standard SUSY di-lepton selection In addition we require 81GeV < M(ll) < 101GeV, which defines our preselection Electrons (1fb-1) Muons (689.3pb-1) Event Selection (need an update for 1fb-1)
OS EE tight + ISO + mass (17% - 45%) pre-selection results: efficiency of the MC signal OS MM tight + ISO + mass (6% - 45%) Efficiency (%) Efficiency (%) • Different efficiencies due to different pT spectra • Different pT cuts: pT = 8GeV/10 GeV, pTleading = 20GeV/25 GeV muons/electrons
pre-selection results (MET) • MET depends on the mass of NLSP, the lower mass the lower MET
Signal region 1: MET > 200GeV + inclusive leptons • Significance S/√B S/√B Efficiency (%) Z(ee)+MET>150GeVN(data) = 5N(SM) = 3.1 0.2
pre-selection results (N jets) • Not optimal variable for the GGM searches with dominant weak production mechanism: M(~g) = 700GeV and M(~h) =120GeV
Improve of the significance in certain region Signal region 2: MET > 100GeV, Njets>3 S/√B Efficiency (%) Z(ee)+MET>100GeVN jets>3N(data) = 20N(SM) = 13.6 0.5 • N(SM) – is from MC only: ttbar, dibosons, single top, inclusive Z • Errors are statistical only
pre-selection results (HT) • HT is useful for points with high M(NLSP) and M(~g)
Signal region3: MET>150GeV HT>350GeV N(data) = 7N(SM) = 4.1 0.2
Plans • Background estimation - • Systematic • Enlarge GGM parameter space for the case of Wino • submitted