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Wordly Wise Slide Show

Wordly Wise Slide Show. By: Kirin Dombek Teacher: Mr. Tealtrult W.W. Lesson #3. Anonymous. 1.) Adjective: Of an unknown source or unrevealed name.

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Wordly Wise Slide Show

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  1. Wordly Wise Slide Show • By: Kirin Dombek • Teacher: Mr. Tealtrult • W.W. Lesson #3

  2. Anonymous 1.) Adjective: Of an unknown source or unrevealed name. The author is anonymous for the story Go Ask Alice; the true story is based on doing drugs, so it is understandable why the author wouldn’t want people to know his or her name.

  3. Anthology • 1.) Noun: A collection of various writings, such as songs, stories, or poems. • Our reading anthology that we need for English is heavy because it is full of stories.

  4. Conjecture • 1.) Noun: A conclusion based on guesswork or insufficient evidence • The conjecture that she committed the crime was based on the fact that strands of her hair were found in the scene. • 2.) Verb: To form an opinion while lacking sufficient evidence. • The teacher conjectured that a lack of morals was the reason for cheating on the W.W. Test.

  5. Disposition • 1.) Noun: A person’s usual mood; temperament • The toddler had a wonderful disposition; he was so easygoing. • 2.) Noun: A regular tendency or inclination • Sally’s disposition toward rudeness can definitely be a turn-off.

  6. Encompass • 1.) Verb: To enclose or encircle • If water were to encompass the planet, we’d have to build a whole lot of boats. • 2.) Verb: To include • My bedroom set encompasses a bed, a dresser, a bookshelf, and a desk.

  7. Extricate • 1.) Verb: To free from a difficult or tangled situation • Tom’s attempts at extricating himself from the difficult situation proved fruitless; telling his girlfriend that those pants did, in fact, make her look fat was a major error that could not be fixed with candy.

  8. Generation • 1.) Noun: One step in the line of descent of a family • My favorite necklace has been passed down for many generations in my family. • 2.) Noun: All the people born and living about the same time • I am part of the fifth generation of my family to reside in this town. • 3.) Noun: The average span of time between the birth of parents and their children. • In modern times the length of a generation is about 30 years; it used to be much shorter.

  9. Guile • 1.) Noun: Cunning or deceit in dealing with others; trickery • I used guile when I told my parents I got an A on my test so they would buy me waffles, even though I hadn’t gotten an A.

  10. Imperative • 1.) Adjective: Urgent; pressing • It is imperative that we find the iPod that I brought to gym; it belongs to my cousin! • 2.) Adjective: Having the power or authority to command • The imperative tone in my mother’s voice made me realize I had to study whether I wanted to or not.

  11. Instill or Instil • 1.) Verb: To introduce gradually in order to establish securely • The artist’s passion for painting was instilled as a young child when he watched his mother paint every single day in the park.

  12. Modify • 1.) Verb: To make less extreme or severe • The teacher needed to modify the test questions for her next class because everyone failed it. • 2.) Verb: To make changes in • Our school needs to modify the rules during study hall; not being able to sit in the back row is ridiculous. • 3.) Verb: In grammar, to limit or restrict a meaning • The adjective in a sentence modifies one of the nouns; when I say “The red chair is nice,” it’s clarifying which of the many chairs I am talking about.

  13. Pivot • 1.) Noun: A small bar or rod on which something else turns • A door has hinges as its pivot, allowing it to swing every time someone pushed it open. • 2.) Noun: A person or thing in which others depend • The point guard is the pivot of the basketball’s offensive plays; without him, the team wouldn’t score nearly as often. • 3.) Verb: To turn on or as if on a pivot • A pinwheel will catch the wind and pivot around in full circles. • Pivotal: Adjective: Vitally important; significant • This year’s presidential election will be a pivotal event in history; there is an African-American male running for this significant position.

  14. Prevalent • 1.) Adjective: Commonly occurring; widely accepted or practiced • Receiving daily homework is certainly prevalent; in fact I am usually over-loaded!

  15. Recur • 1.) Verb: To come up again or to happen again • It’s a known belief that history recurs; I believe it’s currently happening with the downfall of the stock market. • 2.) Verb: To come to mind again • This scary image keeps on recurring in my mind; every time I see it, I jump. • Recurrence: Noun: The act or recurring • I hope the wall around my sand castle will prevent a recurrence of a wave ruining it.

  16. Spontaneous • 1.) Adjective: Voluntary and unplanned • I had a spontaneous urge to throw the laptop in the air. • 2.) Adjective: Occurring or produced without human labor • Her spontaneous growth over night was remarkable, especially since she wasn’t using any growth horomones. • Spontaneity: Noun: The quality or condition of occurring in an unplanned way • It was an act of spontaneity when I went to the pet store and purchased a dog; I usually would give such a situation a lot of thought first.

  17. Thank You!!! • Thank You for watching! • Hope you enjoyed and learned lots of Worldly Wise info on Lesson #3! • This Project was brought together by Kirin Dombek • Mr. Tetreault is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • :)

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