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Using hyperlinks to make a branching story. To insert a hyperlink Highlight the text Right click on the text Left click on ‘hyperlink’ Click on ‘Place in this document’ Click on the slide you want to go to (you can see a preview in the frame) Continue.
Using hyperlinks to make a branching story To insert a hyperlink • Highlight the text • Right click on the text • Left click on ‘hyperlink’ • Click on ‘Place in this document’ • Click on the slide you want to go to (you can see a preview in the frame) • Continue
It had seemed like a good idea at the time.Exploring the Forbidden Wood.People have told stories about this place as long as you could remember but no one, not one single person had gone there to find out. It had seemed innocent and friendly at first. In that warm Summer’s light.But getting lost had changed all that.Dusk had been quietly creeping up on all around.And a sinister cloak had descended.There must be a way out.But where?Keep walking. Somewhere there is a way out.You hear water and are drawn to follow.
As you stand by the river, a cold fear creeps across your rapidly beating heart. Strange noises seep from every dark knurled bush and tree; the water whispers sinister chants and shadows flicker all around. Suddenly your attention is drawn to something in the water… You look closer…
You see a glittering object just under the surface of the water.You decide to… wade into the water to pick it up,search for a stick to try to reach it,or lean over from the edge and try to pull it out?
As you search for a stick, you see the bushes thin and a pathway emerge. Light floods the path, inviting and inticing you to follow it to your destiny. Where does it lead? A strange music fills your ears. You are within its spell. You move closer.
Do you…fight the music and return to the riveror follow the mysterious path?
As you fight your way through the clearing a path emerges bathed in golden light.Safety at last?Music strange music grips you. You follow the welcoming path.
Unearthly sounds all around mock you as you step into the cloak of blackness. You spin around to search for the origin of the sounds but the forest becomes instantly silent. It Watches... It waits… Preying on your thoughts and fears the forest remains silent… until you move again. Your footsteps quicken as the noises return.Louder and louder.Faster and faster.You start to run, stumble, trip over roots and branches tearing at your limbs and spearing you vulnerable body.You feel your ankle twist and tendons tear.
Silently screaming you clutch your stricken limb. You decide… You can not make any more progress through the forest now and so try to make it back to the stone wall To keep moving deeper into the unyielding maze of branches and roots.
A snaking, sloping path emerges from the darkness. Hope again fills your heart. You move faster. Not concerned now about your protesting leg. Faster and faster along the path.But it is more treacherous than it looks. Slipping and sliding you find yourself at the edge. Desperately trying to keep moving along the precipice rather than fall down into the unknown. But it is no good. Your injured ankle finally gives way and you fall.Down and down.Over and over.Your body is tossed and turned so much you have no idea which way is up anymore. Pain sears through your leg until finally you are halted. Halted by a hard unyielding object…
The swirling current grabs your feet from underneath you. It is as if a relentless creature is pulling you down, down and along. Down and along the slimy bed of this enchanted river. You are helpless you lose consciousness. A dull banging wakes you.A dull banging in your head.As you open your eyes you find yourself floating in a calmer part of a vast lake. You can see the moonlit shore. You look around your weary body.
A tree overhangs the silvery, muddy banks. One branch, perhaps strong enough to hold a small child extends tentatively into the waterDo you…grab the branch and try to climb up,swim to the shore and climb through the dense bushesor swim further down the lake?
As you start to climb the branch, you feel its weary protest.A grumbling creak is followed by a sharp snap and you fall helplessly into the water. Dragged.Dragged further down the river.
Dappled light filters through the windswept trees. They move as if twisting to get a better look at this lonely, foolish explorer. You feel eyes watching you all around. But still the music; that enchanting music; has you fast within its spell. The path twists and turns until finally it leads to an old bridge. A bridge long ago abandoned to the elements. Full of holes and rotten wood. The danger wakes you from your spell and the mist clears from your mind. At last you can think. You decide…
…to return to the river,risk crossing the abandoned bridge,or try to swim across
As you lower yourself into the river you notice a glittering object on the bridge. You reach out to grab the metallic treasure. But the current makes you lose your footing. Snatching the object you are pulled into the water. Pain piercing your body as the object digs into your palm.You fight to control your movements, your destiny.Swim.You must swim.
As you walk across, the bridge groans its warnings. Every step is met with protest. Every movement spells doom. You have only seconds to cross this phantom bridge but again something catches your eye. You pause.There between two planks lays a glittering, metallic object.The bridge creaks even louder, as if warning you from disturbing its treasure.Do you decide to…grab the glittering prize or cross the bridge without delay?
As you reach down for the object, the bridge gives its last and starts to tear itself apart. You grab the piece of metal and jump across the gaping hole. Still the bridge crumbles as you scramble along its fragile back. Just keeping ahead of the tearing destruction. Just.You stop, panting at the other side, staring at the void where the bridge once was.You are on an island. One shrouded in the deepest mist.There are steps emerging from the haze.
Your mind races faster than your weary, sodden feet can carry you. But hope of finding civilization is dashed by the abandoned looking trail twisting up the steep slope. It seems as if nature has been claiming back all evidence of man’s presence as you slip on the slimy moss-covered steps and lean on the creaky rails. Still there is the sound of that intoxicating music. Surely there is something, someone, here who can help. You reach the top and peer over the rise…
You regret your foolishness the second you lean over. Soft mud gives way and you feel your foot sliding. Instinctively you throw your hand out into the icy water but it is too late. You slip slowly into the river as it pulls you ever down and into its cold belly. An unfamiliar feeling greets your hand. A sharp, metallic object, digging into flesh. You realise it is the glittering thing you saw. You grip onto it tightly as consciousness fades. You drift. But where? A strange noise awakes you.
Music. The strange music, Filling the freezing lake. It seems to come from a nearby island. You swim slowly and cautiously to the shore and climb up the misty bank.You see steps emerging from the haze.
As you run across, the speed of your movement seems to disturb the bridge from its slumber. It awakes angry and intent on destruction.Plank after plank disappears under your feet. You try to jump but its too late. Outstretched hands grasp fruitlessly for something solid. But all they find is pain.A sharp pain inflicted by a small metallic object, wedged in the palm of your floundering hands.You fall.Down.Down into the heart of the river.Drifting.Drifting towards a misty island.
Your path is blocked by an old dry-stone wall. You peer into the foreboding blackness beyond. Your eyes can not break the code of the flickering shadows but your ears seem to warn that the forest is far from dead. Your mind panics at your choice of words and you hesitate to cross the barrier. You decide to… Turn back to the house. Lower yourself cautiously over the wall.
As you reach the top of the slope you see a building in the distance. There seems to be a glow at the window. Your hopes have been answered but suddenly a cold shiver freezes your mind and then retreats down your spine. Instinct tells you to crouch down. You stay close to the damp ground while you consider your options. You decide to…
You decide… It is too much of a risk; so you walk in the opposite direction. You walk cautiously towards the building.