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A Computer-based Decision Support System for Septoriosis Control in Winter Wheat: implementation in Belgium and Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg. El JARROUDI Moussa and TYCHON Bernard Agrometeorological Research Group Faculty of Sciences- Department of Environmental Sciences and Management
A Computer-based Decision Support System for Septoriosis Control in Winter Wheat: implementation in Belgium and Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg. El JARROUDI Moussa and TYCHON Bernard Agrometeorological Research Group Faculty of Sciences- Department of Environmental Sciences and Management University of Liège - Belgium ENDURE Meeting – Versailles – 15.11.2007
Why to set up a decision support system for diseases control in wheat? The optimum time of fungicide application Concern of the environment Target Warnings Socio-economic Modelling Spraying Cultivar-Topo-climatological conditions- Parasite Bees Use of statistical tools and Software packages for diseases management Winter wheat field The risk of strain’s resistance Water table Financial and environmental profitability
Hourly weather data and phenological stages Crop sowing date Calculation with the phyllochron principle (130 degree.days) The Proculture Model * Infection Periods (hours) The number of such hours per day are then added up and all further estimations are based on daily data Latent period • Calculated by polynomial equation (SHAW, 1990) • Relationship between latent period and t° • > 0.1 mm in 1st H • > 0.5 mm in the 2nd H • RH > 60% for 19 H • T >4°C for 48 H INPUT The evolution of the latent period is calculated daily on the basis of mean daily temperature and summed up to 100% Estimation of primary and secondary infection expressed on the upper leaves (F5 to F1) Estimation of the disease progression on the upper leaves (F5 to F1) Graph OUTPUT * Maraite H and Moreau JM, 1999
PROCULTURE OUTPUTS Forecast of the percentage of the area covered by sporulating S. tritici (beige: Primary infection, brown: Secondary infection Percentage of the leaf area covered by sporulating S.tritici (Pink: Primary infection, red: secondary infection) Logarithmic scale Leaf area development Example of latent period Sowing date Date Calculated leaf natural senesence Rainfall (mm) Forecast of the latency duration according to temperature Temperature (°C) Relative humidity (%)
> 0.1 mm in 1st H • > 0.5 mm in the 2nd H • RH > 60% for 19 H • T >4°C for 48 H Criteria for infection Automatic weather stations
The Proculture decision-making Everlange 2006- Akteur Preceding crop: fallow Warning
The Proculture decision-making Reuler 2006- Dekan Preceding crop: Maize Warning canceled
Weekly crop state, juin 4, 2007 4. Juni 2007 Lef area development Cultivar: Akteur Preceding crop: Maize Sowing date: 7.10.06 Growth stage: GS65 Septoria tritici: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3 Brown rust: symptoms on F1, F2 and F3 Yellow rust: Two focus of yellow rust were observed. Cultivar: AKTEUR Preceding crop: Pea Sowing date: 10.10.06 Growth stage: GS70 Septoria tritici: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3. Cultivar: Tommi Preceding crop: Maize Sowing date: 12.10.06 Growth stage: GS69 Septoria tritici: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3. Brown rust: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3. Cultivar: ACHAT Preceding crop: Pea Sowing date: 10.10.06 Growth stage: GS69+ Septoria tritici: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3. Cultivar: FLAIR Preceding crop: Pea Sowing date: 10.10.06 Growth stage: GS72 Septoria tritici: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3. Brown rust: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3. Sorte: CUBUS Preceding crop: Canola seed Sowing date: 11.10.06 Growth stage: GS75 Septoria tritici: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3. Brown rust: Symptoms on F1, F2 and F3. This week, very important symptoms were observed on F1 leaves. These symptoms exceeded 20 % infection for some F1 leaves. The mid-May rainfall is the cause of this infection, probably due to spores stemming from Mycosphearella graminicola ascospores. The end of Maysweet night-temperatures were very favorable to the brown rust germination. Rains registered in the flowering stage provided convenient conditions for the fusarium head blight. Finally, the foci of yellow rust were observed for the first time at Reuler.
Proculture Septoriosis Model Module of leaf rust CERES AUDPC HAD HAA AUVDPC PAD PAA Coupling of phyllochron and latent period Partners Ulg INRA Simulation functions of the kinetics of degradation of the green surface Yield Coupling of CERES and PROCULTURE To establish the economic and environmental threshold of fungicides application To provide an optimum time frame for site-specific spraying and distribute these results in real-time to the farming community. Calculation of the useful green surface and disturbances bound to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) and Septoria tritici blotch Impact of fungicides on water and soils. Estimation of fungicides residues PRZM
Expertise, software and data exchange between INRA (UMR XXX EGC-AgroPariTech, Grignon) and ULg Strenghtening of the CERES-PRZM approach used in the ENDURE project Conversion of an epidemiological tool to a nuisibility tool (including yield losses) Extension of a soil-plant-atmosphere model to an environmental impact assessment tool Expected results