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The Vikings were farmers and great traders . But they are most remembered f or their predatory activities. The word vikings perhaps means “ creek dealers ” or “ pirates ”. The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden . .
The Vikings were farmers and great traders. But they are most remembered fortheir predatory activities
The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
TheVikingswhoattackedEnglandwherereferredto asDene “Danes”, buttherewerealsonorwegiansamongthem
Thefirstattacks in Englandprobablytook place round A.D. 789 Theywerejustpiraticalraids in search of plunder.
Later, largegroupsspentthewinter in England And largearmiesstayedforlongerperiods. and finallycameconquest and settlement.
TheVikingscameveryneartoconquerthewhole of England Butking Alfred heldthesouth and westagainstthem.
TheboundarybetweenAlfred`sterritory and theDanelawranalongthe line from London to Chester.
TheVikingslefttheirinprintontheisland in government, legal procedures, language and evenarithmetic.
TheScandinavianinflux has leftitsmarkonEnglish place names. by: “village, homestead” Grimsby thorp: “secondarysettlement” Grimsthorpe toft: “buildingsite, plot of land” Langtoft” thwaite: “woodlandclearing, meadow” Micklewaite” Others: Brimsby, Whitby, Derby, Rugby.
Personal names: ending in –son: Jackson, Robertson, Thompson, Stevenson, Jonson. Manythings of humanexistance: Nouns: band, birth,bull, dirt, down, egg, fellow, gate, sky, want Verbs: call,clasp, die, get, give, happen, hit, raise, scream, take Adjectives: awkward, flat, happy, ill,odd, sly, tight, ugly, weak, wrong Formwords: at, both, less, lesser, rather, same, until, together, worse, hence They are issaidtobepureScandinavian.
The total number of scandinavianloansis in factrathersmallcomparedwithotherinfluencesexerteduponEnglish. Butmany of them are words in veryfrequent use, and thereis a scandinavianenclave in thevery central region of theEnglishvocabulary.