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Procricshop carries top brands of cricket bat makers & has three full length bowling lanes available. Please call for Reservation.

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  1. TOP THREE KOOKABURRA CRICKET BATS KB SHADOW 3.3 CRICKET BAT SH $215.00 With an aggressive powerful profile and smouldering black graphics the Shadow is the ideal choice for the player who likes to make thing happen on the field. The addition of the new ‘Counterbalance’handle enhances the ‘pick up’ to provide a bat which packs a heavyweight punch! KB CONCEPT 20 6 CRICKET BAT SH price$175.00 The Kookaburra Concept 20 6 Cricket Bat has been handmade using unbleached English willow. with a non oil Pro Shield face applied. A powerful profile with a higher middle & unique scalloping to the toe offers a superb combination of pick up & performance KB KAHUNA PRO SIZE SA (SMALL ADULT) Price $250.00 ‘Players’ Quality – Specially Selected Grade 1 Unbleached English Willow. Free of Charge Premium Padded Bat Cover. Middle; approx. 215mm to 235mm from toe. Edge Thickness; approx. 35mm to 38mm. Visit Our Website: Procricshop

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