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We are all aware of the fact that our urine takes out all the toxic waste from our body. What if our urine gets blocked or does not come out properly or it requires force to urinate? These conditions are mostly encountered in old age. If you are going through these problems, you should better consult the physician. It may be because you are suffering from BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). Prostate is the gland, which is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It surrounds the urethra, a tube that carries urine from the bladder.

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  1. STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING BPH We are all aware of the fact that our ​urine takes out all the toxic waste from our body. What if our urine gets blocked or does not come out properly or it requires force to urinate? These conditions are mostly encountered in old age. If you are going through these problems, you should better consult the physician. It may be because you are suffering from BPH (​benign prostatic hyperplasia​). Prostate is the gland, which is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It surrounds the urethra, a tube that carries urine from the bladder. Prostate maintains the fertility of males by secretion of ​semen​. It grows larger with age, which narrows the urethra and creates difficulty in urination. This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia or ​benign prostatic hypertrophy and it is not cancerous. For many years, doctors believed that this common condition was the result of an increase in the size of certain cells in the prostate gland. An increase in cell size is known as ​hypertrophy​. In BPH, prostate cells do get bigger, but the number of cells also increases. An increase in cell number is known as hyperplasia​. So, benign prostatic hyperplasia and benign prostatic hypertrophy, both are the same, but different in mechanism. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia symptoms​: Enlarged prostate suppresses the urethra, due to which a person faces the following conditions like: ▪ Frequent urination, especially at night

  2. Weak Urinary stream Dribbling of urine Painful urination Blood in urine ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ If you have been diagnosed with BPH, do not resign yourself to exist in BPH. You are not alone. The Urology Care Foundation estimates that 50 percent of men in their 50s have an enlarged prostate. There are various options for BPH treatment and its progressive symptoms. ▪ Alpha blockers ▪ 5-alpha reductase inhibitors ▪ Combo treatment ▪ Laser surgery ▪ Prostatectomy Alpha blockers​: These drugs relax the smooth muscles of the urethra and bladder, which enables the person to urinate properly. Drugs employed for the treatment are Tamsulosin, Silodsin, Terazosin, and Alfuzosin.

  3. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors​: ​Dihydrotestosterone or 5 alpha reductase encourages the growth of the prostate. These drugs curb the production of DHT, due to which prostate size is reduced. Combo treatment​: Nowadays, Physicians are using the combination of alpha blockers and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. Combo drug therapy provides greater symptomatic relief than taking either one of these drugs alone. Common Combination prescribed by physicians is Finasteride + Doxazosin and Dutasteride + Tamsulosin. Laser surgery​: There are various advancements occurring recently in the area of BPH treatment. Laser treatment is a part of them and is very effective. A scope is inserted in the urethra through the penis. After that, a laser beam is to be passed through the scope and removes the enlarged part of the prostate by melting or cutting. The laser melts the excess prostate tissue in photo selective vaporization of the prostate (PVP).

  4. Prostatectomy​: This method is mostly employed in the prostate cancer for the total removal of the prostate. But, also used in BPH treatment. A surgeon removes only the enlarged part of the prostate. Prostatectomy is a traditional method used in BPH treatment. It is only employed when BPH symptoms are very severe. Home remedies for Benign Prostatic hyperplasia​: Tomatoes​: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. ​Lycopene helps in the BPH condition by reducing the PSA (​Prostate specific antigen​) level in blood. PSA is a prime factor responsible for prostate enlargement. Lycopene also lowers the bladder pressure and helps to reduce the size of the prostate. Pumpkin seeds​: Pumpkin, the giant vegetable can be utilized to control the BPH and its symptoms. Pumpkin seeds are full of zinc. Patients with BPH are deficient in zinc. Hence, it reduces the BPH by covering up the zinc deficiency and its diuretic action. Apple Cider vinegar​: Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties that help to shrink enlarged prostate glands. It also helps in reducing weight and prevents from various urinary infections. Corn silk​: Corn silk is the traditional home remedy for BPH. It acts as a natural diuretic, which relaxes the muscles and linings of the urethra. This leads to improved urine flow. Various medicines are employed for the treatment of BPH, But have not shown any promising or permanent results. As we shifted towards the nature, a plethora of herbs show better results in BPH. Prunus domestica is one of the plants that gives extraordinary benefits in BPH. Many research studies proved this fact. The phytosterols, especially beta sitosterol, which is present in the Prunus domestica​, inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which ultimately reduces the inflammation in prostate. ​Prosman is one such supplement that helps in the management of BPH​. It’s a natural dietary supplement and is patented as well as clinically evaluated.

  5. Key points: Benign prostatic hyperplasia and benign prostatic hypertrophy both are the same, but different in mechanism ▪ Lycopene helps in the reduction of the size of enlarged prostate ▪ Addition of zinc rich food in our diet prevents from BPH. ▪ Prunus Domestica​ is good for BPH management ▪

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