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Chile and Reforming the Reform in Latin America

Chile and Reforming the Reform in Latin America. Stephen Kay Americas Center Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta November 27, 2006 stephen.kay@atl.frb.org

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Chile and Reforming the Reform in Latin America

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chile and Reforming the Reform in Latin America Stephen Kay Americas Center Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta November 27, 2006 stephen.kay@atl.frb.org Disclaimer: The ideas expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta or the Federal Reserve System.

  2. Contributors to Pension Schemes as a Proportion of the Economically Active Population: 1980-2003 Sources: Gill et al. (2004) until 1999; IBGE; ANSES; FIAP and ISSSTE; Matijascic and Kay’s calculations.

  3. Administrative Fees as a Percentage of Total Worker Contributions, 2005 Source: FIAP

  4. Five Ways that Chile’s Current Reform will Influence Other Reforms • Comprehensive in Scope • New Solidarity Pillar • Gender Issues Addressed • Pension Fund Industry Reform • Reform Process Deliberative and Transparent

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