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College Planning Night January 18, 2011

College Planning Night January 18, 2011. WELCOME PARENTS AND STUDENTS! Presented by: The Lower Moreland High School Guidance Department. College Planning: Four-part process. Part 1: “ Making College Affordable! ” Part 2: General College Information (tonight)

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College Planning Night January 18, 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. College Planning NightJanuary 18, 2011 WELCOME PARENTS AND STUDENTS! Presented by: The Lower Moreland High School Guidance Department

  2. College Planning: Four-part process • Part 1: “Making College Affordable!” • Part 2: General College Information (tonight) • Part 3: “Meet the College Rep Night” (March 31) • Part 4: Individual Planning Conference (Spring)

  3. Tonight’s Program: • Welcome-Richard Marta, Guidance Chair • Student Self-Assessment • Parent Assessment • College Assessment • College Research/Naviance • Colleges of Interest • Questions Begin College Road Trip

  4. II. Student Self Assessment (p.1-10) • What’s important to you when considering a school? • “College Questionnaire for Students”(p.3-5) Please complete and discuss as a family priorto your Junior Conference. • “Student Brag Sheet” (p.6 & 7)- Submit with first transcript request. • Guidelines for athletes (p.8) • Guidelines for applying to Service Academies (p.9) • Guidelines for students with learning differences (p.10)

  5. III. Parent Assessment (p. 11-13) • Review “Pointers for Parents” (p.11) • Optional “Parent Brag Sheet” (p.12&13) (Given at Junior Conference and returned to Counselor in fall with first Transcript Request). • Remember: The best college for your child is where they fit academically and socially. Try to be realistic and supportive.

  6. IV. College Assessment (p.14-35) • Academic record/ H.S. transcript (p.15) • H.S. Standing/ Class Rank (p.16) • Standardized Tests/ SAT Reasoning or ACT & SAT Subject Tests (p.17-26) • Recommendations (p.27 & 28) • Extracurricular activities/Community service(p.30-32) • Ability to communicate/Personal statement (p.29) Facebook and college admissions • Number of applicants • Geography and residence • Special considerations

  7. V. Research (p. 36-54) • LMHS Guidance Department website: (www.lmtsd.org/lmhs) Follow path: Departments, Guidance. • Naviance Family Connection (p. 36) • College Resource Reference Guides-(p. 39-40) • Useful websites for research (p.41-43) • College Admissions Data Sheets-(p. 44-47) • College Representatives (p. 48) • Campus Visits (p. 49 & 50) • Weekly Guidance Bulletin/Scholarship page • Financial Aid (p. 55-61) • College Fairs (p. 51) • College Visitation Day Permit (p. 66)

  8. Naviance Family Connection (p. 36) • Parent access to program given at Individual Junior Planning Conference • Students have access now-please update the following before your Individual Junior Conference: “About Me” section: update Extracurricular Activity Sheet, complete Game Plan, & add Favorite Colleges which will appear under “College” tab: “Colleges I’m Thinking About” • Example of how to use Naviance in the College Planning process • Using LMHS alumni data- “Scattergrams”

  9. VI. Colleges of Interest • Develop a preliminary list of schools to research and enter them in Naviance before your Junior Conference. • Use Naviance Scattergrams to assist in identifying safety, realistic and reach schools • Use “Links for College Research and Testing” on Guidance Website • Take a virtual tour (“Links” page: CampusTours link). • Visit schools/attend Open House programs • Attend College Rep meetings @ LMHS in fall

  10. What else should I be doing? • Stay involved with clubs/activities in/out of school. Strive for leadership positions. • Keep your Extracurricular Activity record updated on Naviance. • Continue to challenge yourself academically next semester and senior year. • Official GPA/Rank calculated over summer. • Review the Weekly Guidance Bulletin/Scholarships page of the Guidance Web Site on a regular basis **Scholarships can be based on: merit, financial need, leadership, community service, ethnicity, athletic ability, specific majors or careers or specific talents. • Look for Merit Scholarships on: www.meritaid.com • Continue community service or employment • Explore internship opportunities • Explore Summer Programs / College Courses

  11. VII. Questions? • We appreciate your attention and attendance this evening & we look forward to working with you! • Final thought • Counselor email links on HS website www.lmtsd.org/lmhs (Click on Staff, listed alphabetically); email links in Naviance • Guidance phone: (215) 938-0114. • Don’t forget to schedule your Individual Junior Planning Conference (Invitation will be mailed soon).

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