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Saint Gertrude High School. Athletic Handbook 2014-2015. Athletic Philosophy.
Saint Gertrude High School Athletic Handbook 2014-2015
Athletic Philosophy • The Saint Gertrude High School Athletic Department serves as an extension of the values and philosophies of the school as a whole. Athletics can enhance the educational experience by promoting leadership, cooperation, healthy lifestyles and fitness for life.
Core Values • We live by Benedictine values of community, hospitality, and stewardship finding strength in our prayerful spirituality, beauty in God's creation, and joy in serving others. • We work to develop the whole student by stimulating pursuit of intellectual excellence, physical well being, expressive creativity and spiritual discovery. • We expect high moral character as exhibited in the way we show respect for ourselves and others. • We create a nurturing and inclusive community in which together we make one another stronger. • We are good stewards of the resources that are entrusted to us in an effort to provide opportunities to as many young women as possible regardless of economic situation.
Sportsmanship …character counts • Positive reflection of self and their team • Positive reflection of Saint Gertrude High School • Positive reflection of work ethic • When no one is watching
Academic Eligibility • When QUARTER grades are distributed, the grades of all student-athletes will be checked. It is the student’s responsibility to fill out a grade sheet and present it to the Director of Athletics. At this time, student-athletes must be passing at least five courses with a grade of C or higher to remain eligible. If she does not have at least five Cs, she will be ineligible for any games/events until satisfactory improvement is shown. The athlete may continue to practice with the team, but is encouraged to attend after-school help sessions to improve academic performance. Failure in any subject for a 9-week period requires academic probation until the next marking period. • Any student who is found to be under academic probation will be placed on progress reports immediately. • No single grade for any semester may be lower than a D-. If a student fails any subject for any semester, she is automatically not eligible to participate in the following semester’s athletic activities. • A student may participate in athletics only if she is carrying a full academic load. • Students may be designated for a study hall prior to their practice with less than 5 Cs. • Transfer students may not join a team if a season has begun.
Injuries & aThletic training • If a medical professional removes an athlete from an activity, then the athlete must have a signed note from a medical professional to return to the sport. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, parents cannot waive liability. • Students should report all injuries to their coach and the athletic trainer. If an injury occurs when no athletic trainer is present, the coach will treat the player, the assistant coach (or administrator) will remain with the team. A report of the injury will be completed by the coach and reported to the AD and athletic trainer. • Any pre-existing injuries/allergies MUST be reported on your physical form and to the Athletic Trainer • All students must undergo concussion testing in order to participate. S-A and parents must sign return the SGHS Concussion Form. • Students receiving treatment for an injury will receive an insurance form from SGHS
Travel Policy (games) • All students are expected to travel with their team to games. • For Local games: If a student lives within walking distance of the site of competition, she may drive their vehicle (with only a sibling as a passenger) to the game, following the bus. • Coaches are responsible for communicating bus departure times and return times so student athletes may arrange for transportation drop-off and pick-up times. Bus schedules will be on Gatornet. • Coaches are NOT responsible for transporting student athletes to or from events unless approved by the Athletic Director. • Coaches have the discretion to release a student to ride home with their parents or legal guardian from an event providing a release form is signed by the parent or legal guardian. (permission to travel)
Travel policy (practice) • The AD will provide a transportation schedule to coaches and players who must travel to their practice site, which is beyond walking distance. Trips are one way to the field unless otherwise indicated. • Students who drive themselves to school and practice and wish to transport teammates must have their parents complete Permission to Transport form. The parent of the student being transported must sign the same document.
Playing in college • Those wishing to compete at all levels should meet with their coach and athletic director to prepare a portfolio of references, resume` and transcripts for college visits by the fall of their Junior year. • All students who are considering athletic competition at a Division I or II college institution must meet the NCAA Clearinghouse requirements. Student athletes may access the NCAA website (http://web1.ncaa.org/ECWR2/NCAA_EMS/NCAA.jsp) to get further information. • Do your FAFSA! • Don’t pay for what you can do yourself
Attendance • Whenever a school activity interferes with an athletic practice or game, the student athlete shall not be suspended from the next or any following contests. In fairness to those student athletes who continue to practice and play the game, they should be given the opportunity to start the next game. The student athletes who attended the other activity shall be inserted into the game at the discretion of the coach. • Students must notify the coach of conflicts with their schedules. Unexcused absences will be grounds for suspension from a team. • Not all school activities are excused activities. • Students must be in attendance by 10:30 am in order to participate in any school activity.
Out of season programs • Whenever a conflict arises between the high school team practice or competition and an out-of-school or out-of-season practice or competition on the same day, the high school team practice or competition must be honored by the student athlete. Missing a SGHS practice or game will be an unexcused absence. • All coaches should encourage their players to participate in other sports. The final decision for participation, however, must rest with the athlete, not with the coach. • Coaches involved in out of season programs must not allow student athletes currently in season to participate in these programs. Professional respect and courtesy should be shown to fellow coaches and their programs. • Out of season workouts cannot be a requirement for participation in any sport and should not exceed more than two hours per week.
Out of season SGHS programs • Out of season workouts cannot be a requirement for participation in any sport and should not exceed more than two hours per week. • Student Athletes playing in two consecutive seasons will be permitted five school days off between seasons.
Communication • Every effort will be made to communicate changes quickly. We will not call or email you personally. • Teams will be notified • SGHS main phone line • Website & Friday Footnotes • Sports Hotline: 358-9885 ext. 408 • Text Alerts: through coach or RainedOut • http://www.saintgertrude.org/podium/default.aspx?t=143013&rc=0 for up to date schedule
Communication between coach and player • Coaches are expected to communicate their expectations to student athletes and their parents clearly and consistently • Coaches hold a pre-season meeting and team guidelines in writing. • Coaches should encourage student athletes to approach them if they have any issue about their experience on a team. Playing on a team provides for the opportunity for young people to develop communication skills with adults and those in positions of authority.
Coach and parent • Coaches are expected to communicate with parents. Coaches should encourage parents to schedule meetings or phone calls to discuss important matters to enable each person to be prepared for the discussion. • THERE WILL BE A 24 HOUR RULE FOLLOWING GAMES WHERE NO PARENT OR COACH WILL COMMUNICATE REGARDING THE GAME
Coach and parent • After 24 hours… • Topics that are appropriate to discuss with parents: • •The treatment of their child, mentally and physically • •Ways to help their child improve individually and as a team member • •Concerns about their child’s behavior or academic status • Topics that are not appropriate to discuss with parents: • •Playing time •Team strategy •Play calling • •Other student athletes •Coach’s skill and knowledge of the game
Communication Order • After a player has met with their coach, a parent may set up an appointment which follows: • 1 Sub•Varsity Team Coaches (Middies, Junior Varsity and Assistant coaches) • 2 Head Coach • 3 Athletic Director • 4 President
Athletic discipline • Each team will have specific team guidelines in addition to the Athletic Department or school policies. • Benching- allowing a player to dress in a uniform for a game but not being allowed to participate in the game. Prior to the game it is the responsibility of the coach to inform the student athlete • Suspension-Student athlete not dressed for one or more than one game Student and AD notified by coach • Dismissal- The coach recommends in writing to the Athletic Director the suspension of a student athlete for an indefinite period of time and states that facts and reason(s) concerning the recommendation.
Alcohol and substance abuse policy • The sale, distribution, transportation, use of, or possession of alcohol or any type of drug or medication considered illegal or which there is no valid prescription, by any student participating in athletic activities sponsored by Saint Gertrude High School will result in the suspension from said activities. This procedure is in effect during the season and for the academic year for those athletic activities for which there is no designated period. • First Offense: A substantiated in-season violation of the drug and alcohol policy outsidethe school setting shall result in suspension from all athletic activities for 30 school days. The student may practice but not suit out for competition or travel with the team. Second Offense: The student will lose all athletic eligibility for one year (365 days).
Code of Conduct • All athletes and their parents will read and agree to the Saint Gertrude High School Code of Conduct.
Equipment and uniforms • Equipment and Uniforms are to be distributed and collected by their coach. Student Athletes are responsible for the cleaning and maintenance all equipment issued. Each student will sign an equipment form understanding the expense of the equipment issued to them. • Any apparel worn during competition will be approved by the Athletic Department and SGHS Administration.
Athletic Fees • Offset operational costs such as travel expenses, fuel, equipment and coaches salaries. • $150 one time sport fee, $50 season thereafter for the remainder of their school year. Capped at $400 per family. Billing is done through business office. • One time fee includes a travel warm up suit which will be standard across all teams, a reversible top, shorts, and practice shirt. Only the warm up suit will be worn when traveling with the team.
Gator Aid friends of athletics • SGHS Gator Aid…..Stokes McCune • Develop and enhance all programs • Increase awareness • Promote Spirit • Who We Are: • Parents, friends, businesses and faculty who believe in the value and mission of SGHS Athletics • Help Us: Volunteers, Financially, Expertise • Concessions Special Events: 5K, Tailgator • Spirit Wear
Gator Aid friends of athletics • Three Pronged Approach: • Develop Sportsmanship and Recognition: Annual Awards Banquet • Promote Spirit: Increase Visibility with Branding (Gator Shop, Concession, Team wear) • Develop and enhance all programs: Capstone Event: 5k Challenge (2014 net $9,500)
Outdoor athletic center • Fall of 2011 Aug. 27th, 2013
Outdoor athletic center • Wait ‘til Friday for the 2014 view. Fall 2013
To Do List • Check of that you have read the Athletic Handbook (Online) • Concussion Policy (Online) Sept. 1st • Code of Conduct (Coach) Sept. 1st • Uniform Contract (Coach) • Sign up for Tailgator (Online) Friday, Sept. 12th • Sign up for Gator Aid! (Right here, right now!) • Get a Golf Team Together Monday, Oct. 27th • Fall Athletic Awards Banquet Tuesday, Nov. 18th
Go gators! • Volunteers, Coaches, Feedback? • Athletic Director: Missy Ackerman, 822-3956 • mackerman@saintgertrude.org • Assistant Athletic Director : Fran Pochily • fpochily@saintgertrude.org 358-9114 x123 • Athletic Trainer: Katie Roberts, 358-9114 ext 119, • krobertsl@saintgertrude.org
Go gators! Success will be defined by character