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Social Methodology - Mike2.Openmethodology

MIKE2.0 provides a comprehensive social methodology that can be applied across a number of different projects within the information management space. Visit us at : http://mike2.openmethodology.org/

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Social Methodology - Mike2.Openmethodology

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  2. About us Method for an Integrated Knowledge Environment (MIKE2.0) is an open source delivery framework for Enterprise Information Management. • Driving an overall approach through an organization's Information Strategy • Enabling people with the right skills to build and manage new information systems while creating a culture of information excellence • Moving to a new organisational model that delivers an improved information management competency • Improving processes around information compliance, policies, practices and measurement • Delivering contemporary technology solutions that meet the needs of highly federated organizations

  3. Solution Offerings Core Solution Offeringsare solutions for common problems in Information Management. These problems are fairly signficant and would come in the form of major projects that an organisation would conduct that would take place over months or years. Core Solutions are often industry-independent, complementing Business Solution Offerings which tend to apply to a specific type of organisation. They are also logical, complementing Product Solution Offerings which are technology-specific.

  4. Featuerd Articles • This Information Development approach enables: • Real-time synchronisation and transformation of information between systems. This automates integration and promotes reuse across a federated enterprise. • The exposure of shadow processes and business rules. These are typically embedded inside application and integration functions as reusable metadata • The standardisation of interchange information into a common enterprise format to avoid stovepipe "application-focused" integration • Building integrated repositories of information for use by the enterprise as a whole.

  5. Contact us If you have any questions, please email us at mike2@openmethodology.org.

  6. Thank you

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