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Part Five The Nervous System. Department of Anatomy ,Qingdao University Medical College W.S.B 2003.11.11. Section 2 The Cranial Nerves( 脑神经 ). I. Olfactory n. ( 嗅神经 ) II. Optic n. ( 视神经 ) III. Oculomotor n. ( 动眼神经 ) IV. Trochlear n. ( 滑车神经 ) V. Trigeminal n. ( 三叉神经 )
Part FiveThe Nervous System Department of Anatomy ,Qingdao University Medical College W.S.B 2003.11.11
Section 2 The Cranial Nerves(脑神经) I. Olfactory n. (嗅神经) II. Optic n. (视神经) III. Oculomotor n. (动眼神经) IV. Trochlear n. (滑车神经) V. Trigeminal n. (三叉神经) VI. Abducent n. (展神经) VII. Facial n. (面神经)
The Cranial Nerves VIII. Vestibulocochlear n. (前庭蜗神经) (位听神经) IX. Glossopharyngeal n. (舌咽神经) X. Vagus n. (迷走神经) XI. Accessory n. (副神经) XII. Hypoglossal n. (舌下神经) 一嗅二视三动眼,四滑五叉六外展,七面八听九舌咽, 迷.副,舌下十二全。
Introduction A. Classification of the Cranial Nerves 1. Sensory nerves (感觉神经): I, II, VIII. 2. Motor nerves (运动神经): III, IV, VI, XI, XII. 3. Mixed nerves (混合神经): V, VII, IX, X.
Introduction B. Components of the Cranial Nerves 1. Sensory (afferent) fibers [感觉(传入) 纤维] 1) general somatic sensory fiber(GSA)(一般躯体感觉纤维): skin nerve endings (皮肤神经末稍) muscle spindles (肌梭)
Introduction 2) special somatic sensory fiber(SSA)(特殊躯体感觉纤维): visual (视), hearing (听), balance organs (平衡)
Introduction 3) general visceral sensory fiber (GVA) (一般内脏感觉纤维): all viscera (全部内脏) 4) special visceral sensory fiber (SVA) (特殊内脏感觉纤维): olfactory (嗅器) and taste (味器)
Introduction 2. Motor (efferent) fibers [运动 (传出)纤维] 1) general somatic motor fiber (GSE) (一般躯体运动纤维): muscles of the eye and tongue (眼外肌和舌肌)
Introduction 2) general visceral motor fiber (GVE) (一般内脏运动纤维): smooth mm. (平滑肌), cardiac mm. (心肌), glands (腺体)
Introduction 3) special visceral motor fiber (SVE) (特殊内脏运动): skeletal muscles derive from branchial arch (源于鳃弓的骨骼肌) I 鳃弓 咀嚼肌 II 鳃弓 面肌 III-VII 鳃弓 咽喉肌, 胸锁乳突肌,斜方肌
I. The Olfactory Nerve (嗅神经)SVA olfactory cells (嗅细胞) within the olfactory epithelium of nasal cavity (在鼻腔内嗅区上皮) olfactory bulb (嗅球) [anosmia 嗅觉丧失, hyposmia 嗅觉减退] olfactory filaments (I) (嗅丝) cribriform foramina [anosmia 嗅觉丧失]
II. The Optic Nerve (视神经) SSA optic chiasma (视交叉) rod cells (视杆细胞) cone cells (视锥细胞) ganglionic cells (节细胞) bipolar cells (双极细胞) II optic canal (视神经管) [total blindness 全盲] photoreceptor cells (感光细胞)
Ⅲ. The Oculomotor Nerve (动眼神经)GSE, GVE superior rectus levator palpebrae superioris (上直肌,上睑提肌) midbrain (中脑) 脚间窝 III superior branch(上支) III inferior branch(下支) inferior rectus medial rectus inferior oblique (下直肌,内直肌,下斜肌) sup. orbital fissure (眶上裂) sphincter pupil, ciliary m. (瞳孔括约肌,睫状肌) [strabismus 斜视] [眼睑下垂, 瞳孔扩大 , 眼球转向外下, 复视]
Ⅲ. The Oculomotor Nerve (动眼神经)GSE, GVE
Ⅳ. The Trochlear Nerve (滑车神经)GSE midbrain (中脑) 背侧 sup. orbital fissure(眶上裂) superior oblique (上斜肌) IV
Ⅴ. The Trigeminal Nerve(三叉神经)GSA, SVE lacrim n(泪腺) lacrimal gland(泪腺) frontal (额) n 眶上神经 额皮 V ganglion (三叉神 经节) 滑车上神经 ophthalmic n (眼神经) nasociliary(鼻睫) n 鼻背,腔,筛窦,眼球 pons (脑桥) infraorbital(眶下) n 眼口间皮肤 V maxillary n (上颌神经) Zygomatic n.(颧神经) 颧部皮肤 sup.alveolar(上牙槽) n 上牙,牙龈 mandibular nerve (下颌n) auriculotemporal n 颞部皮肤 buccal (颊) n 颊部皮肤,粘膜 VII lingual (舌) n 舌前 2/3 一般感觉 [trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神经痛] [trigeminal nerve block 三叉神经封闭] Taste.舌前2/3味觉 鼓索 inf. alveolar n mental 颏n 下唇皮肤 lower teeth下牙,牙龈 下颌舌骨肌N mastic.mm.咀嚼肌 masticat. brs(咀嚼肌支)
Ⅴ. The Trigeminal Nerve (三叉神经) GSA, SVE
Ⅴ. The Trigeminal Nerve (三叉神经) GSA, SVE
Ⅴ. The Trigeminal Nerve (三叉神经) GSA, SVE
Ⅵ. The Abducent Nerve (展神经)GSE sup. orbital fissure(眶上裂) pons (脑桥) lateral rectus (外直肌) VI [strabismus斜视] [diplepia (double vision) 复视]