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Learn 2 Observe 3.0 international educators

Learn 2 Observe 3.0 international educators. Exercise: Open your eyes No, really: o-p-e-n y-o-u-r e-y-e-s. What do you see? Take a brief second and make notes in your head Now what did you see? Can you write it down in key words? Can you visualize it in own images or make your own story?

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Learn 2 Observe 3.0 international educators

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learn 2 Observe 3.0international educators

  2. Exercise: Open your eyes No, really: o-p-e-n y-o-u-r e-y-e-s. What do you see? Take a brief second and make notes in your head Now what did you see? Can you write it down in key words? Can you visualize it in own images or make your own story? Welcome at LEARN 2 OBSERVE 3.0!!!!!

  3. Who I am? Daniëlle Sant, editor in chief of Coiffure Magazine and Tribute NL How do you see me? What do you see?

  4. It’s about details!!!

  5. As educators you have to work together with a lot of different persons. Teach. You teach persons who have different backgrounds, habits, tastes and see the world also differently. And now? *Social Movement/Trend

  6. How does LEARN 2 OBSERVE work?

  7. What? First you start with learning to really look around. -Find details -Look for the complete picture -Find links and connections

  8. How? By analyzing every image, photo or object -what do you really see? -Define details -Find keywords

  9. What’s next? Now pass it on!!! make moodboards and be the creator of your own trends & inspiration

  10. Recap *What do you see? *Can you define what you see? -Shapes -Forms -Textures -Lines -Colour use *Make a photo diary? *Make your own translation with keywords *Create your own trend!!!

  11. !!!!

  12. Let’s go do the trendwalk!!!

  13. Social Trends -Sharing = Caring -Authenticity -One choice -Social Media

  14. Sharing = Caring refill Pop Up! Air BNB

  15. Authenticity The Barber

  16. Recycle RAW Vintage styles Re-inventing

  17. One Choice To many choices = KIS (S)

  18. Social Media

  19. Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media: -Authentic -Time -Energy -Angst -Ambassadors & Fans -KISS -Updated

  20. My gift for you …

  21. Thank you for your time!

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