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Our objective today is to share with you our vision for the future of the Turning Point recruitment brand. Specifically, we will address:. Recruitment marketing channels Your website. Commercial websites. Job Point. Print media. Social media. The Turning Point recruitment brand
Our objective today is toshare with you our vision for the future of the Turning Point recruitment brand.Specifically, we will address: Recruitment marketing channels • Your website. • Commercial websites. • Job Point. • Print media. • Social media. The Turning Point recruitment brand • What is a recruitment brand and why is it important? • Our vision for the Turning Point recruitment brand. • How the recruitment brand will work in practice. What does success look like?
Recruitment marketing channels • Six years ago Turning Point were spending c. £700K pa on recruitment advertising. • It is projected that in 2009/2010 your spend willbe c. £400K. • Until 2004 there was no functioning recruitment section on your website. • Lighthouse designed, wrote, built and tested Turning Point’s first recruitment website in three months. • The site was built with user-friendly back office functionality to enable you to post and manage your own vacancies.
Your website today • 6years old. • 10,000applications this year. • 50/50split between online and downloaded applications (function disabled 01/10). • 13,333 subscribers to ‘Jobs By Email’ service. • 11%of all applications received this year were generated by “Jobs By Email” service. • 250Well-Being Coordinators and 700 Mental Health Nurses on the searchable database. • 3,500on the Volunteers’ Database. • 25%of the traffic to your corporate is generated by jobseekers. • 100%of visitors to the Turning Point website who arrive to search for a job, leave having had an ‘off brand’ recruitment experience.
Your website of the future • Integrate top navigation, including all the features in the header such as search functions. • Integrate left navigation from corporate site, adding ‘Jobs By Email’ menu entry into navigation on both sites. • Increase size of screen. • Use common footer and include‘One to watch’ logo. • Make other changes to achieveRNIB accreditation. • Implement consistency in use of initial capitals across all content. • Integrate ‘Work for Us’ pages with dynamic recruitment pages.
Optimise user experience – job search • Amend text on ‘Work For Us’ page and remove ‘Current recruitment campaigns’ and associated buttons. • Campaign buttons to feature on ‘Current vacancies’ page. • Remove all reference in ‘FAQs’ to defunct ATS process. • Minimise number of candidate clicks by removing interim page between ‘Current vacancies’ on left hand navigation and vacancy list.
Amend ‘Current vacancy’ list to display by job title, salary, actual locationand area of work. • Add a ‘Sort by’ function to enable candidates to view jobs by job title, salary, location or area of work. • Add a ‘Search’ function to enable candidates to find specific job titles. • Generate an XML feed of all live vacancies to ‘push’ the data to relevant ‘Roles at Turning Point’ pages. • Add ‘Job of the week’ on Home page.
Optimise user experience – application process • Currently an option to save and retrieve application forms, which are saved against the vacancy, not the user. • Application forms cannot be retrieved after an application has been made or the vacancy has expired. • We will create a username and password protected area where applicants can edit, save and retrieve their completed application form and use it to apply again. • Users will only be required to log-in once they decide to applyfor a job. • Introduce measures to ensure compliance with ‘Two Ticks’ requirements. • Applicant database can be made accessible for data mining. • A confirmation email will be automatically generated to candidates once an application has been sent.
Search engine optimisation • Currently all pages have a standard page title, which is common to all pagesin the website. • By using special coding we will automatically generate page title text unique to each page, incorporating job title, location and company name. • This will identify each as a unique page, which search engines consider more important when displaying results. • This in turn will mean higher search rankings on Google and other search engines.
Descriptive URLs are proven to work better in search engine result pages. • http://jobs.jobs-at-turning-point.co.uk/fulldetails.asp?vacid=3019 will perform less well than http://jobs.jobs-at-turning-point.co.uk/jobs/clinical-psychologist-somerset-clinical-jobs • This is because it includes the job title, location and business area as text, which reinforces its relevance in search results. • The URLs will be generated automatically by special coding that we will add to the site.
Social media integration • Add ‘share’ button. • Enables users to share the vacancy details at the click of a button: from Facebook to LinkedIn, as well as Email to a friend. • It also generates traffic back to the site, which increases the site's search engine ranking. • Automatically links with Google Analytics to track traffic generated by the button.
An XML feed of the jobs posted on the site, will automatically ‘push’ vacancies to Facebook and Twitter who both offer free job postings. • We will also ‘push’ all vacancies to free job boards such as Indeed.co.uk, Trovit.com and Simplyhired.com • These are very well optimised with search engines and can generate significant traffic. • Simplyhired.com powers both MySpace and LinkedIn’s job boards. • We will use the feed to post selected vacancies to commercial jobs boards such as Total Jobs, Reed and Guardian Online. • It automatically links with Google Analytics to track the traffic that is generated by these free postings.
Reporting • Remove existing reporting, much of which is obsolete as traffic now driven to www.turning-point.co.uk/workforus • Introduce a query-based solution that will be accessible to you to create reports based on job title, date range and media. • This will enable you to accurately measure the efficacy of your media channels, e.g. how many applications were generated over 12 months by Total Jobs or what has been the most successful source of applications for Nursing vacancies? • This in turn will crucially inform your future buying decisions. • The reports will be available via the back office and can be exported to Excel.
Google analytics • Currently two Google analytics accounts running – one on TP corporate site and one on Careers site. • We are not able to track where applicants are coming from and how they behave because there is no link between the two sites and the reporting is interrupted. • By integrating the ‘Work For Us’ pages with the Careers site we will be able to establish: • Who are your users? • Where they come from (website, search engine etc). • Which keywords do they use? • How do they interact with the site (how much time they spend, how many pages they visit etc.)? • …and much more.
Enables us to pinpoint valuable sources of traffic such as forums, resource-based websites and free job boards. • By setting ‘Goals’ we are able to track information such as: • Who is applying for jobs? • Are users from Total Jobs applying for more jobs than those from Reed? • Are they spending more time on the site? • Are they registering for ‘Jobs By Email’? • …and much more. • GA is essential for PPC campaigns. We can assign a value to each completed ‘Goal’, providing a seamless and trackable link between the advertising cost and the value of the application. • It also means that A/B and MVA testing can be carried out in order to refine and increase reach.
Monthly website management • Web hosting (to reflect the significant increase in traffic since the site was launched, plus traffic will increase further by pushing listings to free job boards). • Technical support (will increase to reflect growth in traffic and upgrade of functionality). • Vacancy upload to Turning Point website (up to 40 listings per calendar month). Based on existing, transaction based fee, the monthly cost would be £1080.00. • Copy amendments to static and dynamic pages. • Creation of buttons and campaign pages (up to two per month). • Google analytics reporting (usually charged at £500.00 per month).
Commercial websites • There is no central budget for the next financial year. • You are therefore not able to ‘bulk buy’ web listings across a range of commercial websites. • However, you can benefit from annual contract discounts by buying ‘conservative’ packages with those websites you know will be chosen by recruiting managers. • The bundles can be purchased centrally and charged back to the business as they are used. • We believe these ‘safe’ sites to be Total Jobs, Reed and Guardian online.
We have already negotiated a discounted rate with Total Jobs and Reed. These are £250.00 (rate card £350.00) and £150.00 (rate card £220.00) respectively. • In the past 12 months you have placed 36 listings on Total Jobs and 22 on Reed. Current discounts amount to savings of over £5,000.00 pa. • An annual contract with each, for 48 and 25 listings respectively, would significantly increase this saving to almost £13,000.00 pa. • Total contract cost to Turning Point: £9,680.00 pa. • With continued growth you may wish to commit to larger contracts with greater savings, e.g. 96 listings with Total Jobs and 50 listings with Reed would increase savings to over £30,000 on rate card. • Total contract cost to Turning Point: £14,520.00 pa.
You currently benefit from a 10% volume based contract with The Guardian on and off line. • The contract began on 15th October 2009 and requires Turning Point to spend a minimum of £80,000 over 12 months. • To date your spend achievement is £34,769 (5 months) so you are on target to meet the contract requirements. • From 1st April 2009 – 3rd March 2010 you spent £80,000 with The Guardian. 74% in print and 26% online. • In the last 12 months you have placed 25 online listings. • Based on this, we have negotiated a bulk purchase deal for 25 premium listings at £10,000.00. This represents a saving of £11,375.00 to Turning Point.
Job point • We currently collate, edit, typeset and proof read ‘Job Point’. • It is published on IRIS with a link included in the weekly manager’s bulletin. • A small number of ‘At risk’ employees are posted a hard copy. • All external advertisements are published in ‘Job Point’. A small number of vacancies are only published in ‘Job Point’. • It is expensive for you. Time consuming for us. • We suggest we no longer produce ‘Job Point’, but instead you provide a link from IRIS to the ‘Work For Us’ pages. • We will create a monthly Eshot/poster to be sent to services to drive the internal audience to ‘Work For Us’. • The small number of internal vacancies can be uploaded to Iris. • Mahira currently trialling new approach for targeting the ‘At risk’ employees.
Cost savings • Total annual cost savings of purchasing ‘conservative’ bulk packages with Total Jobs, Reed and Guardian online is £19,375.00. • Total annual cost savings of developing automatic feed to post these listings to Total Jobs, Reed and Guardian online is £9,800.00. • Total annual cost savings for uploading listings to Turning Point website on an individual transaction basis: £12,960.00. • Total annual cost saving by no longer publishing ‘Job Point’: £12,000.00 • Total cost saving: £54,135.00.
Online investment • Total cost of all proposed upgrades to website is c.£25,000.00. • This is broken down by design and functionality c.£18,000.00 (excluding data mining) and reporting tools c.£7,000.00. • Monthly web management fee £1,800.00, i.e. £21,600.00 pa. • Total annual cost for monthly Eshots/posters to replace ‘Job Point’: £3,000.00 • Total investment: £49,600.00
Your new website will give you… • A modern, on-brand website that reflects your purpose and professionalism. • A significantly improved candidate experience. • All the reporting and data you need at no additional cost. • Optimised SEO & social media engagement. • The ability to handle ever-increasing levels of traffic. • The option to ‘bolt on’ an ATS in the future. • A platform that is likely to deliver even greater cost savings in future. …and immediate savings of over £4,500.00 over the next 12 months.
Print media • As with all recruiters, your reliance on print media is diminishing but it continues to play an important role as a recruitment marketing channel. • The most effective campaigns are those that harness the combined strength of traditional and digital media. • The need to actively market roles cannot be overlooked, particularly as the economy – and in turn the job market – recovers. • A recent survey by The Newspaper Society of over 2,000 passive and active job seeking adults reinforces this point: • Over half of the active job market are browsers. • Local media is the first place people look for jobs. • Use of social networking sites is low among job seekers,especially browsers. • 87% agree use of print and online creates a more powerful combination.
Social networking websites present you with a variety of new recruiting opportunities and enable you to promote your vacancies as well as your employer brand. • However engaging with social media requires a significant amount of effort over a long period of time. • Interesting content needs to be generated on a regular basis and resources need to be allocated to consistently engage with online communities. • Don’t rely on a ‘social media coordinator’ to deliver your social recruiting strategy. Utilise fellow employees to help you build relationships and deliver the content that will help you engage with online communities. • Implement a strategy that uses social media to evaluate and influence the perception of your organisation as an ‘Employer of Choice’. Distribute content about the employee experience and working environment via social media channels.
Social media provides the tools to facilitate the sharing of information, user interaction and relationship building. • For example, we can use social media to engage with the 16,000 candidates currently registered on the website. • The foundation of a successful recruiting strategy – let alone a social one – is your website. It acts as the central hub that will feed your social networking activities and provide the tracking data which will enable you to analyse your ROI. • If you are embarking on a social media strategy then auditing, analysing, understanding and monitoring your online employer reputation should be an integral part in developing that strategy - and measuring its effectiveness.
Social media monitoring Rule1: Listen to your market… …it comes before everything else.
Social media reports allow you to: • Monitorrelevant conversations across all social media. Almost impossible to do manually – over 5m new blog posts a day, and many more in forums and microblogs. • Measureyour share of voice, buzz volume, key influencers, key media channels, major topics, age/gender profile and the sentiment of each post. • Trackover time to identify trends and assess the impact of your engagement activities. • Compare your performance and ‘share of voice’ against key competitors. • Receive alertsin real time whenever negative posts appear so that you can respond appropriately.
The employer brand advantage • Engage potential candidates in dialogue. • Identify and nurture influencers and advocates. • Build external talent communities. • Identify small problems while they’re still small. • Target your ideal candidate based on user-generated information. • Drive traffic to your recruitment site. • Use social media to improve your SEO rankings.
Employer branding is simply… “…the company’s image as seen through the eyes of its associates and potential hires.” CIPD
You’ve already got an employer brand. The question is, are you in control of it? • Although you are clearly a major force within the social care sector, our experience suggests that there can be a surprising level of ignorance about exactly who you are and what you do. • Equally, we believe that the enormous scope and scale of your services is sometimes not fully appreciated. Individuals with knowledge or experience of your substance misuse services, for example, may not be aware of your engagement with mental health, learning disability, young people and employment. • To position you as an ‘Employer of Choice’, we need to do more than raise awareness of who you are and what you do among people already working in the social care sector. • Because you recruit people without sector-specific experience into social care roles, and other people into Head Office roles, your brand and your employment offer need to have equal currency and visibility in the wider recruitment market.
All of which presents us with a welcome opportunity • We are delighted to be given the opportunity to discuss with you our vision of how to move your employer brand forward. • Developing and enhancing your engagement with candidates, and helping to establish you as an ‘Employer of Choice’, will by definition be an ongoing and gradual process – but agreeing a clear, coherent and effective recruitment marketing platform is acrucial first step. • While our thinking is based on our long-established understanding of your business and how it works, we have made certain assumptions in putting together our creative proposals. • The final execution of our ideas may well change in the light of your feedback, but we hope that you will find value and potential in the logic that underpins our proposals.
Defining the creative challenge • To communicate what Turning Point is and what you do by highlighting the ultimate focus of all your roles: service users. • To capture the essence and ‘personality’ of Turning Point in ways that engage and excite potential candidates, existing employees, stakeholders and the public. • To differentiate Turning Point from the competition and articulate the values you live by. • To develop an approach that works across all jobs and sectors. • And to deliver all the above with clarity, consistency, coherence and impact.
Are you sitting comfortably…? Harness the power of stories Stories are compelling. They imprint themselves naturally into human minds. They motivate by portraying the world in vivid terms that build emotional connections among your audience, giving them a sense of shared purpose. To quote the CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi: “Great brands have always been supported by great stories…use stories to show why information matters.”[Kevin Roberts, Lovemarks, p.89-90] Make the stories credible and real In branding terms, the best stories are always relevant and based on fact. If you’ve made a difference to someone’s life, describe the impact it had on them. How have they benefited? What is now possible for them to achieve? And why does it matter? Inspire the right people to respond Choose stories that carefully target your selected audience and tap into their own personal and professional narratives. The objective is to engage and motivate only those individuals with the right combination of expertise, experience and empathy for the jobs being advertised.
What does success look like? • Quality of hire:Quality should be the most important recruiting metric. Results are driven by performance appraisal ratings and/or productivity 6 to 12 months into the new employee’s job as compared to their peers. • Manager satisfaction: Results are driven by the percentage of managers who are satisfied with the hiring process and the candidates. This metric provides important data to determine a hiring manager’s preferences before recruiting begins, and then to evaluate candidate performance post-hire. • Candidate satisfaction: Results are driven by the percentage of new hires who are satisfied with the hiring process. Candidate satisfaction surveys enable organisations to have a greater focus on the quality of service provided to each candidate, which in turn has a positive impact on their brand positioning/employment branding. Additional metrics are also valuable from candidates who were not selected, and candidates who declined offers. These last two groups are often overlooked, but they can provide valuable information about your recruiting operations.
Source of hire: Results are driven by the percentage of new hires from each defined candidate source and should include data relating to on-the-job performance and retention rates for each source. This metric helps organisations assess recruitment sources in terms of outcomes, not just numbers. • Pipeline development: Results are driven by the number of potential candidates the organisation has generated for future positions. Pipeline candidates can have a dramatic improvement on time-to-fill (candidates are already in process for commonly needed positions), cost-per-hire (pipeline candidates have no additional cost associated with placing them) and quality of hire.
We’ve covered a tremendous amount today, including: • Upgrading your website to make it work harder and better for you. • Ways of capitalising on multiple recruitment channels and options, including social media. • The importance of your recruitment brand. • A creative platform for taking your recruitment brand forward. • How we can work together meet Turning Point’s resourcing goals through better communication…improved briefing…and more efficient processes and paperwork. • Ways to measure the performance of the recruitment marketing activity. So all that remains to be said is… …Thank You