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Implementing Common Core State Standards in high school math acceleration pathways, meeting graduation requirements, and considering alternative courses to excel in mathematics.
ESCN LAUSD High school Acceleration Helping our students Excel
ESC – North PD Norms • What is learned here leaves here • Listen to understand • Be open to sharing and collaborating • Start on time, end on time • Be present • Silence cell phones • Value each other’s input • Focus on what the data tells us • Ask the hard questions • Think outside of the box
Common Core (CC) State Standards 1997 California State Standards Adopted 2010 Common Core (CC) State Standards Adopted by 45 states 2014-2015 Implementation of Common Core (CC) Math Courses ‘95 2000 2005 2010 2015 2013 Final CST 1998 Stanford 9 2001 CSTs 1997 STAR Testing Established
Some Changes for Math with CCSS • Some Elementary concepts have shifted to 6th Grade Math • Some Trig, Math Analysis, and Statistic concepts have shifted to Algebra 1 & 2 • Geometry has new concepts; Transformational Geometry and Statistics • Trig & Math Analysis are no longer offered as courses, they are replaced by Pre-Calculus • New 8th Grade Math Course
New Course for CCSS-M NOT YOUR MOTHER’S ALGEBRA 1 (based on sample “Traditional” pathway in CA Framework by LACOE) These Standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step.” - CCSS (2010, p.5)
California Department of EducationCDE: CC Math8 Course http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/cc/cd/documents/julyiqccourseplacemt.doc “Acceleration Options” (DOC)
2014-2015 Common Core (CC)MATHEMATICS PATHWAYS & COURSES 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade CC Math6 CC Math7 CC Math8 Accelerated Accelerated CC Math7 CC Algebra 1 Alt. Acc. Alt. Acc. CC Math6/7 CC Gr 8/Alg 1 CC Geometry Traditional Accelerated (6th Grade Exam) Alternative Accelerated (5th Grade Criteria)
A Closer Look: CCSSMAccelerated Pathway 4 Courses in 3 Years 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade CC Math6 Accelerated Accelerated CC Math7 CC Algebra 1 Middle School Accelerated (6th Grade Exam) Compacted Content / Standards Addressed ½ CC Math7 + First CC Math8 1 Courses CC Math6 1 Course Last CC Math8 + CC Algebra 1 1 Courses ½ TOTAL = ½ ½
A Closer Look: CCSSMAlternative Accelerated Pathway 5 Courses in 3 Years 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Alt. Acc. Alt. Acc. CC Math6 CC Algebra 1 CC Geometry Middle School Alternative Accelerated (5th Grade Criteria) Compacted Content / Standards Addressed CC Math8 + CC Algebra 1 2 Courses CC Math6 + CC Math7 2 Courses CC Geometry 1 Course TOTAL =
High School Acceleration Pathway What if you don’t accelerate in middle school? What if you accelerated in middle school, where will you end up? How do you end up enrolling in higher math courses, such as AP Calculus and AP Statistics & Probability?
HIGH SCHOOL Math PathwaysStarting point: Algebra i Students can take AP Calc AB or BC Two New Courses
HIGH SCHOOL Math Pathwaysconcurrent enrollment New Option with CCSS-M
NEW High School course To be taken after Geometry as approved by a criteria Covers 2.5 math courses in 1 year
NEW High School course Validates Algebra 2 for A-G To be taken after Geometry, no criteria needed
What are your Take aways? • Concurrent enrollment [Alg 1/Geo or Geo/Alg 2] • New Courses • Intro to Data Science • Honors Advanced Math • Options to accelerate in high school are numerous (over 174 identified options) – Be creative! Bottom line – Common Core provides universal access for all students to accelerate regardless of where they begin
Meeting the HS Graduation Requirements for Math Understanding the requirements and the validation process
Requirement 1Class of 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 CDE requires that all students pass Algebra 1 with a D or higher
Requirement 2Class of 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018 • CDE requires 20 credits (4 semesters) of high school math with D or better
Requirement 3Class of 2017 & 2018 LAUSD requires successful completion of 3 math courses with C or better through validation (A-G completion) Definition of Validation: when a student has successfully completed advanced work (C or better) in an area of sequential knowledge
Requirement 3 - defined Validations for Math: • C or better in second semester of Alg 1 validates the entire year (1 course) • C or better in second semester of Geo validates the entire year (1 course) • Each semester of Geometry must be attempted • C or better in second semester of Alg 2 validates both Algebra 1 & 2 (2 courses)
Requirement 3 - defined Validations for Math (continued): • C or better in second semester of Statistics validates both Algebra 1 & 2 (2 courses) • C or better in second semester of Pre-Calculus validates entire A-G requirement (3 courses)
Andrew has completed his Grad requirement for Math Scenario 1 Andrew’s Math Grade Did he meet his Grad requirement?
Emma has completed her Grad requirement for Math Scenario 2 Emma’s Math Grade Did she meet her Grad requirement?
Ben has NOT completed his Grad requirement for Math How might you help Ben meet his requirement? Focus on getting a “C” in Algebra 2 B only Scenario 3 Ben’s Math Grade Did he meet his Grad requirement?
Final thoughts If students pass each math course with C or better, all requirements will be met.