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How to Apply for a College Tech Prep Initiative

How to Apply for a College Tech Prep Initiative. Visit first. Apply as early as February 4 th , 2014. What information will I need to complete the application?. You will need emergency phone contact information for your parent(s) or guardian(s).

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How to Apply for a College Tech Prep Initiative

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Apply for a College Tech Prep Initiative Visit first. Apply as early as February 4th, 2014

  2. What information will I need to complete the application? • You will need emergency phone contact information for your parent(s) or guardian(s). • You will need two email addresses - one for yourself such as a school email, and one email address for a parent/guardian.

  3. When Should I Apply? • Apply AFTER you have visited the College Tech Prep Initiatives of your choice. • Visiting the College Tech Prep Initiatives of your choice will be a VERY important step in this process. It is essential that you visit to learn as much as possible before you applyas you will be making in most cases, a two year commitment. • If you were ill on the visitation date, please see your school counselor to arrange for an independent visitation. • If you apply before you have attended the visitation day– PLEASE log back into your application and update the question asking if you have visited. Please remember that the “visitation” is highly valued by the screening and placement committee during their consideration.

  4. Where is the Website to Apply? • Please become familiar with the Six District Educational Compact Website. It will become a source of important information for you now and in the future. There is a hyperlink at the end of this presentation to that website. • This is where you will find the application, or you may use the QR code on the back of the Career Catalog for 2014-2015.

  5. How Do I Begin the Application? • Click the “Apply Now” button on the Six District Educational Compact website. • Work through each step carefully. • Write down your password so that you may log back into your application to update information.

  6. Tips to make your Application Stand Out! • Please use proper capitalization in your responses (do not use text language) as each application is carefully read by several screening and placement committee members. • Make certain that your name is spelled correctly and you have used the first and last name slots properly. • Double check the typing of your email addresses. Important information will be coming to you about acceptance and Student/Teacher Receptions through your email addresses. If they are not typed correctly, you may never receive the emails! • Please consider the answers to the questions CAREFULLY before you type them. Be sure that you have written enough to demonstrate your interest about why you wish to join this College Tech Prep Initiative.

  7. Selecting the College Tech Prep Initiative • We invite you to apply for the College Tech Prep Initiative of your strongest interest. However, you may apply for no more than three College Tech Prep Initiatives for consideration. • On the application you will see the list of the names of available options. Place a checkmark in front of the College Tech Prep option(s) of your choice. • Please be advised that you must prioritize your selections if you made multiple requests. If you are accepted in your first choice will be the primary consideration. Please prioritize with conviction that your first choice is truly the option you want.

  8. Choosing a Counselor Reference • The first reference is for your High School Counselor. Use the drop-down box; locate your high school; select the name of your school counselor. • Please go to your counselor personally to ask that he/she complete the reference on your behalf.

  9. Ready to Submit? • Please proofread your application BEFORE you hit the “Submit” button. • Print the draft copy for your files. • Write down your password. • Please make certain that your application looks as professional as you can make it. The application represents you!

  10. When Will I Find Out if I Am Accepted into the College Tech Prep Initiative? • Notification will come to you by email in mid April. • Following the Screening and Placement meeting, you will be notified by email of your placement status: 1) Accepted 2) Accepted with Condition 3) Wait List 4) Not Accepted • It is important that your email addresses are typed correctly! Check your email frequently.

  11. Final Step! • Following your acceptance, it is important that you inform you school counselor of your decision to accept or decline the seat in the College Tech Prep Initiative. You will have one week after your acceptance to discuss this with your parent/guardian and school counselor. • Accepted students will be invited by email to a Student/Teacher Reception. You and your parents are strongly encouraged to attend. Information about this reception is in your acceptance letter in your email. You will be directed to the Six District Educational Compact website to view the invitation flyer.

  12. Thank You For Considering a Dynamic Future With the Six District Educational Compact! Start your application at www.sixdistrict.com

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