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List 5 bookcase lighthouse snowman h eadache downhill headphones

List 5 bookcase lighthouse snowman h eadache downhill headphones downstairs headfirst bookmark snowflake downtown daylight flashlight bookworm downpour. List 6 human reason pilot Wagon peanut student Leader sneaker minute Humour problem pattern

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List 5 bookcase lighthouse snowman h eadache downhill headphones

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Presentation Transcript

  1. List 5 bookcaselighthousesnowman headachedownhill headphones downstairsheadfirstbookmark snowflakedowntowndaylight flashlightbookworm downpour List 6 human reason pilot Wagon peanutstudent Leader sneaker minute Humour problem pattern chapter female number List 8 hopinghoppingcleaned skippedplottingquoted jokingwrappedgreeted Hunted skatedleaking fadedfloated panting List 7 athletepilgrimcreate controlcompletechildren poetduetpumpkin monsterriotmushroom Halfway poemcruel

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