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Complex Plasmas and Plasma Crystal (Plasma Physics under Microgravity)

Complex Plasmas and Plasma Crystal (Plasma Physics under Microgravity). Markus H. Thoma Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik. What is a plasma? What is a complex plasma? What is a plasma crystal? Plasma experiments under microgravity. 1. What is a plasma?.

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Complex Plasmas and Plasma Crystal (Plasma Physics under Microgravity)

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  1. Complex Plasmas and Plasma Crystal (Plasma Physics under Microgravity) Markus H. Thoma Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik • What is a plasma? • What is a complex plasma? • What is a plasma crystal? • Plasma experiments under microgravity

  2. 1.What is a plasma? Plasma= (partly)ionized gas(4. state of matter) 99% of the visible matter in universe Plasmas emit light

  3. Plasmas can be produced by high temperatures electric fields radiation

  4. Quantum Plasmas Supernova W. dwarfs 106 Sun 103 Flames Lightening Tubes Pressure “Neon” 1 Relativistic Plasmas Fusion 10-3 Discharges Aurora Corona 10-6 Comets 100 103 106 Kelvin Temperature bar Complex Plasmas Strongly coupled Plasmas

  5. 2. What is a complex plasma? Complex plasmas = multi component plasmas containing in addition to electrons, ions and neutral gas microparticles, e.g. dust Example: microparticles (1-10 mm) in a low-temperature discharge plasma • Dust particles get highly charged by electron collection: • strong Coulomb interaction between particles

  6. RF- or DC-discharge in plasma chamber Noble gases at 300 K and 0.1 – 1.0 mbar Injection of monodisperse plastic spheres

  7. Electrostatic field above the lower electrode or the glass wall levitates particles against gravity

  8. Illumination of microparticles with a laser sheet, recording of scattered light by a CCD camera

  9. Excitation of plasma waves

  10. Turbulence in particle flow How many particles are needed for collectivity? How do macroscopic quantities (e.g. viscosity) develop?

  11. Nanofluidics

  12. Simulation of a Laval nozzle

  13. Complex plasmas in strong magnetic fields

  14. Applications of complex plasmas: Microscopic models for structure formation, dynamical processes, and self-organisation in plasma, fluid, solid state, and nuclear physics Astrophysics: comets, planetary rings, accretion disks, interstellar clouds, and star and planet formation • Technology: Microchip • production by plasma • etching of silicon wafer • g dust contamination, • stabilization of solar cells

  15. 4. What is a plasma crystal? Strong interaction between microparticles Complex plasmas may exist in gaseous, liquid or solid phase (new states of „soft matter“, self-organisation) 1986: theoretical prediction of the crystallization of dust particles in laboratory plasmas 1994: discovery of the plasma crystal at MPE, in Taiwan and Japan

  16. Melting of the crystal by pressure reduction

  17. Crystallization

  18. Mach cone in plasma crystal

  19. 5. Plasma experiments under microgravity • Disturbing effects of gravity on complex plasmas: • Electrostatic field for levitation of particles neccessary • Restriction to plasma sheath (electric field for levitation • strong enough) gquasi 2D crystals, complicated plasma conditions • Gravity comparable to force between particles • g structure and dynamics of complex plasmas changed, weak forces • (attraction, ion drag) are covered • Some experimente (in particular with larger particles) impossible

  20. Microgravityg particles in field free bulk plasma Laboratory Microgravity

  21. PK-3 Plus PK-4 2008 ISS 2006 PKE-Nefedov 2004 2002 Texus 2000 1998 1994 1996 Parabolic flights MPE experiments under microgravity IMPF

  22. What are parabolic flights?

  23. 35. ESA parabolic flight campaign (Bordeaux, October 2003)

  24. PKE-Nefedov Experiments on the space station from 2001 to 2005 (supported by DLR) First scientific experiment on board of the ISS Collaboration with Institute for High Energy Densities (Moscow)

  25. PKE-Nefedov on board of the ISS

  26. „Heart-beat instability“

  27. Agglomerationg starting phase of planet formation?

  28. Conclusions and Qutlook • Complex plasmas = strongly coupled systems • gliquid and crystalline phases • easy to observe gmodel system for crystallization, phase transitions • and dynamical and collective properties on the kinetic and • microscopiclevel • Important applications in fundamental research, astrophysics and • technologyg rapidly growing research field • New, complementary experiments in the laboratory and on the ISS • ISS experiments: • PKE-Nefedov: 2001-2005 • PK-3 Plus:launced21.12.2005, first experiment: 9.1.2006, • PK-4:scheduled for 2008/2009, • IMPF(International Microgravity Plasma Facility): planned for the European • space laboratory Columbus from 2008

  29. Thank you very much for your attention!

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