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HRWG / IPSG EUPAN Meeting 4th April, Dublin Castle. Cross Country Comparison of Reforms The View of Top Executives in 11 European Countries Preliminary Results from the COCOPS Executive Survey Gerhard Hammerschmid Steven Van de Walle. COCOPS Project.
HRWG / IPSG EUPAN Meeting 4th April, Dublin Castle Cross Country ComparisonofReforms The View of Top Executives in 11 European Countries PreliminaryResultsfromthe COCOPS Executive Survey Gerhard Hammerschmid Steven Van de Walle
COCOPS Project • EU FP 7 project together with 10 university partners in 10 EU countries: Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future (2011-2014) • Seeks to comparatively and quantitatively assess the impact of New Public Management-style reforms in European countries • Systematic analyses of citizen survey data, budgetary/employment statistics, reform evaluation documents (database) • Largest EU wide executive survey on the impact of management reforms • www.cocops.eu
Reforms in EuropeThe COCOPS European-wide survey • Survey sent to more than 22.000 executives in 11 European States • Comparative sample covering top executives from both central government ministries and agencies/subordinate bodies plus additional executives in employment and health • Online Survey with different country versions (translated to national languages) • Per March 2013 survey completed in 11 countries with answers from 5185 executives (overall response rate 23.1%) • In 4 more countries in progress • Sample for the current presentation:central government top executives(n=3460)
Use of Instruments in Organization Question: Towhatextentarethefollowinginstrumentsused in yourorganization?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Use of Instruments in Organization Question: Towhatextentareperformanceappraisalsused in yourorganization?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Use of Instruments in Organization Question: Towhatextentisbusiness/strategicplanningused in yourorganization?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Use of Instruments in Organization Question: Towhatextentismangementbyobjectives/resultsused in yourorganization?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Use of Instruments in Organization Question: Towhatextentisperformancerelatedpayused in yourorganization?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Use of Instruments in Organization Question: Towhatextentarequalitymanagementsystemsused in yourorganization?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Use of Instruments in Organization Question: Towhatextentisbenchmarkingused in yourorganization?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Use of Instruments in Organization Question: Towhatextentarecustomer/usersurveysused in yourorganization?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Relevance of Reform Trendsin Policy Area Question: Howimportantarethefollowingreformtrends in yourpolicyarea?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Relevance of Reform Trendsin Policy Area Question: Howimportantispublicsectordownsizingin yourpolicyarea?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Relevance of Reform Trendsin Policy Area Question: Howimportantisdigital/e-governmentin yourpolicyarea?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Relevance of Reform Trendsin Policy Area Question: Howimportantisflexibilisationofemployment in yourpolicyarea?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Relevance of Reform Trendsin Policy Area Question: Howimportantiscustomerorientation in yourpolicyarea?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Relevance of Reform Trendsin Policy Area Question: Howimportantiscitizenparticipation in yourpolicyarea?(1 = not at all; 7 = to a large extent)
Assessment of ReformsSuccessfull and Enough? Question: Public sector reforms in my policy area tend to be successful vs. unsuccessful; tend to be too much vs. not enough (both scale 1-10)
Impact of ReformsOverall Development of Public Admin. Question: Comparedwith 5 yearsago, howwouldyousaythingshavedevelopedwhenitcomestothewaypublicadministrationruns in yourcountry? (1-3 = deteriorated; 8-10 improved)
Impact of ReformsPerformance Changes Question: Thinkingofyourpolicyareaoverthe last fiveyearshowwouldyou rate thewaypublicadministrationhasperformed on thedimensioncostandefficiency?(1 = deterioratedsignificantly; 7= improvedsignificantly)
Impact of ReformsPerformance Changes Question: Thinkingofyourpolicyareaoverthe last fiveyearshowwouldyou rate thewaypublicadministrationhasperformed on thedimensionservicequality?(1 = deterioratedsignificantly; 7= improvedsignificantly)
Impact of ReformsPerformance Changes Question: Thinkingofyourpolicyareaoverthe last fiveyearshowwouldyou rate thewaypublicadministrationhasperformed on thedimensionpolicyeffectiveness?(1 = deterioratedsignificantly; 7= improvedsignificantly)
Impact of ReformsPerformance Changes Question: Thinkingofyourpolicyareaoverthe last fiveyearshowwouldyou rate thewayp.a.hasperformed on thedimensionstaffmotivationandattitudestowardswork?(1 = deterioratedsignificantly; 7= improvedsignificantly)
Impact of ReformsPerformance Changes Question: Thinkingofyourpolicyareaoverthe last 5years howwouldyou rate theway p.a. hasperformed on thedimensionattractivenessofthepublicsectoras an employer?(1 = deterioratedsignificantly; 7= improvedsignificantly)
First Conclusions and Points for Discussion • Success Factors with regard to own organization • Strategic/business planning, target/result orientation, performance appraisal • Clear targets • Policy and budgetary autonomy • Success Factors with regard to policy field: • Administrative reform with high public involvement, top-down, consistent and with a focus on service improvement (vs. cost-cutting and savings) • Content focus on citizen participation, reduction of red tape, transparency & „open government“ • Good cooperation among government bodies and with other sectors • We are especially interested in • Your comments, interpretations and conclusions? • Areas of interest for further analyses? • Recommendations for a policy brief we can draw from this?
Further Information and Results • Homepage: www.cocops.eu • Working Paper Series • Policy Briefs • Research Results (Deliverables) • Events • Newsletter The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 266887 (Project COCOPS), Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities. Contact us: Gerhard Hammerschmid Steven Van de Walle Professor for Public and Financial Management Professor of Public AdministrationHertie School of Governance Erasmus University RotterdamFriedrichstr. 180 PO Box 1738, room M7-12 10117 Berlin 3000 DR RotterdamT: +49 30 259219201 T: +31 10 408 2518 hammerschmid@hertie-school.orgvandewalle@fsw.eur.nl