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Demographic Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa

Demographic Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. John F. May, The World Bank May 6, 2009. Demography of SSA. A Phenomenal Growth. Latin America, Caribbean. Sub-Saharan Africa. Least developed countries. Asia. Other developing countries . Developed countries.

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Demographic Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Demographic Challengesin Sub-Saharan Africa John F. May, The World Bank May 6,2009

  2. Demography of SSA

  3. A PhenomenalGrowth Latin America, Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Least developed countries Asia Other developing countries Developed countries

  4. Number of SchoolChildrenMultiplied by 4 Sub-Saharan Africa Least developed countries Other developing countries Latin America, Caribbean Asia Developed countries

  5. Slow Contraceptive Change • Still low contraceptive use in many SSA countries • Prevalence rates often increasing at 0.5 percentage point per year • At that rate, current “unmet needs” will be fulfilled in 50 years • Double denial of women’s rights

  6. Policy Implications

  7. The Choice Before Us • A slow fertility transition triggered by socio-economic changes only OR • A faster fertility transition with enhanced reproductive choices for women, in line with the Cairo PoA

  8. Prerequisites for Sound ActionStrong political & civil society commitmentRehabilitation of family planning Creating an accountability cultureThe public sector cannot do it all

  9. The Way Forward (1)Update population projections into tools for decision makingRevise population policies (mix of rights & quantitative targets)Harmonize all strategies (e.g., PRSPs, gender, health, RH products, etc.)

  10. The Way Forward (2)Reposition population issues within poverty reduction strategiesInsert budget item lines for contraceptives Coordinate funding with all donors

  11. The Way Forward (3)Implement nationwide IEC and BCC campaigns incl. championsExpand family planning coverage by 1.5 percentage point per yearChoose few activities, and scale them up

  12. Two Most Urgent “Unmet Needs” • Reformulate the messages on population & family planning • Launch an international effort to increase the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) by 1.5 percentage point per year

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