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Introduktion til medier og kommunikation 7. 11. oktober. Movember. Transmissionsmodellen. Shannon, C. E., & Weaver, W. (1963). The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Original Publication: 1949, ISBN: 0252725484. P. 7. Roman Jakobssons model.
Introduktion til medier og kommunikation 7 • 11. oktober
Transmissionsmodellen Shannon, C. E., & Weaver, W. (1963). The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Original Publication: 1949, ISBN: 0252725484. P. 7.
Roman Jakobssons model Kontekst (1) Meddelelse (6) Kontakt (4) Kode (5) Afsender (2) Modtager (3) • Hvad fokuserer meddelelsen på? • Den referentielle funktion • Den emotive funktion • Den konative funktion • Den fatiske funktion • Den metasproglige funktion • Den poetiske funktion Jakobson, R. (1960). Closing Statements: Linguistics and Poetics. In T. A. Sebeok (Ed.), Style in Language. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press. Lyngsø, N. (2000). Kunst og kommunikation. In F. Stjernfelt & O. Thyssen (Eds.), Æstetisk kommunikation (1. ed.). København: Handelshøjskolens Forlag.
Castells: Theory of the Network Society • Manuel Castells (spansk sociolog, 1942-) • En af de mest berømte og indflydelsesrige internetteoretikere • Også en af de mest citerede indenfor sociologi og kommunikation • Hans hovedværk er trilogien The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture
Power is nothing without control • Social structure is formed by the interplay between • relationships of production/consumption; • relationships of experience; and • relationships of power Castells, Manuel (2000). Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society. British Journal of Sociology, 51(1), 5, p. 7, ISSN: 0007 1315.
Production/consumption • Production is the action of humankind on matter (nature), to appropriate it and transform it for its benefit by obtaining a product, consuming (unevenly) part of it, and accumulating the surplus for investment, according to socially decided goals. Consumption is the appropriation of the product by humans for their individual benefit. Analytically, it is a component of the production process, seen from the reverse side.
Experience • Experience is the action of humans on themselves, determined by the interplay between their biological and cultural identities, and in relationship to their social and natural environment. It is constructed around the endless search for the fulfillment of human needs and desires.
Power • Power is the action of humans on other humans to impose their will on others, by the use, potential or actual, of symbolic or physical violence. Institutions of society are built to enforce power relationships existing in each historical period, including the controls, limits, and social contracts, achieved in the power struggles.
Technology • There is another layer that is folded in production/consumption, experience, power, and culture. This is technology. By technology I mean ‘the use of scientific knowledge to specify ways of doing things in a reproducible manner’. Castells, Manuel (2000). Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society. British Journal of Sociology, 51(1), 5, p. 8, ISSN: 0007 1315.
A new economy • First, it is informational, that is, the capacity of generating knowledge and processing/managing information determine the productivity and competitiveness of all kinds of economic units, be they firms, regions, or countries. • Second, this new economy is global in the precise sense that its core, strategic activities, have the capacity to work as a unit on a planetary scale in real time or chosen time. By core activities I mean financial markets, science and technology, international trade of goods and services, advanced business services, multinational production firms and their ancillary networks, communication media, and highly skilled speciality labour. • Third, the new economy is networked. At the heart of the connectivity of the global economy and of the flexibility of informational production, there is a new form of economic organization, the network enterprise. Castells, Manuel (2000). Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society. British Journal of Sociology, 51(1), 5, p. 10, ISSN: 0007 1315.
Network logic • Networks de-centre performance and share decision-making. By definition, a network has no centre. It works on a binary logic: inclusion/exclusion. • All there is in the network is useful and necessary for the existence of the network. • What is not in the network does not exist from the network’s perspective, and thus must be either ignored, or eliminated. Castells, Manuel (2000). Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society. British Journal of Sociology, 51(1), 5, p. 15, ISSN: 0007 1315.
Nodes are switchers • Thus, the relevance, and relative weight of nodes does not come from their specific features, but from their ability to be trusted by the network with an extrashare of information. In this sense, the main nodes are not centres, but switchers, following a networking logic rather than a command logic, in their function vis-à-vis the overall structure. Castells, Manuel (2000). Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society. British Journal of Sociology, 51(1), 5, p. 16, ISSN: 0007 1315.
Two-step flow: Communication as a collective phenomenon • Refines hypodermic needle theory • Combines mediated and interpersonal communication Katz, E., & Lazarsfeld, P. F. (1955). Personal influence; the part played by people in the flow of mass communications. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
Three-step flow • Two-step flow (Paul Lazarsfield, Elihu Katz) • Mass medium • Interpersonal communication • Three-step flow (Bruhn Jensen) • Mass medium • Personal medium, e.g.,Twitter • Interpersonal communication Jensen, Klaus Bruhn (2009). Three-step flow. Journalism, 10(3), 335-337, http://jou.sagepub.com. Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix, Bernard Berelson, & Hazel Gaudet (1944). The People's Choice; How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign. New York: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce.
Stærke og svage offentlige sfærer • Hvor er de svage offentlige sfærer? Nationalt, internationalt? • EU, Europeana, Facebook • Hvor er de stærke offentlige sfærer? Nationalt, internationalt? • Berlingske, Anonymous, New York Times, Facebook
Næste gang: mobile medier • Gitte Stald. 2007. Mobile identity: Youth, Identity, and Mobile Communication Media i Youth, Identity, and Digital Media • Rich Ling. 2008. ”Bounded solidarity: Mobile communication and cohesion in the familiar sphere” og ”The racalibration of social cohesion” i New Tech, New Ties