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Roman life

Roman life.

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Roman life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Roman life The Roman idea of family included not just a husband and wife and their children, but also their slaves (if they had any.) They didn’t have a room each , in the hole house there was just one room. Some of there roof were flat. Sometimes in good weather they would sleep on the roof. Around there homes they used to build tail stone walls to keep burglars out.

  2. Roman coins and broaches • Roman coin are very different to are today. Roman people used to have a tiny coin called the minerm but there were big heavy ones . • There broaches held there clothes togever , were as overs were just nice to ware.

  3. The Colosseum The Roman Coliseum, originally known as the FlavianAmphitheatre. The building was made by Nero who used to be a leader. The Romans used the building for shows like sord fights that weren ‘ t very nice because someone all whys get killed. The Coliseum still stands today it a tracks a lot of torists .

  4. All you can see on the right side of the red line is Rome .

  5. Beans, olives, and peas were grown in Italy that they ate. Broccoli, leeks, important. The fruit they ate were grapes , apples and over lovely fruits we enjoy.

  6. CLOTHES • The Romans used a lot of wool because other materials were not available other then linen. The needles they had were very coarse and difficult to use. Clothing was held together by a broach or clasp. • TUNICSwere the standard dress of Rome. The men's hung to the knees and the women's would generally reached to the ground also the women's had sleeves. However it took until the second or third centre AD for long sleeves to become acceptable for men.

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